The Fall Of Red Snow

The Fall Of Red Snow (9)

There were tow loud cracks that came from my back. “Ahhh!” I screamed as huge white wings emerged from my back. I felt stronger then ever. I pushed myself up to my feet and looked down at Simon.
He stared at me with frightened eyes. “He gave you his life.” Simon whispered.
I stood over him, with anger as my only feeling. “You took him from me.” I spoke with death on the tip of my tongue. “And now, I’m going to kill you.”
Simon growled and flapped his dead wings to stand up. “I’m not scared of you, little girl.”
I slapped him and he lashed back, punching me in the stomach into the car. I shouted in pain and stood up, I touched my gut, it was already starting to bruise. I lunged myself at him hard, but he grabbed my right arm and snapped it out of place. I fell to the ground holding my broken arm. “Oh, did that hurt?” He asked kicking me in the gut again. I screamed. “I hope you’re ready to die.”
I took a deep breath. “Are you?” I kicked him in the face as he leaned over me. I jumped up and snapped my arm back into place and walked over to him on the ground. I pulled him up by the collar of his shirt and looked him in the eye. “I’m happy I’m the one that’s taking your God forsaken life.” I slammed him to the ground with a punch in the face. Then placed my right feet on his chest, with a loud shout and great power, I crushed in his chest. The loud crack of his ribs and every other bone in his chest told me he was dead. I stood over him as his body turned to dust in the snow. I breathed through my mouth, a white cloud danced in front of me as I exhaled.
I turned and looked at Christian. His wings had crawled back into his back. I ran over to him and turned him over on his back. He was still beautiful but I saw the darkness taking over his face. I shook him. “Christian? Christian, you can’t leave me. I can’t take care of myself, not without you.” But he didn’t move at all. I lay my head on his chest, closed my eyes, and cried.
A noise behind me, made me turn. It was a white haired man, he was a Angel. His eyes were as white as the snow and when he spoke it was like Heaven was singing. “Rayne, I have to take him now.”
I looked at Christian then back at the Angel. “I can’t let go.” I whispered faintly.
He smiled sweetly and nodded. “I know, but you have to. Do it for him.”
I clenched my teeth together and looked at Christian. I lowered my head and kissed the top of his head. I left my face in his brown curls. I really didn’t want to let go. I felt the Angel’s hand on my shoulder, I looked up. “Will he live again?”
The Angel shrugged. “That not up to me.”
I nodded then moved away from Christian. The Angel picked him up as if he was as light as a feather. “What will happen to me?” I asked looking at the cold, snowy ground.
“You go back to being human and live very normal, except you’ll be able to see us clearly. You’ll see them clearly. You will know we are there.”
“Will I get another Angel?”
“No, because you are your Angel. He gave his life to you and will protect you from the inside.”
I looked up but the Angel was gone. I was alone. I stood up but fell over and threw up. Two loud cracks and the pain that flowed through my body, told me the wings had placed themselves away. I gasped at the pain and sighed when it was gone. Christian was forever gone and I was my own Angel. I was alone.
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