Sequel: Where's My Romeo?
Status: Finshed

Who Said Romeo was the Perfect Man

We Are So Evil

We all went to class like normal. I told Chad what Andrew and I were thinking on doing. Classes today just seemed to drag on forever, well, more than usual. Finally, it was lunch. Andrew was waiting outside my British Literature class.

“So, what are we going to do?” Andrew asked. Chad was standing right behind me.

“Chad, can you go have lunch with Cassidy and help her with her plan?” I asked him. He nodded. “Just make sure you and Beca don’t take any of the clothes with you.”

“Yeah, no problem,” Chad said before walking off.

“How do you feel about skipping the rest of the day?” I asked Andrew.

“You know how I feel about skipping,” he said smiling. “What are we going to do?”

“Have a little fun,” I said smiling. We then walked to the mall. “Let’s go have lunch first,” I said dragging him over to the food court. We got our food and ate.

“So, why are we at the mall?” he asked.

“Because we need to get few things.”

“What things?"

“Stuff to replace all of Brie’s and Cassidy’s clothes,” I said smirking. After we ate, we walked around the mall.

“We could give Cassidy a gangster look,” Andrew suggested as we walked by one store.

“Nah, I think with Cassidy, we should go Goth, and with Brie, go emo.”

“Alright, I like that. So that means we are going to Hot Topic?” he said.

“Yep.” We walked into Hot Topic and looked back at the clearance.

“Hey Abby, Aren’t you supposed to be in school?” Jeremy asked as he walked over.

“No, right now we are on lunch and then we have a free period so we have two hours,” I said smiling.

“Sure,” he said before walking away.

“What about this?” Andrew asked as he held up a skirt.

“Maybe. How much is it?”

“$7,” he said reading the tag.

“Yeah, that could work. What do you think of these for Brie?”

“Oh, I like those.”

“Okay, we got the pants picked out. All we need is the shirts and shoes,” I said looking around.

“Oh, I think this one would be good for Brie,” Andrew said holding up a shirt.

“Yeah, what about this one for Cass?” I said pulling out a shirt.

“Um, I like this,” he said holding up a corseted shirt.

“Definitely, because I would wear that,” I said looking at it.

“Maybe you should get it I think there is two.”

“Oh, I like this one better,” I said holding up a pink and black one.

“I like it, but I think I would like it better on you,” he whispered. I decided to get it. We went up to pay for everything.

“Hey Jeremy, do we still have those boots in the back room?”

“The platforms?”

“Yeah,” I said.

“Yeah, I think so. Let me go get them.” He walked into the back room and came out a few minutes later carrying two boxes. Jeremy rang up everything.

“With the employee discount, it will be $27.84,” Jeremy said.

“What, that’s it? How much did you ring up the shoes for?”

“About $3,” he said.

“That’s it.”

“Yeah, I was about to just give them to a charity or something. I’ve had them for about three years now.”

“Wow, thanks. We’ve got to go so I’ll see you tomorrow,” I said walking out.

“Hold on a sec, Katie wanted me to give this to you,” he said handing me a CD.

“Thanks,” I said before walking out.

“What’s that?”

“I asked Katie to make me mix of music that Brie would never listen to,” I said smiling.

“Sweet.” We walked back to campus and went to find Chad. Finally, we found him in the library.

“Chad, can you make sure that Cassidy doesn’t go back to her room before school is over?”

“Yeah, I can do that. Do you want me to call you if she does?”

“Yeah,” Andrew said.

“I got to go to class so I’ll cal you if she goes anywhere,” Chad said before leaving.

“So who do you want to do first?” I asked Andrew as we were walking back to my dorm.

“Let’s do Cassidy first,” he said. We went and got the clothes that we were going to leave. We then walked to Cassidy’s room. Andrew went to open the door but it was locked. “How are we going to get in?” I bent down in front of the door and picked the lock.

“Where did you learn how to do that?” Andrew asked in amazement.

“Another thing I picked up in LA,” I said opening the door. Andrew looked around Cassidy’s room. He went over and opened up the closet.

“What are we going to do with her clothes?” he asked.

“Put it up in the ceiling on the paneling so technically, it never leaves her room.”

“Smart,” he said smiling. He grabbed a chair, stood up on it. He moved one of the panels while I started handing him clothes from her closet.

After we put all of her clothes up in the ceiling, we downloaded off all of her music from her computer and put it up in the ceiling too. Andrew then deleted all of the music.

“Where’s the CD Katie made for you?” Andrew asked.

“Here,” I said handing him it. I hung up the clothes that we brought in the closet.

“Are you done yet?”

“I am now,” he said smiling. He got up and walked over to me. “How did learn how to pick a lock?” I smiled.

“I have an uncle who thinks I’m the greatest thing on this earth, and he just happens to be in the CIA,” I said walking out of Cassidy’s room. “He’s taught me a few things.”

“Wow, you are so lucky. You have a brother that’s a rock star and a uncle that works in the CIA,” he said.

“Yeah, I am so lucky that my parents have lied to me all my life, and how my mom was never home when I needed her the most.” I said as I walked down to Brie’s room.

“Hey,” Andrew said trying to catch up with me. “Abby, I’m sorry.” He made me turn around and look at him. “I didn’t mean it. No one’s families are prefect. Trust me, mine is far from perfect. But just because your mom wasn’t there doesn’t mean I won’t be. When you need me I’ll be there, I promise,” he said sincerely. I took a breath.

“You’re right, Andrew. Thanks,” I said kissing him. “Let’s go finish this.”

We walked to Brie’s room and opened the door. We hid all of her clothes up in the ceiling, and downloaded all of her music off her computer and then downloaded the music mix that Katie gave me. I hung up the clothes I got Brie to wear as Andrew waited for me.

“We are done,” I said doing a little dance causing Andrew laugh.

“Come on,” he said putting his arm around me. We walked outside and sat underneath a tree, and watched everybody walked from their classes. We had been sitting there for a while when my started ringing.

“Hello,” I said.

“Hey,” Chad said. “Cassidy and Brie are in the library.”

“Alright, thanks.”

“Did you guys get everything done?” he asked.

“Yep, everything’s done,” I said.

“Sweet, I’ll talk to you later,” Chad said as he hung up.

“Cassidy and Brie are in the library,” I said to Andrew as I went back to leaning against him.

“Do you feel guilty about doing this?” Andrew questioned. “You know, with Cassidy just getting out of the hospital and everything.”

“Not really,” I said.

“Yeah, me neither,” he said smiling.

“We are so evil,” I said laughing.

“Nah, this is nothing.”

You’re right.” Andrew looked at me. “I have done things a lot worse than this.”

“Ha, so how do you think Brie and Cassidy react when they look in their closet in the morning?” Andrew asked.

“I think they’ll freak out a bit considering that it is a school day tomorrow, and they won’t have the right clothes.”

“Ah, I’d never would’ve thought of that,” he said rubbing his neck. “Well, they will most likely not be in class tomorrow.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Cassidy's clothes and Brie's url=]clothes[/url].
Sorry its been so long since i updated. I just got back from camping and my computer was being stupid.
please comment and do all that great jazz.