
Nineteen Years Later: Number 13

The professor entered soon after that and started off the class with making some interesting, but untrue, predictions about people. For one thing, she told George Uber that he was going to have a run-in with the cops, but I knew that his parents were about to make millions on a new device for muggles. (I didn’t know what the device was, but I knew that it would make millions.) When she got to my table, I headed her off. (I had found, in the past few years, that my ability to predict things had grown stronger, instead of weaker, as I had expected. In fact, nowadays I just saw things and took it in stride, using some of the information when I needed to, but it usually just went to waste.)
“I know that you’re going to try to tell us that I’m going to die young and he,” I indicated John, “is going to marry young and live happily ever after, and he,” I indicated James, “is going to lose his parents before he’s twenty, but I know that that’s not true.”
She stared at me, “Excuse me?”
“I can see stuff too, Professor,” I said, smiling at her surprise, “so I knew what you were going to say before you said it. Mine doesn’t always work either, just like yours.”
She stared at me and then said, acting annoyed, “What do you mean, doesn’t always work?”
I grinned at her, “Sorry, but I doubt your power works so well that you can predict all of those things so easily.”
She sniffed with displeasure, “Prove that you’re better than me.”
I raised my eyebrow at her. I finally decided to find out what she meant, “How do you want me to do that?”
“Tea leaves,” She replied, looking smug, “read someone’s tea leaves and I’ll concede defeat.”
I raised my eyebrow again and agreed. Everyone gathered around eagerly as Professor got out a tea pot and cup and handed James a steaming cup of tea. James tried to drink it fast, but he burned his tongue on the first sip and was forced to take the rest of it down slowly. I hid my grin at that and took the cup from him once he was done. I put my fingertip into the dredges and stirred, my eyes closed and my mind open to seeing anything. I began to catch glimpses of his past, but figured everyone would just think I would know those things just because I was his friend, so I ignored those and tried to push forward.
I caught flashes of nonsense and suddenly saw something that I never thought I would see. I began to giggle a lot. I couldn’t help myself, it was just so funny.
“I never thought I’d see the day where James got owned by a five year old,” I said, still giggling. James gave me a confused look, but I was still laughing. When I calmed down, I managed to tell him, “You should probably start practicing your sarcasm James old pal, because Fred is going to own you when you see him next.”
Ginny’s brother, Ron, and his wife Hermione had a kid a few years ago and had named it Fred. He was now five. I knew that the next time James talked to Fred, he was going to have his pride handed to him on a silver platter by Fred. I also knew something else that was going to happen, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to tell anyone about that. James knew I had seen something else, so he prodded me with his foot.
“I also saw something else,” I said, not looking at James. Everyone gave me a curious look. I couldn’t help but blush as I answered the unanswered questions, “I saw James going out with Eliza Longbottom.”
Everyone let out a few laughs. James looked at the floor and I heard an, “Oh, that,” coming from him.
Professor Trelawney sniffled, “I don’t see how this proves anything.”
I stared at her in shock. I saw everyone else looking at her in surprise as well. They couldn’t figure out why she was responding like that, but I knew she was just threatened by my power.
I ended up reading two other people’s tea leaves before she conceded defeat. I left the class, my head ringing with pasts and futures of random people I never knew or wanted to know, with James holding me up by my elbow.
“Let’s get her to the hospital wing, now,” he told John, who was holding all of our stuff. (He only grabbed James’ because he thought they were mine.)
I wobbled in James’ grasp and sat down on the steps with a thump!
“Let me regain my balance for sec, okay?” I said, trying to breathe evenly.
John sighed and allowed it, as did James. I tilted my head down and got my bearings after much ado. I stood up, felt solid, and began walking again although John refused to let my books out of his grasp. He believed that I was still too weak. (In the back of my mind I knew he was right, which was the only reason I didn’t put up a fight about it.)
We reached the common room and I slid down into the armchair. (I had refused to allow myself to be taken to the hospital wing because I knew I could handle this.) I was exhausted from walking that far after pushing my brain power that much. (I wasn’t used to doing that on purpose, usually it just happened on its own.)
James felt my forehead and I pulled away from him. In the condition that I was in, a touch from someone caused me to see stuff. I didn’t want that much contact right then from anyone.
“Sorry, I forgot about that,” he said, understanding why I had done that. For a guy, he was pretty understanding. (I secretly wondered if he was gay, but knew he wasn’t because I had seen his past and future relationships and knew that he was straight.)
John clearly hadn’t realized, since he put his hand right where James had and said to me, “You feel feverish.”
I let out a cry of pain as I started seeing everything from his point of view. Everything he went through before he came back, and everything he was going to do. I felt someone snatch John’s hand back, but I didn’t care. I pitched forward and tried crawling back, only to be grabbed and stood on my feet.
“Calm down,” James said in my ear, talking calmly, “Just try to breathe. I know that you’re in pain, but try to push through it.”
I couldn’t tell if I nodded or not, but I tried breathing as deeply as I could, and slowly calmed down enough to get rid of the visions. I pushed the memories and such away and stood on my own slowly.
“Are you all right Sis?” John asked me, reaching out to me. I smiled at him wanly and nodded.
“Yeah, I just got overloaded.” I slipped out of James’ grasp and turned to him, “Thank you, by the way. If you hadn’t done that it would’ve gotten worse.”
John looked furious but James just blushed.
“It wasn’t anything to thank me for,” He said, not looking me in the eye, “I just did what John would’ve done had he been where I had been standing.”
John looked livid, so I laid a hand on his forearm, smiling at him to calm him down.
“I think I need to go to bed,” I said, not looking at John, “so I bid you adieu until tomorrow then.”
John looked confused and gripped my arm in between his hands. I gave him as calm a look as I could, and told him, “John, I need to go to bed. Please let me go.”
He looked flustered and confused. James laid his hand on John’s other arm.
“Let her go, John,” He said, looking as calm as I wanted to feel right then. (I was too wired from all that had happened to be calm about anything right then. Plus I knew more about John then I wanted to know. For example; I knew that he was in love with a lovely Slytherin girl by the name of Josephine Louis. She was actually a rather nice Slytherin, and we exchanged pleasantries in the halls when we caught each other’s eye.)
John reluctantly let my arm go. I strode over to the stairway and up the stairs, found my bed and splayed out on it. I fell to sleep in a matter of moments.
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The only reason this one is up is because my friends want more, and I want to give them more, but I WANT PEOPLE TO COMMENT!!!!!
Elsewise I'm letting you hang there, and not giving you the rest of the story.
You've been Warned.