Daddy's Little Girl

The night my grandma found out

I walked inside all bubbly.I have never met him before,but ive never felt this way before about a guy either.Iwalked into my grandmothers house.

"Why do you look so happy?"

I looked at her.

"Umm i was at the store and found everything i need and i'm very excited about 7th grade."

"Alice you better not be lieing to me i want the thruth little girl!You know it's past your bed time?"

I looked at her.I knew i couldn't tell her the truth she would get mad at me.

"It's true.Why can't you believe me?"

My grandmother looked at me.She looked really mad.

"Umm,okay well i was out shopping and i made some new girlfriends there in 8th grade and there funny smart sweet,very pretty."

I walked up stairs as fast as i could so my grandmother couldnt ask me anymore questions.but i remembered jared had asked me out on a dat this saturday i ran back downstairs.

"Umm grandma?"


"Umm this saturday you know those girls i were telling you about?"


"Well they asked me to hang out with them and i was wondering since it's new fri4ends i made do you think i can go hang out with them this saturday?

"Umm sure i want you back by 10:30 sharp!."

I went upstairs all happy knew i had to dress perfectly for him.
As i went into the bath room to wash up,i heard the phone ring.

"Ding ding ding."


"Um hold on let me get her for you."


My grandmother called me i hurried out of the shower and got dressed and ran down as fast i could.


"Theres a boy on the line for you.If thats who your going to hang out on saturday you can but nothing else than that okay."

I looked suprised that she knew i was going to be hanging out with him this friday.


I grabbed the phone and ran upstairs.


"Hey Alice it's me JaredIwas wondering since were going to be daten this saturday,um what would you like to do?"

It took me a while.

"Ummm suprise me,okay?"

"Okay,so i'll pick you up by 7:00?"


"Okay then,Bye have a good night."

"You too."

After i got off the phone i got under my covers and then my grandma comes up.


"Yes grandma?"

"If your going out this saturday i sugest you tell the truth next time okay.?"


She gave me a kiss on the forehead and i went to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay i got another chapter down!!!
Hope you enjoy it!!
Cosmment and subscribe please!!
