We're Just Two Men As God Had Made Us

Chapter Seven

Gerard's POV

Hmm, should think about raiding Frank's stash of Kool-aide later... I looked up fromy my Froot Loops to see the man I love gazing (there was NO other word to describe his look!) at me with utter love and affection in his eyes and my heart jumped in my chest. He caught me looking and turned away,blushing furiously. Gosh, I loved it when he blushed. The way the pink tinge graced his alabaster skin made me want to plant a soft kiss on his pink cheeks.

I hopped off the counter and said, "I hope you don't mind, Mikey, but I invited Bob and Sarah over." Even though I knew they'd be all over each other and try to have at least a 5 minute conversation was virtually impossible.

"Sure I don't."

Bob was one of my very good friends and Sarah was his lovely SOULMATE... =) But Mikey had yet to warm up to them because he wasn't a very people person. He only had a couple of close friends, Frankie and a girl called Lilly. She was lovely, but a little on the sensitive-temperamental-artist side, which made me quite jumpy when she was near.

"Yeah, don't mind me, huh." Frank snorted from his bowl of Froot Loops.

"Yeah, I won't." Hehehe, not really the reply HE wanted. I'm EVILLL.

I heard a knock on the door. That must be him now. I opened it to find him making out with Sarah. "Sheesh guys, get a room!" But I had to admit, they looked so loving, perfectly moulded together like that. His body enfolded her small frame (in comparison to his solid one) in a world of safety that couples truly in love could only experience.

"I know, that's why we came over, right?" Bob murmured from the side of his mouth, not even attempting to look at me. I shook my head and shoved them into the living room and onto the couch. They happily "accepted" the position and continued making out, worse than ever. Well, so much for a productive afternoon.