Sequel: Where's My Romeo?
Status: Finshed

Who Said Romeo was the Perfect Man


I was sitting out in the crowd as Green Day came out onto the stage. I sat out there for a few bands until a security guy came and stood next to me.

“Brendon and Ryan would like if you would come backstage,” he said deeply. I nodded followed him backstage. We walked past Gabe and he smiled.

“Have fun,” he said grinning. I walked up to Ryan and Brendon.

“What do you need?” I asked.

“I hurt my hand, and I can’t play,” Ryan said quickly.

“It looks fine to me,” I said noticing it. Pete then walked by and hit Ryan’s hand hard.

“Ow!” yelled Ryan clutching his hand.

“Now it is,” Pete said grinning.

“I am not going to play,” I said seriously. “I haven’t played since I started school this year.”

“We can’t find anybody else,” said Brendon.

“What do you mean that you can’t find fucking anybody?” I yelled. “There are like 50 people here that can play guitar way better than me.”

“But none of them are as beautiful as you,” said Ryan still clutching his hand.

“Hey, what about me?” said Gabe over hearing us.

“See, why can’t you get Gabe or somebody, who isn’t me, to play,” I said. “And plus, I don’t even know any of you songs.”

“You know our songs backwards,” said Brendon.

“No, I’m not doing it,” I said.

“Did you just stomp your foot? I thought girls only did that in movies,” said Ryan.

“You did not just say a Twilight line,” I said rolling my eyes.

“Yep,” he said grinning. “And you’re on.” He slipped his guitar over my head and pushed me onto the stage.

The crowd in front of me became so quiet; I swear I could hear crickets. Soon, the rest of the band came out.

Brendon walked over to me and whispered in my ear, “Just relax. You’re a natural.”

“Right,” I said as my eyes scanned the audience. Brendon grinned and walked to his place at the front of the stage.

“Hello Chicago,” Brendon yelled into the mic. “You may have noticed this charming young lady here instead Ryan. Ryan injured his hand a few minutes ago so Abby volunteered to play.” Brendon walked back to me and whispered, “The set list is by the microphone.”

I walked up to the other mic, and looked down at the set list.
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I know its short but i already gave you one chapter today.
What do you guys think if I wrote a prequel to this about Abby when she was in LA?
I have a few ideas for it, but I just don't want to write it if nobody will read it.