
Chapter 3

I went home and rested, allowing my emotions to clear away for total serenity. I sat in my room, later that day, and tried to make myself pissed in order to understand if I can handle my emotions or not. Finally I decided that the only way to get utterly annoyed would be to do something that would aggravate the crap out of me, so I turned on my computer and started a game I had never won. Soon I was actually getting annoyed for a different reason than what I had planned on; I was getting ticked because I was winning instead of losing.

I finally got fed up with my computer and starting yelling, “Stop letting me WIN!” I recognized the fact that I was mad and tried to quickly calm down. I took a deep breath and slowly let it out, feeling all of the tension leave me and I jumped up, ecstatic. I realized this was another extreme emotion, but I wanted to see what I could do with this, so I didn’t snuff it out. I began to feel light; lighter than air.

I grinned into nowhere and hugged myself, feeling as though I was on top of the world. I stopped feeling so happy, though, when I hit the ceiling with a pretty painful thump.

“Ouch!” I exclaimed and looked at the ceiling, which was now two inches from my face, instead of its usual four feet above my head. I looked around and saw everything loose, like figurines and whatnot, was floating almost as high up as I was.

I took a deep breath and let it out, slowly calming down. My body stopped being so light and I slowly sank to the ground, as did everything else around me. I grasped the feeling that came with doing such a thing, and stuffed it in the back of my mind, keeping it there for future reference. I pulled out the feeling of anger and could tell what I could do with something as fierce feeling as this; it was explosive and I could harness the power as though born with it. In fact, all of the feelings that were accompanied by a power felt as though I had always had them and just didn’t know it before. Sadness felt like water and rain and everything that came with it.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling of satisfaction I got from knowing that I could do all of these things without any real practice. The only thing I would need to watch would be my emotions and keeping them in check.

I took a deep breath and found that I was able to hide those feelings merely by tucking them in the back of my mind. I grinned a self-satisfied smirk and a second later had straightened my face back to nothing when my brother burst into my room.

“Sis!” He exclaimed, “Sis, dinner time! Come on, I don’t think Mom and Dad are right in the head and I don’t want to miss it for the world!”

I grinned a half-smile at that. I had a feeling that I had inadvertently caused something to happen to Mom and Dad. I followed him and found myself seated at a table covered in food.
We all ate as much as we wanted and there was still plenty of stuff to eat left.

I gathered up the leftovers and put them away in the rapidly filling refrigerator. Apparently Mom and Dad had spent the day making food. They didn’t seem to mind, even, when I asked for the ability to watch T.V.; they granted my wish with a nod.

That night, I got a phone call from someone I didn’t think would know my cell phone number; Gavin Corbin.

“So you met the old lady and don’t remember the old bat still, huh?” He asked me, after I had figured out who it was.

“Um, yes?” I said, not really sure. I could feel his grin over the phone.

“What did you think of her,” he asked, “did you think she pretended to be more powerful than she was?”

“Um,” I was apparently taking sole possession of the word/ sound, “I guess, but she mostly tried to help me out, since I’m apparently more powerful than I should be at this level.”

There was silence at the other end.

“Can you do things, like moving stuff without touching it?” he asked quietly.

Now there was silence at this end, since I had a feeling I shouldn’t actually tell him.

“I don’t know what you mean,” I said, “I’ve just been getting severe headaches. She seemed surprised at my lack of something as well.”

Again there was silence.

“Did she tell you anything?” He asked, still quiet.

I stared at the phone wondering what he was trying to get me to say.

“I’m not sure what you mean,” I said carefully, placing my words as though walking on ice, “we talked about stuff, but nothing of any seeming consequence.”

Silence and then, “Thank you for telling me all of this. Good night and Sweet Dreams, Elzbeth.”

He hung up. I stared at the phone, why in the world did he say “Sweet dreams”? That seemed a bit out of character for him.

I closed my phone and stowed it away, mulling over everything in a way that was completely out of character for me. I just could not figure out why they were reacting so differently to me every other time. For one thing, the old lady first gave me the opinion that she was mean and strict and she turned out to be quite the teacher. Gavin was smooth and slick until the second time he talked to me, which was when he turned flat and shallow. Was I seeing their true selves either first or second? And was I seeing the truth or illusions? It was all so confusing.

“Sis!” My brother yelled, entering the room with a leap and scaring me. He laughed at my surprise, “You have got to see this!”

I put a hand over my heart to slow its pulse, and indicated that he should go ahead and show me what he wanted to show me.

“Look.” He stared intently at my figurines and they began to slowly rise off of the dresser, bobbing slightly.

I wandered over to the pieces, prodding them lightly with a finger.

“How’re you doing that?” I asked him; he grinned at me.

“It’s exactly how you can do it,” He replied, shocking me to no end. I hadn’t thought my doing those things in my room would affect him, but apparently it had. He explained himself, “Hey, I may act younger than you are, dear, but I am older, even if for only by a few minutes. We share these things, being twins, and when you got this stuff from wherever, I got them too.”

I nodded; that made sense. He grinned and gestured towards the bed.

“You want to explain what’s going on, by the way?” He asked me.

We both sat down on said piece of furniture and I attempted to explain.

Twenty minutes later he got fed up with my bad explanations and left. I reached towards his retreating back and couldn’t help but feel lousy. It was my own fault that he had misunderstood what I was trying to say. I had tried to explain the whole, “military wants YOU!” thing, but I was completely unable to describe the feelings that both Gavin and Lara (The old lady, for some reason I knew her first name.) had inferred to me. He turned back at me and grinned.

Don’t worry, he said, I’m just tired of hearing both of your voices at the same time. That’s the only reason I left.

I gave him a confused look and he tapped his temple, which reminded me strongly of Gavin,
We can talk without speaking you know. It will be more powerful with us than anyone else since we are twins, but some people will also have a connection like we do with us. It’s just a matter of knowing the good ones from the bad.

I sent him my impression of Gavin and his look went straight to confused.

How’d you meet Him already?

“Say WHAT?!” I exclaimed, accidentally out loud. He returned my look and I’m sure we were mirroring each other for a moment, before I decided to clarify, “Do you know him?”

He nodded mutely. (I couldn’t help but think that we had more than just us being twins in common, seeing as how I was doing that only a few hours prior to this conversation.)

He told me that I looked like a girl he had met today and that we have more than just you in common due to abilities like the one I just displayed, he explained.

I grinned, So he mentioned me did he?

I hope you aren’t harboring a crush, dear sis, because that guy is one of the neutral guys that you can’t tell the motives of until it’s too late.

Me? Never. I replied, and we shared knowing grins. I think the only reason he would suggest such a thing was because I was always poking fun at all of his girl friends, even though they were nothing more than that.

We bade each other good night and went to bed, so ready to sleep-on-it it was wasn’t even funny.
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Done with the third!
On with the next