Sequel: Where's My Romeo?
Status: Finshed

Who Said Romeo was the Perfect Man

Let's Rock 'n Roll

We were walking back to campus, and we were all laughing our heads off.

“No, no, we should sneak into Brie’s room and take all of her clothes and just give her a pair of neon yellow skinny jeans and a Veronica's T-shirt and paint her nails black while she is sleeping,” I said laughing.

“Yeah, and put all emo music on her iPod,” Beca said jumping up and down. She started snorting.

“Wow, Beca, calm down,” Chad said smiling.

“How long do you think it would take us to do all of that?” Andrew asked.

“Maybe a hour and a half depending how many people help us,” I said as we walked onto campus.

“What do you mean?” Chad asked.

“Well, if we have several people helping out with the clothes and one doing the music and maybe a couple people making sure that Brie doesn’t interrupt us,” I said.

“Wow, you have thought this through,” Andrew said smiling.

“Yeah, have you done this before?” Chad asked.

“I might have,” I said smirking.

We all walked back to our dorms and as Chad and Beca were talking, Andrew was staring at me.

“So I hope you had a great time today,” he said down at the ground.

“Yeah, it was fun, especially when we were in Hot Topic. Now that was funny,” I said smiling.

“That was mean. How could you do something that to me?”

“I don’t know maybe I’m naturally mean.”

“Well, maybe next time you could be nicer.”

“Who says there is going to be a next time,” I said as turned around.

“Well, just maybe,” he said sweetly. I smiled to myself and walked up to my room.

I changed into my pajamas and got into bed.

I woke up to my phone ringing.


“Come on sleepy head, its time to get up,” they said.

“Who in hell is calling me this early?”

“Now I’m hurt. You have no idea who this is?”


“Wow, you’re fast. Come on get out of bed and I’ll come and get you in 40 minutes,” he said, I moaned. “ And I’ll have coffee,” he added. He hung up.

I threw my phone down and got up. I went over to my closet and tired to decide what to wear. I got into the shower. I got out and changed. I started striating my hair when there was a knock at my door. I walked over and opened the door.

“Hey, you look good,” Andrew said after he looked me up and down.

“Thanks. I’m almost done so you can wait.” I walked back to my bathroom and finished striating my hair. I walked out and Andrew was looking at my CD collection.

“Wow, you have a lot of CDs,” he said as he heard me come up behind him.

“Yeah, most of them are signed. I met a lot of bands when I worked Hot Topic.”

“Cool, so are you ready?”

“Yep, let’s rock ‘n roll,” I said as I grabbed my bay with all my books.

Well, since I had all of my classes with Chad it wasn’t that bad except for my bio teacher. I don’t think she likes me because she kept on calling on me when we were reviewing. After the forth time I answered correctly, she quit calling on me. And she needed a makeover badly. She was like stuck in the seventies with the big hair.

English and my math classes were easy, but my P.E. class was a nightmare. Everyone in there was a little-miss-goody-two-shoes. We just sat in a circle and learned everyone’s names, and then did some breathing exercises, which was lame.

Andrew, Chad, Beca, and I sat in the mess hall eating dinner.

“I can’t believe they gave us that much homework. I have to read a 600-word book by Friday and have a test on it. Then I have to write a essay on the American Revolution that’s due on Monday,” Beca said as she went through everything her teachers have given her to do.

“Well, none of mine and Chad’s have given us homework,” I said smiling. She stuck her tongue out at me and started talking to Chad. My phone started to vibrate.


“Hi, is this Abby Steingard?”

“Yep, who is this?”

“My name is Jeremy, and I am calling you about your application you put in at Hot Topic,” he said.

“Wow, you guys are quick.”

“Well, I was just wondering when you could come in for a interview?”

“Um, probably Wednesday around 4.”

“Okay, that’ll be great. So I’ll see you then.” He hung up.

“Who was that?” Andrew asked.

“Jeremy. He works at Hot Topic, and he wants me to come in for an interview as soon as I can,” I said as I put my phone down on the table.

“Cool. Do you think that they are going to hire you?”

“Well, if they didn’t would they have called me this soon?” I said.

“Probably not,” Andrew said.

“So when do you go in?” Chad said as he joined the conversation.

“Wednesday after school,” I said. I stood up and took my trash over to the garbage can. Beca followed me when a guy came up to her.

“Hey, have you called Mom yet?” he asked.

“No, you were supposed to do that you dork,” Beca told him. “Oh, and by the way, this is Abby,” she said as she looked at me. “This is Tim, my brother.”

“Hi,” he said, “ and I did not have to call her.”

“Um, I’m just going to go back to my room,” I said knowing that there was going to be a sibling fight. I walked up to my room and changed into a pair of skinny jeans.
I put on some music and decided to get online. I went on facebook and a couple of my old friends were on. I also had 93 notifications; I started going through them when my ex-boyfriend started chatting with me.

Kyler: Hey Abs

Abby: Hey

Kyler: How have you been?

Abby: Good. u?

Kyler: pretty good. I have a new girlfriend now

Abby: cool

Kyler: yeah…so how has boarding school been?

Abby: pretty good. I think I might have gotten hired at Hot Topic

Kyler: sweet

Abby: well I gtg so ttyl

Kyler: alright byes

Abby: laterssss

I went off of facebook, and then looked for some good stories. After a while I decided to go to bed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Abby's look.
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