Sequel: Where's My Romeo?
Status: Finshed

Who Said Romeo was the Perfect Man

I Might Be Longer Than 10 Minutes

We were lying in bed, and Andrew was tracing circles on my stomach when my phone started ringing. I decided to just to let it ring because I really didn’t want to move right now.

“Aren’t you going to get that?” Andrew asked.

“Nope because I really don’t want to move right now,” I said smiling.

“It might be someone important though.”

“Do you want me to get it?” I asked smiling.

“If you want.” I rolled my eyes and got out of bed butt naked, I might add. I went over and got my phone. I brought it back over to the bed and laid down. I saw that I had three missed calls and fourteen unread messages all from the last two hours.

“Who was it that called?” he asked.

“Well, just now it was Chad but the last two calls were from Beca. The texts are from Chad, Beca, and Dylan all from the last two hours.”

“Why didn’t you answer them?” he asked smiling.

“I was a little preoccupied,” I said smiling.

“Did you even hear the phone ring because I didn’t,” he asked. “What time is it?”

“It is a quarter to 1. What do you want to do?”

“I don’t know. I probably should put some ice on my foot though.” I stood up and put some clothes on. “Where are you going?” he asked.

“I’m going to go to the mess hall and get you some ice,” I said as I pulled my shirt over my head. “I’ll be right back,” I said walking over to him and giving him a kiss. I pulled away but he pulled me on top of him. I could tell that he was smiling. “You’re not letting me get very far.”

“Well, why would anyone want to let you go?” he said.

“I’ll be back in 10 minutes,” I said getting off of him.

“Fine, but only because I have to.” I grabbed my phone and put on a hoodie and left. I walked down the stairs and then outside. I walked down the sidewalk towards the mess hall when I saw a group of guys standing over in the shadows. They were being really loud so I guess they were drinking. I kept on walking. I walked into the mess hall and got some ice. I put it in a bag and left.

The group of guys were gone, but then I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to see two of them following me. I quickened my pace. Then all of a sudden one of them grabbed me. They spun me around; I looked up to see Robert smiling.

“Robert, let the fuck go of me,” I yelled.

“Hey, be nice,” he said running his hand down my leg.

“Robert, you’re drunk,” I said.

“Yep,” he said as he tried to slide his tongue into my month. He had pinned me against a tree.

“Hey Bobert, I want part of that too,” said his other friend.

“Yeah, well, get in line because I’m getting it first,” Robert said. He tried to put his tongue in his mouth again when I kneed him where the sun doesn’t shine. “You bitch,” he said slapping me.

“Hey, get away from her,” I heard someone yell. I looked up to see Chad running over. He punched the other guy and pulled Robert off of me, and then he started punching him. I looked up and campus security was running over. They pulled Chad off of Robert and started to hand cuff him.

“Hey,” I yelled at them. “He didn’t start it. Robert attacked me and Chad pulled him off of me,” I said as I had tears running down my cheeks. They looked at me and then let Chad go. He came over and held me in his arms.

“What happened?” one of the security officers asked me they put Robert in cuffs.

“I was walking to my dorm when I saw him slapping Abby and having his hands all over her,” Chad said.

“I was going back to my dorm when I realized I was being followed. Robert grabbed me and tried to rape me, but Chad got here just in time. There was another guy with him but I don’t know where he went,” I said as tears ran down my cheeks.

“All right, why don’t you go back to your room, and if we have any questions will ask you later,” said the security officer. “Mr. Bingham, will you escort Miss Steingard to her room?” Chad nodded and we walked to my dorm.

“Chad, I’ll be fine,” I said. “I can go by myself from here.”

“What are you hiding?”

“Nothing,” I said.

“I know it’s not nothing,” he said as he held my face.

“Andrew and I are together.”

“I know,” he said simply.

“You did?”

“Well, I kinda figured. You should have seen him after you left the locker room after the game. Robert was talking about you and how he wanted to do you, but Andrew finally hit him. He stood up for you.”

“He did that for me?”

“Yes, he did. I have never seen him like this. He is always flirting with every girl, but now you are like the only thing in the world.”

“Wow, I can’t believe this.”

“He is up in your room right now, isn’t he?” he asked. I nodded. “I thought you said something about safe sex is the best sex,” he said smiling.

“What? He used a condom,” I stopped when I realized what I had said. “Oops.”

“Are you going to tell him what happened tonight?”

“I have to. If it gets spread through the school and he finds out I didn’t tell him, he would never speak to me again.”

“Do you want me to come up with you?” he asked.

“Can you?” He nodded and we began making our way upstairs. “By the way, why were you out so late?”

“I was coming back from Beca’s,” he said looking down.

“You are such a hypocrite,” I said smiling.

“Nothing happened,” he said innocently.

“Yeah, sure.”

“I do not get you. You were almost rapped 5 minutes ago and now your smiling,” he said.

“I try to forget bad things that have happened to me.”

“Has anything like this ever happened to you before?”

“Well, kinda. A lot of stuff happened to me in LA that even my parents don’t know about,” I looked up and we were at my door.

“Are you going to be okay?” he asked. “Do you want me to talk to him?”

“No, I think I’ll be fine. Thank you for everything, Chad,” I said giving him a hug.

“No, problem.”

“I’ll see you in the morning,” I said kissing him on the cheek. I walked into my room. Andrew was lying on my bed watching TV. I realized that he was wearing one of my shirts.

“Hey, I was about to come looking for you,” he looked up and saw that I was crying. “Abby, what happened?” he asked. He got up and came over and held me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Abby's clothes
sorry it took me a couple of days to get this out. I had to rewrite it like three times.
please comment. i want to know what you guys think.