Status: I haven't updated in awhile, I'm sorry. I've been busy and I will as soon as I can

Beautiful Friendship


CobtThey made it to the car, and hoped in. they put their seat belts on and started talking.
“Okay so where are we goin’?” Elizabeth asked looking at Jacoby with puppy eyes. He put his hand over her eyes.
“I don’t wanna see that, you don’t get to know,” he told her. “But! You do get to know one thing.” She nodded. “Were gonna be listen to, BMTH.” She eeped at him and started jumping in her seat it was funny to watch. As Jacoby himself thought. But that thing in the back of his mind wouldn’t shut up. It was eating at him, so he pushed it back as far as he could. He looked back and saw Elizabeth AKA: His world. Looking at out the window, he looked past her for a minute and they weren’t even moving yet just in the car waiting.
Elizabeth had things on her mind that she didn’t understand. It was about her best friend. But she would never tell him the things the wrong things she was thinking about her best friend. She didn’t like it. It would ruin their friendship, and nothing would ever be the same. Jacoby wouldn’t dare make that move. He thought it was ruin their friendship, he used to not feel that way, what made it change. It only started happening about a month ago. But what he thought about the most is, is that see she’s 13—he’s 17. Yes a very different age difference but, he didn’t care a lot about that. The girls didn’t like him much. He didn’t have many guy friends, he had her that’s all he wanted. At least they thought.
Elizabeth looked at her best friend, they were known as CobyBeth. Which they didn’t mind, they got that name when they started hanging out. Rumors went around that they were ’a couple’ but they new others wise. But she saw her friend just looking into each other’s eyes; she didn’t even notice it. She smiled at him worming-lly, and extended her hand out, in the air waiting for him to take it. He entwined his hand with hers, fingers gripping loosely. Faces smiling, loving the moment—but not know how each other loved it.
His mom got in the front seat and dad in the passenger. They started the car and didn’t tell Elizabeth hi or anything. They didn’t favor her too much, for herself actually. She didn’t care. Jacoby liked her, and that’s what mattered.
“Hey mom put on BMTH, I think it’s already in the player.” She hit Disk and they music flowed through the speakers. With guitars, drums, bass and screaming. They both saw that look on his mother and fathers face—dislike, they never approved of that taste in music for their son, but he is almost moving out. His mom looked back at the girl holding her sons hand, she gave them a look of disapproval, she didn’t think about that when they were kids, she didn’t even think it would last like this. To her demise it did. She couldn’t tear them apart. It didn’t work, she tried moving him away for two years, he found his way to his grandma’s and stayed at her house for the whole weekend. She didn’t know what they did, because he didn’t stay at his grandma’s house he slept at hers. She didn’t know if anything more than friends happened that night and she’ll probably never know.
Jacoby knew she didn’t like Elizabeth, but he told his mom one time: I don’t give a fuck if you don’t like her! She’s mine!
He hoped she still remembers those burning words that hurt her, but he loved the sound.
Elizabeth smiled at his dad when she turned and looked. It made Elizabeth smile, and she saw Jacoby smile when she thought those things. Sometimes she wonders if he can read her minds sometimes. He would never tell. He would use it for his ‘taking over the world’ project.