Sequel: Where's My Romeo?
Status: Finshed

Who Said Romeo was the Perfect Man

On Her Own Accord

Andrew and I had gotten a cab back to campus after my shift was over and we were walking towards the football field when we heard Brie talking to all the other cheerleaders.

“I can’t believe she would do it tonight. How are we supposed to do the routine if she’s in the hospital?" she complained.

“Wasn’t she suppose to wait until you told her?” one of them asked.

“Of course she was, Jenna, and shut the fuck up someone might be listening,” Brie hissed.
“Come on,” Andrew whispered in my ear. We walked over to where Chad and Beca were sitting. Chad was in his football gear trying to comfort Beca.

“Hey Chad, why don’t you go warm up?” I said to him. He nodded and walked off. “Andrew, can you tell Coach Dans that I’ll be a little late?”

“Yeah, no problem.” He kissed my forehead and walked away. I went over and sat down next to Beca.

“Why would she do that?” Beca asked.

“Because Brie told her to,” I said harshly.

“What do you mean?”

“I heard Brie saying how Cassidy didn’t do it the right night.”

“What? What are we going to do?” she asked.

“Pretend that we didn’t hear anything and she what happens.”

“But we should tell Mr. Dempsey about this.”

“I have a feeling that Cassidy did this on her own accord. I think Brie is trying to get us close to Cassidy so she could have somebody on the inside.”

“What can we do?” she asked.

“Play them,” I said simply. “Make it so they think that we are doing what they want.”

“But what about the tickets for the concert that you asked her to come to?”

“Well, hopefully, we will have this sorted out by then,” I said grinning. I stood up and then Beca stood up. “I wonder how the cheerleaders will do their routine without Cassidy?” I said as we walked pass the cheerleaders. I walked over to the bench and started helping out.

Andrew had told Chad about what we had heard before the game started. Chad thought also that we should just wait to see what Brie was going to do. Brendon had fun, I think. It looked like he was having fun, but then again he did have about twenty girls following him around.

After the game, Chad, Beca, Andrew, Bren, and I decided to go see a movie. We got a couple cabs to the mall.

“I probably should just go to the hotel,” Brendon said as Andrew got the popcorn.

“No, you’re going to go watch the movie with us and have fun,” I said hitting his arm.

“Yeah, but I’m going to feel like a fifth wheel,” he whined.

“Fine, if it will make you feel better you can sit by yourself,” I said walking towards Andrew and helping him carry the drinks.

The movie was really good, and Brendon ended up sitting with us anyways. After the movie, Brendon went back to his hotel room, and we got a cab back to campus.

“What are we going to do tonight?” I asked Andrew.

“Well, I’m going to do you like my homework. Throw you on the desk and do you all night long,” he whispered seductively in my ear.
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Thanks to those who are commenting.
Hope everyone is having a good summer. Mine is boring as hell, so please talk to me.
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