Sequel: Where's My Romeo?
Status: Finshed

Who Said Romeo was the Perfect Man

I Like That Idea

I was lying on top of Andrew with my head on his chest listening to his heart. He was tracing circles on my back.

“Andrew, do you love me?” I asked suddenly. His hand stopped.

"Of course I do Abby. You are the greatest thing that have ever happen to me.”


“Abby, I know we have only known each other for a few weeks, but I truly do love you,” he said.

“I love you too,” I said.

“So what do you say about that date I promised you?” he asked.

“Oh, it depends on where we go.”

“What if I said that it was going to be a surprise?”

“You haven’t thought about it, have you?” I asked him. I propped myself on my arm so I could see his face.

“I have too.”

“Sure,” I said. I grabbed my phone that was sitting on the nightstand.

“What time is it?” Andrew asked me.

“It is 6:45,” I said. I put my phone back on the table. As soon as I laid back down, my phone started buzzing; it fell on the floor. I reached over to grab it and fell on the floor.

“Are you okay?” Andrew asked as he leaned over the side of the bed.

“Yeah, I’m great,” I said laughing. I looked down at my phone and it was Chad. “Hello, my other love,” I said answering the phone.

“Okay, that was weird,” Chad said.

“Yeah, yeah. So, what do you want?”

“Just letting you know that there isn’t football practice tonight for some reason.”

“Oh, thanks. Is there anything else?” I asked him.

“Um, is Andrew there? I need to talk to him.”

“Yeah, he’s right here,” I said before handing Andrew the phone. “I’m going to go take a shower,” I whispered to Andrew. I walked into the bathroom with my clothes that I was going to change into.

After I was done, I walked out of the bathroom. Andrew was sitting on my bed with my laptop on his lap.

“What cha doing?” I said coming over to him and sitting down.

“Chad asked me to look something up.”

“Ah,” I said. I went into the bathroom and started striating my hair. “Andrew? Can you put some music on?”

“What do you want on?” he asked back.

“You can choose.” After a few minutes, I heard “I Don’t Care” by Fall Out Boy. I walked out of the bathroom.

“I can’t believe that I am going to meet these guys,” Andrew said.

“They’re pretty cool. When I met them it was more like a hi and bye.”

“Well, at least you’ve met them,” he said as we walked out of my room. We walked to breakfast and saw Cassidy walking from her room.

“Hey Abby, can I talk to you guys?” she asked as she walked over to us.

“Yeah,” I said looking up at Andrew.

“I was wondering if you guys could help me get back at Brie?” she asked.

“Um, why would you want to get back at Brie?” I asked as we walked into the mess hall.

“She said that I wasn’t worth anything and that I should go off and die. I then realized when I was in the hospital that she was wrong and that it was her fault.”

“Wow,” Andrew said.

“So what are you thinking about doing to her?” I asked.

“Maybe when her and all her little pals are in the showers in the locker room, take all their clothes,” she said smirking.

“I like it. When should we do it?” I asked.

“Tomorrow after her gym class last period.”

“Oh, I don’t think we can do that,” Andrew said. “I was going to tell you this later, but I got a job at the sports store in the mall,” he said to me.

“What?” I asked surprised.

“Yeah, I got it so we work the same shifts.”

“Oh my God, that’s amazing,” I said hugging Andrew.

“Okay, that’s great, but what can we do about Brie? It’s the only time we cam do it,” Cassidy said.

“Um, Beca and Chad could probably help,” I suggested.

“Oh, I forgot about them,” she said.

“Well, they’re right over there so go ask them,” I said setting my food down on the table.

“So what do you think?” Andrew asked me as soon as Cassidy was gone.

“She’s lying,” I said simply. “You have a free period after lunch, right?”

“Yep, and so do you,” he said. “Why?”

“Because we need to plan on what we are going to do, and since Chad has free period too, we can plan on what they’re going to do too,” I whispered.

“Abby,” I looked up to see Cassidy walking over again. “Are you busy during lunch?”

“Um, I’m not sure,” I said. I looked over her shoulder and saw Chad and Cassidy walking over. They sat down besides us. “Hey, how was your night?” I asked them.

“Not bad,” Chad said. “Hay Cassidy, how are you?”

“I’m okay. Abby said something about might wanting to help me out with something to do with Brie?” Cassidy said.

“When and where?” Beca said enthusiastically.

“Today after gym class. I was thinking that we could take all their clothes.”

“I like that idea,” Beca said smirking.
♠ ♠ ♠
Abby's clothes
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Anyways.......please do something so I can know that you're there.