
Nineteen Years Later: Number 8

Summer came to us, and I wasn’t sure just how. James and Albus were going back home, and I was going to my “home” as well. Mother met me on the platform, looking disgusted.

“I’m only doing this for your father,” she informed me, snatching the smaller bag out of my hand. I nodded, since she never expected me to answer, and waved good bye to the Potters, who were just leaving. Mother caught me doing that and snatched my hand and shoved it back down. I titled my head and looked at her. She hissed at me, “You will never do that again. Understand, young lady?”

I dropped my eyes and didn’t answer. She took that affirmation, so she didn’t push it like she should’ve. (If she had known me, she would’ve kept going until I gave a verbal reply.)

We made it back to the mansion and I quickly went to my room in the west wing. I felt like the beast in the story, exiled to the old wing so that I couldn’t be found by anyone unless they went into the forbidden area. (Beauty and the Beast was one of my favorite muggle fairy tales growing up.) I dropped my stuff on the floor and jumped onto my bed, sending up a small puff of dust; clearly no one had entered since I had left. I snapped my fingers and cleaned it up in no time.

I lay back on the coverlet and peered at my ceiling, imagining that I was with the Greek gods and goddesses up there, high in the sky, untouchable, and mostly happy, surrounded by people who loved them. I closed my eyes against the sting of tears and willed them away. (I was very good at that by now.)

I knew that everything would get worse once Mother realized that I was in Gryffindor, which she was unaware because I only told Reggie. She would find out if she went through my things, however, and I knew she would when she wanted to find her next outfit. (She always ransacked the house looking for stuff to wear whether she had to or not. Even if she had bought the outfit the day before, she went through the house. I think it was her way of making sure that no one was plotting against her during the party.)

I sat up and gestured towards my smaller bag. It unzipped and the book mother had given me flew out. I caught it and opened it. I smiled sadly when I saw the title of the story; Beauty and the Beast. I scooted back until my back hit the wall and read until I couldn’t keep my eyes open. Then I closed the book and set it to the side before laying back and falling into a deep sleep.

I was standing before John. No, wait, it was a mirror. I was facing a mirror, but it wasn’t my face in it, it was John’s.

He gave me a smile that made everything glow; this was what he was like before his power broke. The smile brought an answering one to my lips and we grinned at each other, twins once again. His smile grew sad and he gently caressed the glass separating us. I put up the mirror reflection of his hand and we put our hands against each other, only separated by the glass.

Suddenly, the glass shattered, and the room grew dark, as did the shards that fell from the pane. John grabbed my hand and started to try to pull me through. I put my foot against the frame of the mirror and yelled for him to let me go, tugging fiercely.

I sat up, covered in sweat. It was the first time I’d dreamt about something like that. Most of the dreams I ever had about John were about when he was just bad, not when he was good and went bad. It was a bit irregular, but maybe it meant something; maybe it meant that he could return to the way he was before.

I rubbed my eyes and thought about it for a moment.

Nah, I thought disregarding it, wouldn’t happen. I thought about it for another minute, Well, on the other hand; it couldn’t hurt to try.

That decided, I got up and walked to the bathroom, running my hand through my hair as I tried to wake up. My mental clock told me that I had woken up at two in the morning, but seeing as how I went to sleep around seven, I wasn’t surprised. Traveling with mother was tiring on a good day, and downright hell on a bad day. I did my business and returned to my room, yawning and scratching my head. (I was still waking up, even with all of the cold water I threw on my face.)

Someone made some noise in my room, so I paused outside of the doorway. They were rummaging around the room, clearly looking for something. I was too tired, so I used a word instead of motioning.

“Lumos,” I said, filling the room with light. James swung around and then gave me a mischievous grin, “James, what are you doing here? Didn’t you go back home?”

His grin grew, “I just wanted everyone to think that. They’re probably all wondering where I am, but I knew that someone had to keep you company over the summer.”

I gave him a smile and then I remembered my mother, “I can’t keep you here, you know. My mother would find you and skin you alive, just because you’re a Potter; being my friend would just be icing on the cake. How’d you get here anyway? Can you apparate already?”

He just grinned mysteriously and said, “Not telling, but I may show you when summer winds down. I think if you told her that my name was something else I’d be able to stay here. I could come to the entrance and introduce myself; that way you won’t get in trouble for having a guy in your room. Nice outfit by the way.”

I looked down at my outfit and realize that I had tossed my jeans at some point and my over shirt, but I had gained a filmy thing that looked a lot like lingerie. I let out a yelp and grabbed for my jeans.

“You jerk,” I hissed, wiggling into the pants and shedding the nightgown. (I had a tank top on underneath.) I glared at him, and he was grinning at me, “You’re such a pervert.”

“Like I would want that,” He teased, skipping back as I approached him with murderous intent, “you’re eleven did you forget?”

“And you’re one year older, did you forget?” I hissed, pressing him back, “And if you don’t leave in one minute, I’m screaming bloody murder.”

His reply was to laugh, and then he turned into a sleek black cat. I was so surprised that I forgot to be angry. I knelt down and offered my hand. He began purring and rubbed his head into my hand. I gave him a rueful grin; he was pretty good at that. That was when my pets decided I’d paid enough attention to him and attacked. I pulled off my owl and Mal, but Airus and Cap continued to peck and bite at him until I let out a whistle. They stopped and looked at me.

“Stop that and let him join the group for the night or something,” I told them, “after that he won’t do this again around you guys, alright?”

Everyone nodded, including James, who changed back for a moment.

“How is it that you can whistle and no one comes running?” He asked me, looking confused. (He changed back once he had asked his question.)

“They don’t come running because it’s two in the morning,” I said, looking amused, “They would if I started screaming, but since I whistled, no one cares.”

He nodded and gave a, “Mrowr!” of agreement.

My pets all moved to the same corner and perched or curled up and went to sleep. I laid on the bed and closed my eyes, hoping sleep would come back for me. I heard a pitiful meowing noise. I looked down and found James giving me a big-eyed stare, clearly pleading for a bit of bed. I gave him a look that told him to behave himself and patted the edge of the bed.

“At least I don’t have to worry about you taking up the entire bed.” I said, closing my eyes. I heard a purring noise and a vibration that originated near my shin; I smiled involuntarily.

Just as I was about to doze off, Airus decided to join us; I awoke when she landed on the bed. She laid down next to James and went straight to sleep.

The next day I awoke to someone knocking on my door.
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That's the end of the next chapter, let me know what you think!