Sequel: Where's My Romeo?
Status: Finshed

Who Said Romeo was the Perfect Man

You Know Me Too Well

“Abby, where have you been?” Chad asked as Bren and I walked through the lobby. He must have been waiting for me.

“I was up in my room,” I said plainly.

“Why didn’t you answer your phone,” he asked.

“I didn’t want to talk to anybody,” I said. “I’m going to the venue early with Brendon. The car will be here at 7 to pick you guys up.” I walked out of the hotel with Brendon, and got into his car.

“Do you want to stop and get something to eat?” he asked breaking me out of my thoughts.

“Yeah, I didn’t eat much during lunch,” I said thinking about what happened during lunch period. “Do you think people can change in a matter of hours?”

“Some can, I guess,” he said shrugging. “Why?”

“Because Andrew and I were normal during lunch. We were happy. We walked to our to classes that we have together holding hands; but after I got done with my history class, he wasn’t waiting for me like usual. It was like he was a completely different person.”

“Oh,” he said. “So where do you want to eat?”

“Burger King,” I said seeing it up the road a ways. Bren drove through the drive thru.

“Welcome to Burger King. What can I get you?” a voice from the box asked.

“I would like two number threes and two icees,” Brendon ordered. He looked over at me and asked, “What do you want?”

“You know me too well,” I said rolling my eyes.

“That will be $15.27 at the second window,” the voice said. Brendon pulled ahead to the second window.

“$15.27,” the girl said leaning out the window.

“Do you take Visa?” Bren asked going through his wallet.

“Yep,” she said. Brendon handed her his card. “Oh my God! You’re Brendon Urie!”

“Um, yeah. That would be me,” Brendon said smiling.

“Can I have you autograph?” she asked.

“Yeah.” She handed Bren a napkin and a pen. He quickly signed and handed it back to her. She then gave us our food and drinks. “Um, can I have my credit card back?” Bren asked.

“Oh, um, yeah,” she said slowly giving his Visa back to him. Brendon drove back onto the road.

“I’m sorry that you have to deal with fans like that,” I said as I pulled my sandwich and fries out of the bag.

“Nah, there’s only a few that would try to steal my credit card,” he said.

“I think there is more than a few,” I said smiling. We finished out food by the time we got to the venue.

“Just promise me that you won’t be a total fan girl when you meet some of the bands,” he said as we walked into the venue.

“You know, I have already met most of the bands that are going to be here this weekend,” I said. “Although, I am going to be spending most of this weekend with the rock stars except for you.”

“Why aren’t you going to hang out with me?” Bren asked as he held the door open for me.

“Because you’re just my brother, but I guess I could make an exception for this weekend,” I said skipping ahead. I turned around to look back Brendon when I ran into someone. “Oh, I’m sorry,” I said turning to face whoever I ran into.

“Hey, its cool,” said Billie Joe Armstrong. “Aren’t you Abby Steingard? Didn’t I meet you last spring in LA?”

“That would be me, and did you remember?” I said surprised.

“Well, it’s hard to forget someone like you,” he said.

“Right,” I said smiling. “I’m going to go backstage now.” I left Billie Joe and went into the backstage area.

“Can I help you?” someone asked me. I turned to see Patrick Stump.

“I’m looking for Panic at the Disco’s dressing room,” I said.

“Um, who are you?” he asked looking at me oddly.

“I’m Abby, Brendon’s sister,” I explained.

“Oh right, I’m Patrick Stump from…”

“From Fall Out Boy. I know,” I said smiling.

“Here, I can show you to the dressing rooms,” he said. Patrick led me down the hallways. “So are you here for entire weekend?”

“Yeah, I’m actually here for my work,” I said.

“Oh, I think Brendon did say something about that,” he said. “Whose your favorite band here?”

“Do I have to answer that?” I asked. “Because I am kinda required to say Panic since Brendon is my brother, and it would be polite to say Fall Out Boy since you’re here.”

“I won’t feel bad,” he said.

“Okay, I like Green Day, Metro Station, and Fall Out Boy,” I said.

“And now I’m your best friend,” he said. “Here’s Panic’s dressing room.” We stooped outside a door. “Would you like to go bowling with some of the bands tomorrow?”

“I would love to,” I said smiling.

“Really?” he said surprised.

“Yeah, it would be great to go bowling with some of the hottest bands,” I said.

“Great.” He looked down at his watch. “Ah, shit! I’m sorry, but I got to go,” he said before jogging back down the hallway.

“Bye,” I yelled. I walked into Panic’s dressing room.
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I would love to get some comments. :)