Sequel: Where's My Romeo?
Status: Finshed

Who Said Romeo was the Perfect Man

Say It Once, Say It Again

“What do you mean that you couldn’t find anything in her room?” Brie shouted at Ms. Jansen.

“If you continue yelling at me, Miss Porter, you will have a month worth of detentions,” Ms. Jansen said sternly. This was all happening when Ms. Jansen and I had returned from my room to the mess hall.

“But where are all of our clothes?” Cassidy yelled.

“The same goes for you, Miss Schaffer,” Ms. Jansen said before walking away. I went up to Brie and smiled.

“If I were you, I would look in your rooms better,” I said before walking back to my friends.

“So how did it go?” Chad asked. I sat down next Andrew and smiled.

“Easy,” I said. “She didn’t find anything although, I think she was almost ready to steal one of my shirts.”

“Great,” Andrew said. He leaned in and whispered in my ear, “I need to talk to you.” I nodded.

“Hey, were going to take a walk so I’ll see you in class,” I said standing up. We walked outside hand in hand.

“During Christmas holiday, I was wondering if you would like to spend it with me in Miami?” he asked.

“Oh, I would absolutely love to do that, Andrew, but my parents would never let me do that in a million years,” I said stopping.

“That’s what I thought,” he said looking down.

“Hey,” I said picking up his chin so he was looking me in the eye. “You know that if I could I would be there in a heartbeat.”

“I know. It’s just that I want to spend time with you outside of school. I want to take you to Miami to meet my family.”

“Really?” I asked smiling. “You want me to meet your family?”

“Yeah, even though they are all crazy.”

“Well, I guess its good that I’m crazy too,” I said before kissing him. I hesitantly pulled away when I heard the bell ring. “I guess I’ll see you last period and I get to spend football practice with you too.”

“Yeah, I‘ll see you in math,” he said before kissing me on the forehead. We went our separate ways to our classes.

“So how was class?” Andrew asked me as he sat down next to me in math.

“History was interesting and English was boring as ever,” I said.


“Oh you have no idea,” I said rolling my eyes. “Do you have to work tonight after football practice?” Andrew had started his job, and I think he was doing pretty good at it. We worked the same hours so we went together and got off together.

“No, and neither do you,” he said smiling.

“Yes, I do. I always work tonight.”

“Well, I talked to Jeremy and got the night off for you so we could go out tonight on a date.”

“What? Really?”

“Yeah, I was thinking maybe dinner and then we could maybe go to a movie or something.”

“That sounds like fun,” I said in a whisper since the teacher had walked in and began lecturing us.

Class was over, and Andrew and Chad had gone to field while I went and changed. I was walking to the field when I ran into Cassidy and Brie.

“Wow, I thought you two hated each other,” I said to them as I walked by. “But I guess people lie.”

“Yeah, like you,” Brie said.

“And what have I lied about?”

“I know you took our clothes. The clothes that were in our closets were from Hot Topic where you work,” Cassidy said.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we have a couple detectives on our hands,” I said smiling. “And by the way, who said they took your clothes? I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. Look in your room harder.” I walked out onto the field. The team was running the bleachers. I walked over to Coach Dans.

“Is there anything you need me to do?” I asked him.

“Well, I can’t thing of anything right now, but when I do you’ll be the first to know,” he said.

“Alright, I am going to go sit over there,” I said pointing over to the other bleachers.

I watched the team run up and down several times. Almost all them were dripping in sweat. I kept on catching Andrew looking me along with some of the other guys. After a while, I decided to call Brendon since it had been a while since I talked to him.

“Hello,” he answered.

“Hey Bren, what’s up?” I asked him

“Oh, nothing really. Just hanging out with the guys.”

“Oh, I want to be there,” I whined.

“I wish you were here. Are you excited about Halloween?”

“Yes, I can’t wait. Do you know of anybody who wants to go still? I have that one ticket left.”

“Um, no I can’t think of anybody.”


“So how is everything going with Andrew?”

“Really good. He’s taking me on a date tonight.”

“That’s good.”

“Yeah and he asked me to spend Christmas with him in Miami.”

“How did he take it?”

“Not too bad considering.”

“Oh yeah, I almost forgot. How did the thing go with Cassidy and Brie?” I went on to tell him about that. We talked a little bit longer, but then he had to go.
♠ ♠ ♠
Abby's clothes.
Sorry it has taken me so long to post.
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