We're Just Two Men As God Had Made Us

Chapter Nine

Next week...
Mikey's POV

Gragh. It was a school day. I rolled over and whacked my alarm clock clumsily and staggered out of bed. Curse the man who invented education... I pulled on my hole-iest jeans and my Misfits tee and oozed downstairs for brekkie. Mom was making a fry up for us to make up for the past few days of cold cereal whilst she nursed a hangover in her room.

"Mmm, smells good."

"Thanks, honey," she replied and put a plate of fried eggs and bacon down on the table. *drool*

I speared the bacon with my fork and shoved it into my mouth, my mood instantly better. "Mom, where's Gee?"

"Sleeping in. You know he's taken a break from working at that stupid record store."

"Oh yeah..." Gee was so lucky. He didn't have to go to school and deal with the stupid jocks who thought they were the salt of the earth, thus thinking they had the right to go around labelling people "fags" and "emos" like soup cans. I shovelled down the rest of my brekkie, struggled into my jacket and trudged off to the bus stop to meet Frank and wait for the bus.

When I reached, he was already there. He was drinking MORE Kool Aide. I think he must've bought out the entire stock. The bus pulled up and Frank got up, but I stayed, reluctant to board the bus that delivered me into my own personal Auschwitz-Birkenau(nazi concentration camp).

"Mikey, we must too move on like the hedgehog." Frank prodded me.

"What? Frank, do you even hear what you're saying?" I shook my head in disbelief. This boy could bring randomness to the next level.

"No. Wanna go beaver hunting?"

I shook my head even harder and yanked him into the bus as the doors were about to close. Dooshbag...

Frank's POV