Sequel: But You Loved Me
Status: Completed. Thank you all for all the love you've given this. Much appreciated. x

You're Gonna Love Me


It’s amazing the way a person can change you.

This time a few months ago, this wouldn’t have even bothered me. I would have brushed it off, marched right back over there, and refuse to leave until he admitted it. And it probably would have resulted in the worst relationship I’d ever been in. And that’s a pretty difficult title to fill; I’ve had a lot of awful relationships. But honestly, I think that without him constantly denying his feelings, then that’s all it would have been to me, just another awful relationship. I wouldn’t have fallen the way I did. It wouldn’t have meant anything to me. He wouldn’t have meant anything to me. And while, right now, I wish that he didn’t. I know things would have been a hell of a lot worse if he hadn’t.

Now I suppose you could say that I gave up. That I didn’t fight. That I went soft. And the me from a few months ago would completely agree with you. And you’d both be absolutely right. If you weren’t, I wouldn’t have ended up sitting in my bedroom, crying into a bowl of ice cream – and no, for once in my life, I wasn’t joking. But if you asked me now, then I’d tell you that I did the right thing. I’d tell you that even though it might hurt for a while. It would have been worse for both of us if things had stayed how they were.

I wish I could go back, change it all. Do it different. I wish that I could have stuck to what I’d decided on all those months ago. But what choice do I have now? I’ve walked away, and all I can do now, is stay away, and hope that by doing that, I’ve done us both a favour.
♠ ♠ ♠
....... It's done.
Years of work (literally) , and it's done. I honestly feel really quite sad about that. :( I really can't believe it's over, BUT, I will be back with a sequel very soon! I do apologise for the shortness of this, but its really just to sum a few things up.

For, probably the hundredth time, thank you all, so much. I honestly cannot stress enough how much I love you all for putting up with this, and with me, because I know I sure would have. Thank you to all for all the lovely feedback. I'm so grateful to every single one of you, and I cannot thank you enough for all the love you've given this story, especially all the wonderful comments on the last chapter. It's insanely appreciated.

OH YEAH! I believe I said I'd give you the sequel title, didn't I?
Are you ready?
*drum roll*

But You Loved Me
So be sure to keep your eyes peeled for the first chapter of that! :)

One final time, thank you. <3
Abbee. xo