Sequel: Where's My Romeo?
Status: Finshed

Who Said Romeo was the Perfect Man

You Ask A Lot of Questions

I was waiting on the porch for the taxi that was going to take me to the airport. I was wearing my signature look. I had all three suitcases surrounding me and then my backpack in front of me. Slowly the taxi pulled up. He helped me load my stuff into the trunk. I got inside the car and put my headphones in and turned my iPod on.

“Where to, Miss?” the cabby asked.

“The airport please.” I looked out the window and watch everything go by. We got to the airport and the cabby helped me with my suitcases. I tipped the taxi driver and he was off. I check all my stuff in and went and got on the plane. The plane ride was pretty uneventful except for the guy who was sitting across the isle from. He was creepy and I have seen creepy. He kept on staring at me, but I flipped him off so he left me alone.

I got off the plane and there was a guy in a suit holding a sign with my name on it. I walked over to him.

"Miss Steingard?" he asked.

“Yep, that’s me,” I said.

“I’m here to drive you to Dempsey Academy,” he said smiling. We walked to get my luggage. Once we got my stuff, we went to a car that had the Dempsey Academy logo on it. Mr. Archer, the guy who was going to drive me to the academy, opened the door for me. I got in and he shut the door. Mr. Archer walked around and got into the driver’s seat and then he handed me envelope. I opened it.

Dear Miss Abigail Steingard,

We are pleased to have you here at Dempsey Academy. We were informed about your past, but we will give you a clean record if you can keep your grades at 3.5 or higher. None of the staff or students knows about the incident and we are willing to keep it that way. We, here at Dempsey Academy, have very high standards, but we think you will do just fine. Here is your class schedule and dorm number.

I looked up and we were pulling onto campus.

“What dorm are you in?” Mr. Archer asked.

“Roosevelt #43.” We pulled up to a building that looked like apartments. I got out and Mr. Archer grabbed two of my bags and grabbed the other one. We walked upstairs to room #43.

“Do you need help with anything?” Mr. Archer asked.

“No, I’m fine. Can I walk around campus and find out where all my classes are?”

“That would be fine,” he said smiling. He turned around and walked out. I stood there once again surrounded by my bags. I grabbed my iPod dock and plug it in. I put iPod on and it started playing “Disturbia” by Rihanna. I then took out my makeup and went into my own bathroom. I looked into the mirror. I was a mess. I hate flying. I redid my hair and reapplied my eyeliner. I went back into my room and started unpacking. I think I brought my whole closet. I had clothes everywhere when I heard a knock on my door. I walked over and opened the door. A girl with long brown hair was standing there.

“Hi, Abigail? I’m Brie and I was just wondering if you are settling in alright?” she asked.
“Yeah, I’m doing just fine, and call me Abby,” I said. Just as I said that “Untouched” by the Veronicas started playing.

“Are you sure that you don’t need any help?” she asked, “with your music taste,” she whispered.

“Excuse me?” I said harshly. I crossed my arms and plus I was about 5 inches taller than her so she had to look up to me.

“You heard me,” she said trying to get into my face.

“Yeah, I did, and if you’re going to make fun of somebody make sure its someone who isn’t me.” She tried to get into my face again but a teacher walked up the hall.

“Girls, is there any trouble here?” she asked.

“No, Brie here was just leaving,” I said.

“Alright,” she as walked away. Brie turned to me and I smirked. She turned around and stalked off. I walked back into my room and looked at my clock and it was ten to six. I remembered that Mr. Archer said that dinner was at six. So I grabbed my jacket and walked out. I walked outside and then remembered that I had no idea where the mess hall was. I looked around. Somebody walked up behind me.

“Are you lost?” he asked. I turned around to see this guy with the prettiest eyes ever.

“Just a little,” I admitted.

“Well, if you’re going to the mess hall I can take you there?”

“That would be great,” I said smiling. “I’m Abby by the way.”

“I’m Chad. So where are you from?”

“Well, I’m from LA, but my parents just moved to Colorado.”

“Cool. Do you know anyone here?”

“Nope. Well, unless that girl right there.” I pointed to Brie as we walked into the mess hall. “I met her when I got here and we had a falling out.”

“Oh Brie. What did she do?”

“She said that I needed help with my music taste,” I said smiling.

“Yeah, she can be that way. So since you know no one I will be your first friend.”

“Thanks,” I said smiling. We go in line for our food, and then went over and sat down. “Since you have gone here, would you show me around campus?”

“Yeah, I could do that,” Chad said smiling.


“Do you need any help with unpacking or anything?”

“No, I’m almost done. I will probably be done by tonight.”

“What classes are you taking this quarter?” Chad asked.

“Algebra 2, English 10, British Literature, World History, Biology, Consumer Math, and P.E.”

“Wow, I’m taking the same classes. Are you going to play any sports?”

“Probably not this year, but I might play volleyball next year,” I said as I looked around.

“Have you played it before?”

“I played it in junior high, and I was one of the best players on the team.”

“Why didn’t you play it last year if you were so good?”

“You know, you sure do ask a lot of questions,” I said smiling.

“Well, I just want to get to know my friend better. So, why didn’t you?”

“I got involved with the wrong group of people.”

“What happened?” Chad asked.

“I might tell you later,” I said. I smirked; I realized that our faces were only inches apart. We leaned back. “So, let me guess, by the way that Brie and every other girl is staring at you, you must be one of the popular guys here.”

“I guess you could call me popular, but every guy in here is staring at you.”

“How do you know that they’re gay and they are staring at you,” I said smiling.

“That could be possible, but the only guy that I know of who is gay is Micah LeCross. And I think he is staring at me,” he said as he looked down.

“Which one is he?” I said looking around.

“He’s the one sitting in the corner with those two girls.”

“Whoa, he’s cute,” I said. I looked back to Chad and he was smiling at me. “What?”

“You have a really beautiful smile.”

“Thanks,” I said. I looked up and Brie was standing there.

“Hey Chad, why don’t you come and sit with us,” Brie asked. She was trying to make a move on Chad.

“I’m sitting with Abby here,” Chad said as he looked at me.

“You don’t have to sit with her,” she said as she glanced at me.

“I want to sit with her,” Chad said to Brie.

“Oh, okay. Anyways, are you doing anything tomorrow?”

“Yeah, I’m showing Abby around campus.”

“But that should only take a few hours so you won’t be doing anything at night, right,” Brie said.

“Um,” Chad said.

“He’s taking me to the movies,” I said smiling at Brie.

“Oh, um okay. I‘ll talk to you later,” Brie said. She turned around and walked back to her table.

“Thank you,” he said. “She has been trying to go out with me since last year, and I couldn’t think of an excuse.”

“You’re welcome, and you don’t have to take me to the movies tomorrow night,” I said.

“Maybe I was going to ask you to the movies anyways,” he said trying to charm me.

“Well, it’s a possibility,” I said smiling.

“What if I say we go as just friends?”

“Then I would say yes.”

“Great. So, what do you want to do?” We walked out of the mess hall.

“I don’t know.”

“Well we could get our text books for our classes,” he said.

“We could do that,” I said smiling.
♠ ♠ ♠
Abby's look.
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