Sequel: Where's My Romeo?
Status: Finshed

Who Said Romeo was the Perfect Man

The Winter Ball

It was the dreaded night of the Ball. Ryan had come into town for a few days and was escorting me.

I was getting ready in the bathroom while Ryan was waiting for me in my room. I had curled my hair, and then elegantly pulled it up. I had done my makeup natural looking except for my eyes, in which I had blue and silver eye shadow on. I looked in the mirror one last time before I put my mask on and tied it in the back. I took one deep breath and then walked out of the bathroom, and Ryan immediately stood up.

“Wow, Abby. You look beautiful,” he said smiling.

“Thanks,” I said blushing. “You clean up pretty good yourself.” When Ryan had gotten here, he was just wearing jeans and a t-shirt, but now he was a modern Prince Charming.

“Here, I got you something for you, and since I know you’ve been getting a lot of flowers,” he said as he pulled a velvet box from underneath his jacket that was laying on the bed. “ I thought I would get you something a little more your style.” He opened the box, and it was a beautiful pearl necklace.

“Wow,” I said breathlessly. “Thank you, Ryan.” I ran my fingers over the diamonds that were on the chain. “Can you help me put it on?” I turned around and pulled the few curls that were hanging down. I felt Ryan’s cold hands on my back as he clasped the necklace together.

“Thanks, Ry. Its beautiful,” I said smiling.

“Well, it matches you perfectly,” he said. “So, are you ready to get this show on the road or what?” he asked as he held out his arm for me.

“Um, I think you need your mask on before we go anywhere,” I said giggling.

“Oh, um, yeah… let me just find it,” Ryan said as he went through all his stuff. He finally found, and held it above his head while he did a little dance. “I hath found thy mask,” he said in a British accent causing me to giggle even more. “So, are you ready, my lady?”

“Yes, kind sir,” I said taking his arm. We walked to the gym, which had been decorated quite elegantly. There was dark blue, sliver, and white everywhere.

I quickly scanned the gym looking for any familiar faces. I noticed Brie and Cassidy standing close to the dance floor, trying to get their dates to dance with them. I smirked slightly feeling sorry for the guys who had most likely been bribed by Cassidy and Brie to make it look like they actually had friends.

“Hey, isn’t that Beca and Chad over in the corner,” Ryan whispered in my ear. I looked over and saw my two old friends sitting there, talking to each other. “Do you want to go sit with them?”

“Um, not right now,” I said quietly. “Would you like to dance though?”

“Sure,” Ry said smiling. He took my hand in his and led me onto the crowded dance floor. It was a fast beat song that made me want to jump around and go a little crazy. As Ryan noticed how much fun I was having, his smiling kept on getting bigger.

“I told you that you would have fun,” he said grinning.

“Oh, will you shut up!” I said pushing him slightly.

“Hey, give me a break, okay?” he said chuckling.

“Fine, but only for tonight. I will not let you forget this,” I said pointing my finger at him.

We kept on dancing crazy until a slow song started playing. Ry place his hands on my hips and pulled me close while I slipped my hands around his neck. We were like this for a few seconds when someone tapped me one the shoulder. I turned around and looked up to see a guy standing there in a black tux and a black mask. I didn’t recognize him, but he was very handsome as far as I could tell.

“Can I have this dance?” I said deeply. I looked back at Ryan, and he gave me a short nod. I turned back to the mysterious man before me and nodded. He took my hands, and we started to slow dance.

“Who are you?” I asked him.

“Just someone who’s been around,” he said smirking.

“Right, and how do I know you?”

“Can’t you just enjoy the moment, Abby?” he said rolling his eyes. We were silent until he said, “You look very beautiful tonight.”

“You know, it would mean a lot more if I knew who was saying it,” I said.

He bent down and our lips met. Everything around us disappeared. I had never felt anything like it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Abby's Dress

Wow, I am so sorry I haven't updated since March. I just haven't felt like writing for a while. Most of you probably won't even remember what the story is even about, but I know I deserve it.

Okay peoples, I know i havent updated, but I want comments. I have 56 subscribers, but i haven't even heard from a third of you. I want to know what all of you like or dislike in this crappy story.
So please comment, and I'll leave you a nice little message on your profile.