Status: I haven't updated in awhile, I'm sorry. I've been busy and I will as soon as I can

Beautiful Friendship

"Hey, How're you?"

Elizabeth and Jacoby were laughing at the things that they were saying. Elizabeth started laughing uncontrollable.
“I mean come on Oli’s hot. You can’t deny it.” She said with hand signs. Jacoby nodded his head.
“Yeah, I’d do him.” Elizabeth started shaking with laughter, so did Jacoby. They were still riding with his parents to the store, they were pretty sure they didn’t like the conversation they were having. Especially Jacoby saying he would do a guy. His mom clinched her teeth together. Gripping the steering wheel a little too tight—she had the fire in her eyes. She did not like her son talking about guys that way; she was always worried about him liking guys, she wouldn’t accept his sexuality if he was gay, she couldn’t even accept it if he were bi. She looked over and her husband angrily, he shook his head and mouthed the words ‘don’t worry about it’ Jacoby looked in the review mirror and saw his moms face, he smiled at it. He actually liked her hearing the things; he did things to make her furious with him.

They reached the store. Jacoby and Elizabeth raced out the car doors into Fred’s store. They grabbed a buggy.
“Jacoby get in this buggy my man,” he told him with a sly smile.
“Yes my darling.” And jumped right in and hit his butt a little hard. She started going down the aisle, Jacoby grabbing things off shelves he thought he needed, while Elizabeth ran into everything in sight. She was lucky that Jacoby was only 190lbs; because he wasn’t too tall not too short and the perfect height for his weight, Elizabeth herself weighed 104, perfect for her height and age. She got lose to Jacoby.
“Look at those two dudes over there,” she pointed with her finger. “We shall talk.”
Jacoby froze but luckily Elizabeth couldn’t tell, why was he worried about her making more guy friends? was he worried about losing her? He knows she wouldn’t leave—but he still worried.
They reached over to the guys with Jacoby still in the buggy.
“Hey, how’re you?” Elizabeth asked not being shy at all; she wasn’t much of one as Jacoby was. But when they were together he wasn’t that shy as if he was alone.
A blonde hair boy turned around and looked at her, he was dumbfounded. But found her beautiful. He didn’t know to be friendly or flirtatious; he saw the boy in the buggy and went with friendly.
“Names Jake, and you?” he said leading his hand out to shake hers. Jacoby just looked at this boy wondering if he had competition, he thought just a little bit with the blonde hair.
“Elizabeth.” She shook his hand.
Jake looked down at the boy and the buggy and led his hand towards him as well. Jacoby took it with a firm grip.
“Jacoby,” Jake shook his head as he shook his hand.
“Nice to meet you all, but I have to go in a minute. Would you like to keep in touch?” he asked looked at Elizabeth she shook nodded her head, he pulled out a paper and a pin {Scary} and he asked for her number, she gave it to him.

She pushed Jacoby out the store in the buggy. They saw the Mister and Misses loading the stuff they bought into the car, the jumped back in the back seat and was going to ask if they could get some ice cream, they both liked coffee ice cream—they could get a large and share, they drink out of each other’s drink all the time. Mostly eating the same noodles in the same bowl, sometimes with the same fork; they didn’t think it was weird but other people have saw it and got an eyebrow raised at them.

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Comments and raiting are loved.
