
Nineteen Years Later: Number 6

“You know exactly what I want to talk about,” Reggie told me, Looking disgruntled, “How could you not tell people what you can do? You need to get it out there, otherwise he’s going to come after anyone who looks like a threat, and that’s going to end up bad really quick.”

I gave him a disgusted look and decided to explain my abilities to the one family that welcomed me the moment I met them.

“I can do magic just by thinking about what I want to happen,” I told them, smiling at their confusion, “I’ve never had to use a wand and the only reason I have one now is because Dad gave me it. I think it has to do with my destiny, which is supposedly to destroy my brother when he becomes the ultimate evil.”

Reggie stared at me, “You’ve got to be joking.”

I shook my head, “Nope. Dad explained it all in a letter that I’ve got upstairs.”

James decided to back me up right then, “I saw it too. You can go look if you want.”

Reggie nodded and said, “I’ll see it later.”

I nodded right back, “Okay, well anyway, I’m supposed to use these items I got from my Dad, and hopefully for the side of the good.” Then I realized something and winced; I had mentioned more than one item.

Reggie and Harry both latched on to that.

“What were the other items?” Harry asked me. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair, probably setting it on end in the back.

“There was just one other item,” James said, sticking up for me. I gave him a grin out of the corner of my mouth, “and it was a crown. It was all over opals and kind of pretty.”

“I don’t know if it does anything or means anything,” I said, continuing on after James stopped, “but I do know that it is rightfully mine, and no one else can own the crown unless I give it to them of my own free will. That was something that Dad explained in my letter. I’m also assuming that the Wand cannot be taken from me in any way, shape or form. It is mine and can’t even be given away if I wanted to. By the way, most of what I’ve been saying is stuff that I feel; nothing more, nothing less. Sorry if none of that’s true, but I have no idea what to do about this sort of thing. There’s no guide book for it.”

They smiled and laughed and forgave me. We talked about other stuff for a bit, enjoying ourselves, before deciding it was time to turn in. Reggie was invited to stay for at least tonight, whilst I went back to my room. He followed me and looked at the two items that he knew about, along with the letter left to me by Dad. He found it very interesting that Dad said some of the things that he did, but for some reason he never asked about the third item like I had figured he would. He said good night to me and left, intent on reaching his room, whilst I grabbed the letter and studied it.

I gasped as I noticed something. James heard me on his way to his room.

“What’s going on?” James asked me, peering over my shoulder. I grimaced and showed him. The letter now only mentioned two items to begin with, rather than three.

James gave me a confused look, “What happened to the mention of the stones?” (The letter had only mentioned the original helmet and sword, as compared to the helmet, sword and bag of colored stones. It also omitted any suggestion that I had three items as well.)

I shrugged at him, “I don’t know. Maybe it removed them because you only told everybody about two of the items, not the third. I think this is ridiculous though, because we know about them, so why isn’t it back to normal?”

I let out a shriek as the letter vibrated violently and made a loud popping noise. Reggie came running and I quickly assuaged him by telling him that we had messed up a magic trick by saying the wrong word. He left scratching his head. James and I exchanged grins.

“Man, that was close,” I said, looking sheepish. James let out a laugh. I picked up the letter and let out a gasp, “Argh! It’s back to the way it was before! What is going on?”

James shrugged, “Maybe because you told it that it should change back. It’s only doing as ordered.”

I let out a guffaw, “Man, what is up with stuff today? First the cloak, and now the letter. Why is stuff doing as I say?”

“Maybe because you received some objects of special significance,” James said, “it would make sense, you know?”

I nodded, “True. Well, good night.”

He gave me a smile, “Yeah, good night.”

I changed clothes when he left and went to bed.
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