Status: I haven't updated in awhile, I'm sorry. I've been busy and I will as soon as I can

Beautiful Friendship

Run, Run, Run

Elizabeth lay in bed, it was summer time and she stayed up all last night. She was talking to her friend; they talked nearly all night long. She talked to her friend about everything that happened in her day, from where she thought she saw a lead singer from her favorite band. And how she wished she’d have the money to buy a new CD, and how she thought she would cry when her mom yelled at her. They laughed when she told her friend how she was caught swearing at her cat. They cracked each other up.

She still lay in bed, lying on her stomach and head under a pillow, she was a silent sleeper with a slight snore sometimes. She loved to sleep it relaxed her far well.
She felt cold as the covers were pulled off of her. She keep her eyes closed thinking nothing of it. She felt someone shake her slightly and she rolled over and rubbed her eyes. She sequenced her eyes open and saw some sparkly brown ones shining on hers, she pushed at the person trying to awake her, she felt weight being lifted off her, and shoved to the other side. She turned on her side and covered back up; she felt shaking again.
“C’mon Elizabeth, get a move on. You’re going with me and my family because…well I actually don’t know. Just get up!” she heard her best friend tell her. She rolled over and saw Jacoby lying in her bed watching TV why she lays there dumbfounded. She looked at her dear friend, Watching TV.
“Jacoby why so freakin’ early?” she asked looking at him from the side of his face. He turned and smiled.
“Dude its 2:30pm.” Jacoby told her like she was a new comer. She rolled her eyes at him, wondering why—and when did he become a morning person? She rolled out of bed and went in the closet looking for clothing. She pulled out some skinny jeans and solid black tee. She looked in her long mirror and saw Jacoby still watching TV [in her bed] she started taking her PJ’s off, she knew Jacoby to well to think he would be a pervert. But what she didn’t know is that he would slant his eyes and look at her, he wondered why, why didn’t she have anyone. Not a boyfriend or anything. He wondered why she didn’t have any female friends. It was mostly only him and her—and she would never how he thought she was the world.
She got done putting her clothes on and put a little eyeliner on and checked herself in the mirror. Thinking she looked good. She turned around and saw Jacoby still watching TV.
She smiled and put her hands on her hips.
“Well, how does it look?” she asked spinning around, she saw his eyes go up and down her body. Analyzing it; a grin escaped his lips.
“You look HOT!” he said and clapped his hands together. He stood up, she didn’t notice what he was wearing at first and saw skinnies and a white tee, she giggled and thought they matched. Jacoby thought the same thing ‘cause he chuckled at her.
They walked out of her bedroom and went in the kitchen, she saw her mom there reading the news paper. Reading of the tragedy the world has. She looked up and saw them too.
“Jacoby, I don’t remember letting you in,” Elizabeth’s mom told him. He took an evil smile on his face.
“Well the door was unlocked, sooo. I just kinda walked in. hope you didn’t mind.” He told her mom, mom smiled and shook her head.
“I don’t know how you get in this house.” And laughed as she said it, Elizabeth went over to her mom and hugged her.
“Mom I’m going with him and his family to, uh. Wherever their going; do catcha later.” Her mom nodded and Jacoby already had the door open, waiting impatiently.
She shook her head and gave her mom one last squeeze and went out the door, they walked side by side together laughing at nothing but themselves.