
Nineteen Years Later: Number 5

“So what’s on your mind sis?” Reggie asked, breaking the silence that had filled the room.
No one knew what to say, at least none of the Potters did.

I grinned at him; he always knew when I had questions!

“I need to talk to Mr. Potter about a situation that’s arising,” I said, looking at said person when I talked, “it’s a serious issue and it needs to be discussed.”

“Of course it does,” Mr. Potter replied and sighed, “this was so much easier when we were in hiding. It seems so hard to talk about Voldemort now, in our suburban home.”

I grinned, “And yet, here we are.”

He nodded in agreement and smiled.

“Lily and Albus,” Mrs. Potter said, pointing at the two that had just now joined the group, “bedtime. Now.”

They both opened their mouths to argue but I took the problem into my hands. I twisted a spell at them and they left; intent on going to bed.

“Lil!” James exclaimed, knowing I did something, “You aren’t supposed to misuse your power like that!”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I told him, looking innocent. Mr. and Mrs. Potter exchanged looks.

“Um, Lillian?” Mr. Potter asked.

“Yes, Mr. Potter?” I replied, still looking innocent.

“If we’re going to be discussing these things like adults, we should call each other by our names.” Mrs. Potter interrupted, “Lillian dear, call me Ginny and my husband Harry.”

“As you like Ginny,” I replied, and switched my attention back to Harry.

(This felt a bit weird, thinking of them by their first names, let alone speaking their first names like that.)

“Lillian,” Harry said, looking odd, “how did you just do that?” He pointed towards Albus and Lily, who were already upstairs.

“My sister can do that because she is the one who can-” Reggie got cut off when I kicked him in the shin, “Ouch! What was that for sis?”

“No. Bad Reggie,” I said, wagging a finger at him, “We aren’t supposed to tell anyone that.”

“Is this about those things that your dad gave you?” James asked me. I nodded and he clammed up, even when his father begged him to tell, he refused.

“Thank you for not telling,” I told him, as Harry decided to move on. He nodded at me.

“Now, you,” Harry pointed at me, “heard something about Voldemort resurfacing, is that correct?”

“No,” I shook my head, “I read a note that suggested someone would become like Voldemort, take on his sensibilities and as such take revenge on all of those who took part in defeating him. I also have a feeling I know who that person is.”

Reggie gasped and pointed me, “You mean-!”

I nodded, “Yeah, my brother, John.”

Everyone went quiet, until Ginny asked if I could please explain the situation with my brother to everyone in the room. I did as she asked.

“My brother, from birth, wasn’t the most evil of babies,” I told them, ignoring Reggie’s laughter at the thought, “in fact, if you were to pick the evil one from us when we were younger, I would’ve won hands down. If an accident happened, I was most likely the cause of it. Mom ended up putting me in one wing of the house and moving the rest of the family to another.”

“That plan backfired though,” Reggie stepped in, “when John refused to eat because his twin wasn’t beside him.”

“So,” I said, continuing and giving Reggie a look, “I ended up being chauffeured around by Reggie, because John couldn’t stand being alone and I loved to wander. The reason my older brother took care of us was because mom hated us and never wanted to see us if possible. Actually,” I gave Reggie a thoughtful look, “I think she only hated me, since she’s always had a soft spot for psychotic boys.” I let out a humorless laugh and continued as Reggie chortled in the background, “In any case, Reggie brought us up until he got too old, and then we were left to fend for ourselves completely.” Reggie gave me a shocked look, and I nodded, “Yes, we were only six at the time, but Mom thought we were old enough to take care of ourselves. Unfortunately for her, John didn’t agree and cracked straight down the middle within a week. Two weeks before we turned seven, John turned the entire house against any who stood against him. I was the only one idiot enough to try to stop him, and because of that, I became what I am today.”

“And that is?” James asked, prodding me. I gave him a mirthless grin.

“I’m the descendant of a very powerful bloodline,” I said, my words growing with strength as I felt myself quoting what my grandmother had said right before she destroyed evil doers, (My father was from a strong bloodline, which was the only reason Mom married him.), “and with this power invested in me, I shall smite the only person who dares to attempt so foolish a plan. He will regret his actions and that of his followers when I get my magic in him.”

Reggie edged away. James walked over to me and punched me in the shoulder, making me snap out of whatever it was I had just been in. I shook my head and slapped him in his shoulder.

“Jerk,” I said, grinning my ordinary grin, “is that any way to treat a lady?”

James gave me a confused look, “You’re a lady?”

We exchanged grins.

I stood up and stretched, “I think that’s enough seriousness for one night. What say we go out somewhere and terrorize some hapless gnomes?”

James grinned and agreed. Reggie sighed and laid a hand on my arm.

“Lillian, sit down,” He said, using the tone. When he used it, better do as he says, otherwise something would end up broken.

I sat down and gave him a look, “What do you want to talk about?”
♠ ♠ ♠
The end of the next installment.
Hope you enjoyed