Sequel: Where's My Romeo?
Status: Finshed

Who Said Romeo was the Perfect Man

Have Her Come To Us

We were sitting on the bleaches talking about what to do.

“Well, you else do you think would want to help us?” Beca asked.

“Well, besides your brother,” I said.

“Yeah, I think he likes you,” she said.

“You think, he has been following me around the past few days. Wait, I haven’t seen him at all to today.”

“I saw him this morning and he said that he was going into town and go shopping,” Beca said.

“Anyways, when do you think we should do it?” Andrew asked.

“This next week sometime,” I said.

“We need someone on the inside. Someone who can tell us what Brie does,” Beca said.

“What about Cassidy? She is really nice and I don’t think she likes following Brie around,” I said.

“Then why does she do it?” Andrew asked.

“Because girls will do anything to be accepted,” I said.

“Oh,” Andrew said. “I have never really talked to her before.”

“She is really sweet. One time after practice Brie left the lockers room when Cassidy was still in the shower. Cassidy came out and actually talked to me. She told that I had a cute shirt. I told her that she could have it because I had two of them I was about to give it to her but Brie walked in and yelled at Cassidy because she was talking to me.”

“So you’ll ask Cassidy if she would want to do it?” Chad asked me.

“No, we have to become friends with her. Invite her to come with us to the movies or something. We just have to make sure that if we tell her, she won’t go and tell Brie what we are planning,” I said. Just then my phone started ringing.

“Hello,” I answered.

“Hey, its Katie. You know how you asked me to the concert thing Halloween weekend?”

“Yeah,” I said not sure where she was going with this.

“Well, Jeremy asked me if I would like to go too so he gave me two other tickets,” she said. “That means I get to fucking see YouMeAtSix again.”

“Oh, sweet. Who are you going to invite?” I asked.

“I’m thinking about asking my boyfriend, Alex.”

“That would be fun.”

“I just thought I would tell you so you could find someone else to go so I’ll talk to ya later,” she said right before she hung up.

“Hey guys,” I said to everyone else. They looked up from the conversation they were having. “I think I might have an idea. We could ask Cassidy if she wanted to go to the concerts Halloween weekend.”

“Yeah, but that’s like a month away,” Beca said.

“Yeah, but we could ask her and then have her start hanging with us,” I said smiling.

“I like the way you think,” Andrew said smiling. “But maybe instead of asking her have her come to you.”

“What do you mean?” Chad asked.

“Well, Abby should talk about it when she is around Cassidy, but first, we need to find out if a band she likes is going to be there.”

“How?” Beca asked.

“Facebook and Myspace,” I said smiling.

“Exactly,” Andrew said leaning back.

Andrew and I went back to my room.

“You know you really should put ice on that,” I said as he hopped around my room. I was on my computer looking to see if Cassidy had a Facebook or a Myspace.

“I know. I’ll get some when we go to dinner,” he said as he came over and sat next to me on my bed. “Have you found anything yet?”

“Well, she has a Myspace and a Facebook, but you have to be her friend to see it.”

“Ask her,” he said as I looked over my shoulder. I asked her on both sites.

“Now all we have to do is wait,” I said laying back. I shut my eyes and I soon fell asleep.
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