Sequel: Where's My Romeo?
Status: Finshed

Who Said Romeo was the Perfect Man

Christmas With The Famous

“I can’t believe you did this to me!” I yelled. “I was really happy, and I had something good going in my life. Then you had to go and ruin it!”

“He was not the right boy for you,” my mother said as we stood in the kitchen.

“How do you know what’s right for me? How do you know that keeping me from knowing I had a brother was a good thing? Yes, I know about Brendon, and we are really close now no thanks to you!” I said still yelling.

“How did you find out?” she asked.

“When we were in LA, I met him and Dad at a gig Brendon was playing at.”

“You aren’t supposed to know!” She said yelling.

“Its too late! Brendon is my brother, and there’s nothing you can do to stop us from seeing each other either!” I yelled.

“Yes I can,” she said pointing her finger at me. “You live in my house and under my rules.”

“Really? What makes you think that I’ll stay here? Nothing’s keeping me here! You guys don’t even give a shit about me!”

“That’s not true,” she yelled back.

“You had to send a bloody driver to pick me up from the airport so you could watch a fucking movie!” I yelled. “I’m done with you guys! I’ve had enough! I can’t and will not spend the rest of holidays with you.”

“Really, and where are you going to go?”

“Brendon’s. He’ll be happy to spend time with me unlike you!” I ran upstairs and started packing. While I was doing that, I called Brendon. After I finished talking to him, I was still packing when Mom came in.

“You’re not going,” she said firmly.

“Yes, I am.” No, you’re not!”

“You can’t stop me from seeing my family!” I said. “Brendon’s going to pick me up in a few minutes, and I’m done with you guys.” She just stood there for a few very long seconds then left.

Brendon came minutes later. Lucky for me, he was in town so we could give each other our Christmas presents. I grabbed my bags and went downstairs. I didn’t say goodbye to my so-called parents. I just walked out the front down and got into the car with Bren.

“Hey Abs, how are you doing?” he asked as we started driving.

“Better knowing that I don’t have to go back there,” I said smiling. “So where are we going?”

“I was thinking we could go to LA and spend some time together, if that’s okay with you,” he said.

“Yeah, it would be nice to do that,” I said smiling. “Wow, I can’t believe that I just did that.”

“Me either,” Bren said. “So our Mom called Andrew and told him to break up with you?”

“Yeah, she told him that if he didn’t break up with me, he would loose any chance of getting a football scholarship.”

“Wow,” he said. “I’m glad I didn’t live with her.”

We went to the airport and caught the next flight to Los Angeles. It wasn’t a very long until we landed in LA. Brendon and I got our bags, and went to Bren’s car. As we walked towards the car, we were surrounded by paparazzi. They kept asking Bren who I was or if I was his new girlfriend. We finally made it safely to the car.

We got to Brendon’s house, and it was huge. Bren showed me around the house. Everything was just so big. He then showed me the room that I was going to be staying in. It was big. There was a big, comfy looking bed, and there was a balcony. I even had my own bathroom.

“I thought you would like this room better than the others,” Bren said as I explored the room.

“Thank you, Bren,” I said as I hugged him. “I love it.”

“Yep, well you know that anytime you’re not at school you can stay here.”

“I was hoping you would say that,” I said smiling.

“But just to warn you, the guys do come over a lot, and they can get pretty wild,” he said smiling.

“I don’t mind that at all,” I said laughing.

“Good cause I wouldn’t let you not stay here,” he said grinning.

Brendon and I had so much fun over the next few days. Almost everyday somebody was over. Ryan was usually there at the house when I got up in the morning and there when I went to bed. I really wondered if he ever went home, but apparently he did.

For Christmas Eve, we had a small party at the house. The entire band was there including Pete, Patrick, some others, and their girlfriends. We all had fun just hanging out and having a good time.

I was sound asleep and having a very good dream when someone jumped on my bed.

“Leave me alone,” I mumbled into my pillow.

“Come on, Abby. Its Christmas!” Ryan said bouncing up and down on my bed.

“Fuck off.”

“You have lots of presents,” he sang. “And your lover boy, Gabe, is here.”

“Gabe’s here?” I asked as I took the pillow off my head.

“Why do you get excited to see Gabe but not me anymore?” he asked pouting.

“Cause I see you everyday, but you will always be my best friend, Ryan,” I said smiling.

“Aw, thanks, Abby,” he said.

“No problem,” I said. I looked over at my clock. “Why the hell did you wake me up at 7:30?”

“Cause Bren told me to,” he said grinning. “So get your butt up so we can open our presents.”

“Fine. I’m up,” I said sitting up.

“Good. Let’s go.” We went downstairs into the living room, and Bren, Spencer, Gabe, and Ryland were all sitting around the decorated Christmas tree.

“Wow, she’s alive,” Spencer said smiling.

“And you’re going to die if you keep on talking like that,” I threatened.

“Abby, be nice. There’s coffee in the kitchen,” Bren said. I went and got a cup of wonderful coffee. I came into the living room when I heard the guys talking.

“Why is she all moody?” Spencer asked. “Maybe she’s pregnant.”

“Maybe it’s that time of the month,” Ryland suggested.

“Maybe its cause she hasn’t been getting any,” Gabe said.

“Guys, maybe its because I’m a teenage girl,” I said interrupting them before it could get any weirder.

“Oh, okay,” Gabe said. “Are you sure its because you haven’t been getting any cause I would be happy to help you out?”

“Don’t you dare talk about my sister that way,” Brendon said smacking him.


“Alright, can we just open the presents now?” I said. They all agreed and then started passing the presents out.

Brendon had gotten me a new phone, some gift cards to some stores, and a necklace. Ryan and Spence got me a new laptop. Gabe and Ryland got a whole bunch of signed posters of different bands and a new stereo system for me.

After everyone had opened everything, we messed around with everyone’s presents.

Later that night, after everyone had left. I went up to my room and I looked around. I was happy that Bren was letting me live with him, but something was still missing.
♠ ♠ ♠
Plane Trip

Sorry it took me a while to update. I started working this past week and I have been super tired.

Please comment! I beg you, please! I am getting really tired of only getting three or four comments a chapter when I have 57 subscribers. I am seriously thinking about not posting the sequal. I am pretty sure there will only be one more chapter before this is finished. So it might be last if you guys dont let me know what think about this story.

Alright, now that I have ranted....please have a nice day :)