Unexpected love

A new meeting

Ahhh, music. Peaceful music. I was in my piano room playing to my hearts content. I like piano but I love is singing more. Although I don’t sing in front of people except my best friend, Lynn, I still love it. I love classical music. It tells the time and place, the story, the plot, all of them telling a special story that the composers wish to share with his listeners. I went downstairs to get a break and do some gardening. My plans were interrupted when I remembered that I have a paper for English literature due next week. I grabbed my coat and rode my bicycle there.

I entered the library, filling my lungs with that old book smell. The books are ancient, welcoming, waiting to be discovered, to be read and spread knowledge. There’s nothing like a good book. I spent nearly three hours researching and reading. Finally, I’m done. I went to the counter. Mrs. Frederic smiled and said, “Good to see you again Ashley. Oh, and I’m not supposed to tell anyone yet but the new books have just arrived. Would you like to read it? You’ll be the first one to read the new ones. They’re not going to be on display this month.”

“I would love to Mrs. Frederic,” I said and smiled back.

“In that case, give me five minutes.” While I was waiting for her return, something caught my eye. It’s a brochure for summer camp.
“Uh, Mrs. Frederic, what’s this brochure for?” I said as I flipped through one of them. It seems interesting.

“Oh that’s the camping program they just added. It’s for teenagers. If you agree to work there for the summer, you’d be teaching kids between ages of nine to twelve. I have an application form if you’d like,” she said emerging from the room filled with new books.

“Oh, ok. I’ll have one. I’m going to ask my parents for permission first.”

“Here you go, the new book,” she said with a wink, “and the application form.” I looked at the cover which read, "Loving someone I hate."

“Thanks Mrs. Frederic.”

I went in front of the fountain, the one near the library, and started reading. Suddenly, a car (with surprisingly loud pop music) stopped in front of the library and a guy went out the car, followed by his friends. The guy that came out from the car earlier had dark brown hair. He was tall. I think he’s six feet or over. They started howling like maniacs. I just rolled my eyes. They’re all stupid wandering yahoos. They’re all the same. I saw something unexpected. The guy that came out of the car first just stood there, quietly. Then he took out a water pistol and smirked. He took aim and squirted it at his friends. See? All of them are the same. One of his friends, a black haired, saw me and nudged his other friend, motioning for them to look at me. I pretended not to notice, closed my books and walked in the other direction. They huddled towards me and one of them spoke.

“Hey, what’re you reading? The American Hottie?” He said and laughed. His friends laughed with him.

“No I’m reading Einstein’s theory. He said the more he studies the universe the more he believed in a higher power.”

“Well, if there is a higher power, why doesn’t he get you a guy?” He questioned, mocking me, smirking. His friends laughed.

“That’s because he’s too busy looking for your brain.”

“Ooohh, Alex. You just got burned, by a girl,” they echoed. So, his name is Alex. Alex seemed speechless.

I glared at them and walked away. Before turning to walk away, I couldn’t help but look out of the corner of my eye to see the guy from earlier. He was staring at me. Is the expression he’s wearing stunned or thinking that I’m a complete snob? Well, whatever it is, I don’t care.

I reached home and called Lynn. I waited for two rings and she answered.

“Hi,” I said.

“Oh, hey it’s you Ash,” she answered breathing heavily.

“A simple hello would be nice too.”

“Oh, sorry, I ran.”

“Exercising again?”


“So what’s up anything new?”

“Yeah, listen. There’s this new guy. He came back I heard. He used to live here but he moved because of his parent’s work. So now that his parents are no longer working for the company, and oh my god you won’t believe where he used to live. He lived in New York! How cool is that! Anyway, I forgot his name but I think we were in the same class with him two years ago.”

“I see. Thanks for the update, my secretary,” I joked.

“No problem. I gotta jet. My mum needs help with the groceries. See ya in school.”

“Yeah, see ya.”

I kept thinking of what Lynn had said. ‘I think we were in the same class with him two years ago.’ Immediately, my mind flashed back to the day when ‘he’ embarrassed me. His friend said that ‘he’ invited me to a party. I said ok. When I got there his friends and some girls stuck a note outside the building that said,"Sorry, the party isn’t for losers, we’re partying at another building and here are the bills’. I was disappointed in myself that I actually believed that the A-listers wanted me to go their party. From that day on, I vowed to never fall with any guy. I mean, how could I after that stupid thing? I felt like I’ve been tricked, like I’ve just been used as an entertainment. If it wasn’t for Lynn, I would have died of social death. Right now, I just don’t want to talk about it. Our one week holiday is over and school starts tomorrow. It’s the beginning of high school. A new beginning at least, I hope so.


I was reading my book on the way to school when someone snatched the book from my hands and I looked up.

“Are you just going to bury your nose in those books all throughout high school,” asked Lynn.

“I would’ve if you’d give me my book back,” I replied and snatched it back. I smiled.

“Same old Ash. Ms. Reading and Responsible,” she said and saluted. I laughed at her gesture.

“Come on Ms. Sarcastic, we have orientation and I think we’re gonna be late.”

“Yes ma’am.”

We walked into the auditorium, where the orientation is being held. I wasn’t really listening because we’ve been through this before and every year we had the same orientation. It’s like the principal had a recorder every year. I snuck out my book and started reading. When he said there’s going to be new students, I didn’t even bother. I just continued reading like there’s no tomorrow. Finally, I felt someone’s presence next to me. I ignored it and went back to reading. Then, I heard someone whisper, “Oh hey, it’s the chick that burned you the other day, Alex.” Immediately, I snapped my head back up. I looked at him. His brown haired friend wasn’t there. Alex was studying me again. I closed my book and stood up. I moved to a different seat. To be exact, I moved two seats away from him, opened my book and started reading again. Suddenly, I felt a small breeze running down near my ear. I heard an intake of breath.

“Do you always sneak about reading books during class?” Said a deep husky voice from behind me.

“Well, that’s none of your business now is it?” I snapped and turned back. Suddenly, I found myself looking into a pair of golden hazel eyes that looks almost amber.

“True, I don’t have any business with you but this is a free country,” he answered calmly.

“Well, they should have rules against invading people’s privacy.”

“You’re a very interesting person, Ashley Harrison.”

“How’d you know my name?” I asked shocked.

“I have my sources.”

The orientation class ended and I scooped my stuff up, not caring if he stares or not . I met Lynn outside the door.

“Hey, did you see the hot guys? They’re going to be new students here, at Harrington Academy. It’s so going to boost up the hottie score here,” she exclaimed.

“To bad they’re idiots.” Then I paused, “What hottie score,” I asked.

“It’s the list that Janine Adams puts up on the bathroom wall every week to see who’s hottest.”

“Funny. I didn’t see it.”

“Like I said before, your nose is buried too deep into the books. Anyway, did you see the guys in the auditorium? O.M.G. Drop dead gorgeous, plus, they were sitting right next to you! Why didn’t you make a move and why did you move away? There’s also one sitting at the back of you! Anyway, you were talking to him.”

“Simple. All hot guys are idiots. They’re more likely to fall for a girl like Janine and I didn’t talk to him.” Lynn just rolled her eyes.

“You know, all bods no brain?” I emphasized.

“Nah, I kind of disagree. Some could be cute and brains. The one behind you looks like he has a good head on.”

I slung my arms around her shoulder. “No way and if there was a guy like that, my dear friend, I would have fallen in love head over heels with him.”

The next day, I saw the new guys and the A-listers bonding. ‘They sure do make friends fast,’ I thought. I lined up to get my food when I heard someone from the A-listers call my name. I looked back and saw Janine motioning me to come over. I slowly moved towards their table.

“Hey, Ashley, I was wondering, would you like to go this party this Saturday. Candace is hosting it.” I froze. Parties have been a phobia for me since that incident but I composed myself.

“Thanks but no thanks. I promised my little brother I’d take him to the skate park,” I rejected politely and smiled.

“Oh, that’s a shame.”

“Well, hope you have lots of fun at the party,” I said and turned away from the table.

“What was that about?” Lynn asked.

“Oh, nothing, they invited me to some party and I rejected. No big deal.”

“Ash, you gotta get over that phobia. It’s been two years.”

“I-I’m okay.” I smiled. She just looked at me with concern and continued eating.' If okay means remembering that horrible time,' I added silently.
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Sorry it's a little short but i promise to try to update as soon as possible. BTW can you guys give some suggestions or advice? I'd be happy to recieve them.=)