
Nineteen Years Later: Number 7

I was running. I was running down a hall. I needed to get to that room! That’s all I knew or even wanted to know. I slid to a stop in front of the proper door and knocked on it, causing it to open. (It had apparently been unlocked and cracked open.) John was sitting in a chair, facing the door. His face was hidden in shadow, but I knew it was him. He laughed, a hard cold laugh and it shook me to the core.

“So you’ve finally arrived,” He said, standing up. I took a step back, and then, as if against my wishes, I began to approach him. He gave me a grin that allowed for no argument.

“W-What do you want?” I asked and, even though I didn’t want it to, my voice shook. He let out a bark of laughter.

“What do I want?” He said, “Come now, dear sister. Surely you’ve realized by now that I cannot be stopped. I want your power to join with mine. Come join me and we will be the most powerful beings in the world!”

“No,” I drew away from him finally, “I don’t want to.”

“Come now, sister,” He said, walking over to me and cupping my face in his hands. He forced me to look in his eyes, which were crazed, yet cold, “you know what I am. Voldemort was a fool to believe that he was the strongest. I will defeat all who oppose me and strike fear into the hearts of many merely by my name.”

I reverted to my normal self and snorted at him, “Man, you’re an even bigger fool than he was.”

He stopped smiling and glared. I felt the floor begin to shake and everything started glowing. I could feel the power building up. John gave me a smile that got me scared.
I grabbed my head as it started pounding; all of that power was welling up, even inside of me.

I gasped, “Stop it!”

“Then don’t call me a fool,” He hissed, gathering even more power. It felt like I was burning, I had to wake up.

“LET ME GO!” I yelled.

I woke up screaming and felt myself explode with power. It rippled away from me, and I couldn’t tell just what it did. (Actually, at that point, I didn’t care; just as long as it went away I was fine with whatever happened.) Harry, Ginny, James, Reggie and Albus and Lily all thundered to my room. (I had felt them all freeze as the power hit them, and then resume running when it had passed.)

Harry and Reggie both strode over to me. I had sat up and put my head in my hands. I was out of breath from screaming that much and using that much power, but I didn’t care.

“Are you ok, Lil?” Reggie asked me, touching my shoulder. The touch brought back everything I had dreamt and I shied away from it with moan.

“S-stay away from me,” I said. I felt something slide down my cheek and I touched it, shocked when I found a tear on my fingertip. “W-what?”

I could feel it building again, “Oh god, he’s coming back!”

I got up and raced around everyone, heading for the front door. I heard someone following me, but ignored the sound and tried to run into the forest that was behind their house. (The Potters house was in front of a forest, on the edge of suburbia.) I tripped over a root and came to a skidding stop right before I ran into a tree.

I heard whomever follow me run to my side and kneel, but my eyes were closed and my brain was spinning. The power was building up again, why could no one else feel it? I cracked my eye open and felt something hit me. I curled up in a ball, tears running down my face.

“Lillian,” James said to me, setting his hand softly on my arm. I edged away from him and looked up at him, ignoring the bolts of pain running through my body, “Lillian, what is going on?”

I let out a cry and managed to sit up, “My b-brother is tapping into my ppo-power.”

He looked at me. Pain flared up in my abdomen; I screamed.

“Someone Help Me!” I yelled, trying to hold on to my magic. Wherever he learned this trick, whoever he had learned it from, I wanted to destroy it or them.

I felt a calming feeling and saw Harry walk over to me. He set his hand on my forehead and my power immediately calmed.

“Just concentrate on calming down,” He said, holding his hand in the same position as he indicated for James to pick me up. I gave him a slight smile and managed to put my hand over Harry’s.

“I’ll be okay,” I told him, sitting up, “I’m much better now. He’s stopped. I think whatever you did worked.”

He grinned, “I did nothing that you couldn’t do yourself. I just gave you a push.”

I touched my temple and couldn’t feel any pain any more, but when I tried to stand, I was unable to. I gave everyone a sheepish grin.

“Can I have a bit of help?” I asked them, “I seem to be stuck.”

Father and son traded grins and helped me to my feet, where I was able to stumble between them back to the house.

Reggie and Ginny were at the front door, looking quite worried. We all assured them that I was fine now and needed no medical assistance. We went inside and went back to bed; I was helped there by Harry and James.

After that, nothing happened. Christmas came and went, all of us getting stuff we really wanted, although none of my gifts topped the ones that Dad had given me. I had gotten a, just about, life-supply of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans. I also got a book about anything you needed to know regarding just about anything, (it was magical). There was also a nice sapphire blue velvet cloak that Reggie had got for me. (The beans were from Lily and Albus, and James had given me some Chocolate frogs. Harry and Ginny had given me a useful little pouch for storing things, such as a cloak, a wand, and a crown.) Mom had sent a card with her book that had said that she was so sorry this wasn’t clothing, but she didn’t know what type of clothing I wore now. (I didn’t care one way or another just what she got me, but I loved the book because of how cool it was. I could read any book I wanted to, just by opening it when I was thinking of it.)

Break ended and we went back to school, returning to work and studying. I zoned out for most of it and somehow managed to pass, despite that.
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That's it for this chapter. Hope you're enjoying the interestingly odd story.....