Sequel: Where's My Romeo?
Status: Finshed

Who Said Romeo was the Perfect Man

Get Paid to Have Fun

The next few days went having nothing to exciting about them. Volleyball had started and Brie was being more of a bitch than ever. Work was going really well. There was a guy and a girl that was I usually had the same shift with. Jake was really funny and Katie was the most annoying person in the world but she was awesome. Everything was going great.

“Hey Abby, can I talk to you?” Jeremy called from across the store.

“Hold on,” I said as finished hanging up a new shipment of skinny jeans. I walked over to the counter where Jeremy was.

“I was wondering if you are busy Halloween weekend?” he asked.

“I don’t think so.”

“Great. Would want to go up to Chicago and hang out with a few bands?”

“I would love to. Which bands are playing?” I asked.

“Fall Out Boy, Metro Station, Hey Monday, Cobra Starship, and a few others.”

“Wow, that would be amazing. How long would I be gone?”

“Well, it’s a weekend thing so if you could you can leave Friday after school then come back Sunday night,” he said.


“And we were given five tickets so you are allowed to bring four of your friends.”

“Really? That would be awesome,” I said. “So is it going to be just interviews or am I going to be their shadows.”

“Well, mostly their shadows but you’ll do a couple interviews,” Jeremy said.

“No problem.”

“You will also get paid a time and a half for the entire time you’re there.”

“Get paid to have fun,” I said smiling.

After I got done with my shift, I got a cab back to campus. I was walking to my dorm when someone came up behind me and grabbed me around my waist and put his hand over my mouth.

“So, did you have fun at work?” he whispered into my ear. I recognized the voice. He let go of me I turned around to see Andrew smiling.

“Well, work was slow, but I did find out something really exciting,” I said smiling. “And don’t you ever sneak up behind me ever again!” I yelled as I pointed my finger at him. He looked at my finger and then smiled at me and before I knew it he was biting my finger. He let go and I smacked him.


“That’s what you get.”

“So what did you find out?” he asked.

“Well, I am going to be gone Halloween weekend.”

“What? That is when the biggest party happens. You can’t miss it!” he said whining.

“Yeah, but I get to go to an even bigger party.”

“Nothing can beat Dempsey Academy’s Halloween party.”

“Well, this can, and guess what? I’m allowed to bring four of my friends.”

“And what exactly is this for?” he asked.

“Well, it’s for work.”

“You’re going to meet bands, right?”

“Yep, and its in Chicago and I want you to come with me.” I said smiling. “But don’t tell anybody else. I want it to be a surprise.”

“Yeah, no problem. So what bands?”

“Well, Cobra Starship, Hey Monday, Metro Station, and a little band called Fall Out Boy.”

“What?! Fall Out Boy? Oh my God! I love you!” he said hugging me.

“And the best part is we get to hang out with them and party with them the entire weekend. I even think we are staying in the same hotel.”

“Wow, I get to met Fall Out Boy.”

“Okay, you can stop now, little fan girl.”

“Hey, just because I like Fall Out Boy doesn’t mean I’m gay.”

“I never said you were a gay,” I said.

“Oh, um, who else are you going to ask to come?”

“Well, Beca, Chad, but I’m not sure who else.”

“What about Brie?” Andrew said jokingly.

“Yeah right. What about Robert?” I asked.

“Maybe. Um, Tim, I think he likes you. He has been spending a lot of time around you.”

“I don’t know.”

“Who else is there?” Andrew said. “How many tickets did you say you got?”


“So, you, me, Beca, Chad, and somebody else.”


“We have like two weeks to decide, right? So it’ll be fine.”

“I guess. So how was football practice?” I asked.

“It was okay. We have our first game on Saturday, and I kinda volunteered you to help out,” he said looking down.

“Oh really? And what am I volunteered to do?”

“Well, a water boy and you get to help out with the injuries and you can wash the jerseys after the game.”

“Do I get to be in the locker room?” I asked.

“Just after the game I think. Maybe before too.”

“Sweet. It’s tomorrow, right?” I asked.

“Yeah, at 6.”

“Why couldn’t you have told me today? Then I could’ve told Jeremy that I couldn’t close tomorrow,” I said. I went over and sat down on a bench. Andrew sat down besides me. “I guess I could ask Katie if she could cover for.”

“Hey, we could ask Katie if she could go to the concert thing.”

“I don’t know. I love her, but she can be a little obsessive over one of the bands that are going to be there. It’s like the only thing she ever talks about. ‘Max Heyler this and Max Heyler that and YouMeAtSix is so amazing. What do you mean that you have never heard of them?’” I said.

“I like her. She is funny and she swears a lot,” he said smiling. Over the last couple of days Andrew had been coming and hanging out with me when I was on one of my breaks, and had been getting to “know” Katie. He just said that he was board and that she started talking to him, which I could believe that. Katie can talk to anyone.

“I guess I could ask her, but she might have to work,” I said.

“Okay, well ask her tomorrow,” Andrew said.

“Fine. Well, I have to go, I have so much homework. I did my biology homework at work in between customers.”

“Oh, that must have been fun,” he said rolling his eyes. I stood up and gave Andrew a hug. As I was about to pull away he picked me up and spun me around. He sat me back on the ground and kissed me on the forehead.

“Goodnight,” he said sweetly. He was about to walk away when I grabbed his hand.

“Do you want to come up and help me with my homework?” I asked.

“I would love to," he said smiling. We walked up to my room holding hands. We had to sneak around since no guys were allowed to be in the girl’s dorms after curfew. We then almost ran in to Brie, which would’ve been a nightmare. I walked into my room with Andrew trailing behind me.

“Do you want to put a movie on?” I asked him as went over to my closet and grabbed my pj's.

“I thought you were going to do homework.”

“I can watch a movie and do homework at the same time,” I said as I walked in to my bathroom to change and get ready for bed. After I got done I walked out and Andrew had put on The Nightmare Before Christmas. I got my backpack from off the desk and brought it over to my bed and laid down. Andrew was already lying there.

“You like this movie?” I asked in disbelief as I pulled my hair into a messy bun.

“Actually, I have never seen it. I saw you wearing a shirt that had one of the characters on it.”

“Oh.” I pulled out my Algebra and started working on some of the problems. After a while, I notice Andrew’s hand getting closer to mine while I was reading my history book. After I finished reading, I put everything away, and went back to my bed a laid down again. We finished watching it.

“Do you want to put another one on?” I asked.

“Sure. What time is it?” Andrew asked.

“Um, 11:30,” I said looking at my phone. “What movie do you want to watch?’

“I don’t know.”

“What about Sweeney Todd?”

“Sure,” he said. I put it on, and went and lay back down again. Andrew and I soon got underneath my blankets.
♠ ♠ ♠
This will probably be the last one I put up today. :(
Please rate and comment or I will threaten to only update when I get comments and I really don't want to do that.
p.s. i would like to thank alrightscene for all the comments and i hope you like ur character.