Goin' to School With Billie, Mike, and Tre...

Chapter Seven: The Dress Is Ruined..?

It seemed to happen in slow motion. I was holding Billie's hand and I slowly turned around to see what was going on all around me. It seemed like every eye was on me. All I saw were three familiar faces and red punch. My smile slowly disappeared along with Billie's.

In a matter of seconds red punch was all over Billie and I.

"That is for turning us down for him!" one of them screamed.

I looked at Billie and we ran out of the hall together followed by Mike, Tre, Leah, Heather, and Stacy. We ran up to the bathrooms on the third floor followed by the laughing of the rest of the students.

I wasn't crying, like many would have expected. I was so mad I could have killed. I could tell Billie was made too. But no one seemed to be as made as Tre'. I didn't know why Tre' would be so mad, I mean, he didn't have the punch pored on him. So, why is he be so mad?

"Who the heck were those jerks?!" Tre yelled running to the bathrooms.

"I don't know. One of them said something about me," Billie said.

"Those were the three guy's that asked me to go with them to the dance. I turned them down because I was going with you. They said they would get me back. I just wished it wouldn't have been tonight," I said calmly.

"Oh," Mike said.

We walked to the bathrooms together and got cleaned up. My dress was totally ruined. I hoped my mom would under stand. So, we all went back to the common room for the rest of the night. We didn't go to bed until one in the morning. I was surprised that I was able to stay up that long. Normally by ten I was really tired.

The few weeks after the dance were okay. They were just like before the dance just a little different. Mike and Heather officially went out and Tre broke up with Stacy. He claimed that he didn't like her. I thought differently, I had caught her in an empty classroom after lunch kissing one of the guys that poured the punch on me. I tried to hid it from him, but he caught on. So, when I told him he didn't seem effected by it.

Everyone keeps saying how cute Billie and I looked together, each time we denied that we like each other. I guess we were just not ready to admit that we liked each other and yet we knew that each of us did. I wore the necklace everyday after the dance. Everything seemed fine, well almost everything. I still hadn't gotten any messages from the dead or any visions. I was getting so worried that I had written to my mom. She sent me a package that really surprised me...