Sequel: Where's My Romeo?
Status: Finshed

Who Said Romeo was the Perfect Man


Classes had started again, and things were worse than ever. It seemed like everyone knew that Andrew and I weren’t together anymore. It felt like the first day of school all over again with all the stares and glares. I pretty much just stayed in my room when I wasn’t in class or at work. I had quit volleyball. Brie and Cassidy had been all over Andrew whenever I was around.

It was a week before Christmas Break, and everybody was excited for the Masquerade Winter Ball, except for me. Andrew and I had talked about going together, but I highly doubt that will happen now.

I wasn’t even thinking about going until Ryan said that I needed to go because it was part of high school, and I shouldn’t miss out on something like that. Even though it sounded too much like Twilight, he had finally talked me into going but on one condition. I had agreed to go only if Ryan would be my date.

I was walking to class when I saw Andrew in the hallway. He was leaning against the wall talking with some of the guys from the football team. I pretended like he wasn’t there and just kept on walking, but that is easier said than done. I couldn’t help but look up at him. I wanted to be with him. I wanted to be his again.

I went to class and then went strait back to my room. There was another rose at my door. I picked it up not even bothering to read the note that was attached.

For the Masquerade Christmas Ball, everyone had to send roses to ask people to go with them. Nobody knew who sent the rose, but at midnight on the night of the dance everyone finds out who they went with. I had done this before at my school in LA, and both times I had gotten tons of roses.

I tossed the rose into the corner along with the other ones I had received. My room had begun to smell really nice. I sat down on my bed and looked around the room. There were clothes everywhere. I hadn’t cleaned since I went to Chicago almost two months ago. I thought all the clothes were mine until I noticed a pair of jeans in the corner that were far too big for me. I knew that they were Andrew’s. I was just about to throw them out when I realized that these were the only thing I had left of him. I threw the dark jeans into my closet and then climbed into bed.

I hated this stupid school. I hated everything about it, but if I hated it so much, why am I still here?
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I know that this is just a filler so dont hate me for it. I'm not quite sure if I like this story anymore. I just don't like its going now, and I dont really feel like writing it anymore. I think I will be updating my other story, Candy Coated Misery, alot more since I have alot written for it.
Anyways, comment and whatever else you guys do.

I will try to update soon if I can. I have been so busy with school and a whole bunch of other crap.