
Chapter 5 The end

“I was wondering when you would begin your attacks again, old bat,” Gavin said, striding forward from the remaining shadows, “I knew, so I just decided to keep a small eye on you.”

Lara slid into view on the arm of an elderly gentleman, of about the same age as she. There were three others of different shapes, sizes, and color. I looked around at them and noticed that Michale and I almost seemed invisible due to their way of not looking at us. Gavin walked over to me, clearly he was able to see me, and put an arm around my shoulders.

“You know, you guys weren’t doing too bad,” He said, grinning at us all friendly-like, “you just are two newbies, so let the grown-ups handle the rest of this and go home.”

A second later I felt as though he had told my body to do something my mind wouldn’t cooperate with. Michale was already walking towards the door, but my body took a step and stopped.

“I’m not a child and neither is Michale,” I said, looking at Gavin, who seemed surprised at my lack of movement towards the door, “we should be allowed to observe, that way we have more of an understanding as to how to control these abilities.”

Gavin sighed and nodded. Lara put a hand on my shoulder.

“He doesn’t mean any harm,” she explained, giving him a reproachful look, “he’s just newer to this then the rest of us and is, sad to say, a bit more uptight about it. It’ll be nice for him to talk about it with someone his own age once this is over with.”

I smiled and called Michale back. We stood, side by side, and watched them trying to find some way to make it so that they could resolve this dastardly deed without the same meted out for the attacker. They finally decided on sending her to a spot called, “Velos” and stated that they hoped it would improve her temper a bit.

I saw that the group was collectively watching my brother and I out of the corner of their eyes and I finally realized why when Lara approached with her husband, Cerbus.

“We aren’t of this planet and are hoping for new life,” He explained, “this was our last hope, Earth and human beings. So we infiltrated the human race and began acclimating to the species, becoming one with them until we were one being. You are what is known as a hybrid, as is Gavin and Fiera here.” Gavin blushed, and the last girl of the group also blushed as though she was as well, “You are part human and part us, and yet you carry with you more than anyone could ever hope.” (Fiera looked as though she were the same age as us, but maybe she was younger.)

“How’s that?” Michale asked, knowing I wanted to know.

“You are twins,” he stated, as though that were the most obvious thing in the world, “in our species twins are the most powerful. The same could be said for the hybrids. You will do our species proud.”

I took a step back and thought, and here’s the punch-line.

“You will need to come with us,” Lara said, touching Michale’s shoulder, “to reacquaint yourselves with our way of life. We need to train you for what needs to be done.”

“Excuse me,” I said, trying to calm my voice, “but I don’t suppose this is a matter of yes or no is it?” A round of shaking heads occurred, “So then, why would you think we would be happy to join your little group?”

“Why would you not wish to join?” Fiera asked, her voice full of naïveté. I stared at her in shock, “You have nothing here but your brother, why would you choose to live where your grades are so horrendous that you will never be able to join any college, let alone one of your choosing. You-”

I put up my hand and stopped her.

“Excuse me,” I said politely, trying to keep the cold from my voice as anger cooled my mind and heart, “but are you insinuating that you had anything to do with the grades problem I had, or are you just insulting me?”

“Um,” She said and, as if by reflex, looked to Gavin for the answer.

Lara was the one who answered, however, “My dear, would you have ever joined us if you had the perfect life?”

“I might have,” I said, ignoring the feeling that I would’ve without a doubt, “but now you’re never going to find out, are you?”

The air around me crackled and Michale laid a hand on my arm, as if to restrain me. (At least, that is what the group around us saw, what he was really doing was trying to find a way to get us out of there without causing a huge disruption.)

They all stepped away from me and gave us shocked looks.

“You lied to us about everything until now, when you thought you could control us,” I said, knowing that only the elders of the group counted in that statement, “and I find that distasteful, to say the least. If you had approached normally, none of this might have happened, but since you were unable to do that, we take our leave of you.”

Wait! Gavin’s voice stopped me from leaving. I turned to him, he was giving me a pleading look. I know that what we did was wrong. Please don’t leave. Fresh minds need to join, otherwise this group will wither. I stared at him.

You would trade my freedom for your happiness? I asked him, and he bowed his head.

No, He replied, and then he brightened. But if I cannot convince you to join us, can I, perhaps, join you? We would take Fiera with of course. I fear that they have been working on her for far too long and have turned her against all of humankind.

I reach out my hand to him, and they both took it (But she only did it at urging from him). The last I saw of the Elder Group, as we call them, was right before I somehow managed to teleport the group to Florida.

We’ve moved around quite a bit since then, and Fiera took some doing but she’s all better now. We’ve settled in a town much like our hometown, and are always courteous to everyone, since you can never tell when one of them is going to turn out to be one of us.
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