Unexpected love

Do i know you?

I waited for my little brother, Max, to come down. Honestly, a guy takes way more time to check himself to make sure he's looking good than they say girls do. Or is it just me? I shook my head. Too confusing.

"Max, you ready yet? I'm leaving without you if you don't come down now," I said, impatiently. I've been standing there for fourty-five minutes. Who wouldn't get impatient? I heard footsteps thudding against the carpeted wooden floor.

"Coming!" He yelled and he came down with a skateboard tucked under his arm. I folded my hands across my chest. "What?" He said.

"You know what I mean," I said giving him 'the look' . He sighed.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll go get my helmet," he said and turned around. I cleared my throat.

"Ahem..," I said and raised my eyebrows.

"Fine AND the safety-pads," he gave in. I smiled. He went back up to get his helmet and safety pads. "Can we go now?" He asked once he got down.

"Ok, now we can go. "

"YES!!" He shouted. "Finally!" For a fourteen year-old, he can be so childish. I know he's big enough to go out on his own but my mum insists that I follow him. I just smiled at him. He has his bad and good features. The good ones are: Sometimes mature, helpful, has a good heart, understanding at times,caring and has a good sense of humor. The bad ones are: he can be annoying, sometimes immature, loves knowing my deepest darkest secret so that he can mess with me and unorganised. Other than that, he's a cool little brother. We walked to the skate park which was three blocks away from my house on Walter Street. It was autumn and the dried leaves were all scattered on the pavements.

A soft breeze blew, causing my sandy coloured hair to cover my eyes. I tucked my hair behind one ear and continued walking. When we reached the skate park, a couple of his friends were already there doing the one-eighty or whatever you call it. They did tricks and laughed at each other. I dug out my book that I had kept in my coat. You didn't really thought that I was going to just sit there like a stone and just watch did you? I started reading on the page where I'd left off. Just as I was finally about to enjoy my reading, I felt someone plopped down next to me.

"Ashley, Ashley, Ashley. You came to the skate park and all you do is read?" Said a male voice. From the tone of his voice, I take it as an insult.

"Do you mind? I'm trying to read, unlike some people," I said and looked side ways. It's the brown haired guy from the water fountain with..what's his name...oh yeah! Alex. He was wearing a black coat over a white, loose, shirt and jeans. Doesn't he even feel cold? At all? He was casually putting both of his arms on the table at the back of him.

"Well, I'm just saying...," he said but I cut him off.

"Why do you keep running into me?"

"Maybe because I want to," he said smirking. Urghh..I felt like I want to slap that smirk right off of his face.

"Is that supposed to be a pick-up line? Because personally, I don't think it's working," I said and closed my book. Ok, so maybe it did a little because my face felt hot and I did blush. A little! I walked to where little girls, about the age of ten or eleven, were selling hot cocoa and I think I need one now. I looked at the sign that said, ' Hot cocoa for sale. 1 cup for 50 cents.' I smiled at them and gave them the money.

"Can I have a cup please?"

"Make that two," the brown haired guy said, appearing at the back of me. He gave them the money and took the two plastic cups. He passed one to me and I took it. I said thank you to the little girls who were selling the hot cocoa. I didn't bother saying thanks to him but I did anyway. It's my nature to be nice. Sue me.

While I was carefully sipping my hot cocoa, the little girls were whispering something like," No, you ask her." I smiled.

"Yes? Do you have anything you want to ask me?" I asked. A little black haired girl with grey eyes stepped forward and was playing with her hands. I waited patiently for her to ask me right out about whatever it was they were whispering about. When they group of other girls standing behind her couldn't take it anymore, they just dove right in.

"Is he your boyfriend?" One of them asked. I almost chocked on my hot cocoa but forced a smile out. I cleared my throat.

"Uhh, no, I'm not her boyfriend," he said at the same time I said, "No."

"Hey, mister, "said one of the little girl. She has blonde hair and blue eyes. "Do you like her?"

"Do you WANT to be her boyfriend?" Another girl with brown hair asked.

"Umm..first of all, call me Will. I'm not that old and for the second and the third answer, come over here," he said while motioning both of them to come nearer. He slung his arms around their shoulder and whispered something to low for me to hear that made them giggle afterwards. One of them, the blonde one, went over to me and said, "He says you're being mean to him."

"Well, it's his fault for not properly introducing himself to me and invades my personal space and I don't even know him," I said coldly.

"Ouch," he said, clutching his heart. "That hurt," he said, expressing hurt. The little girls around him giggled. I rolled my eyes.

"It better," I said and turned on my heel. 'Jeez, what's his problem with me? I never knew him but..does he know me? ' I thought.

"Ashley, wait," he said as he caught up to me. "My name is Will. Now it's even. You know my name, I know yours."

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" I asked, sipping my hot cocoa.

"Uhh..yes?" He said but it sounded more of a question than an answer.

"Then, it did a little," I said truthfully. He grinned at that and took a sip of his hot cocoa.

"So does that mean I get your phone number?" He asked.

"In your dreams maybe," I said and continued walking, leaving him behind.

"Is that a possibility?" He raised his voice a little so he can be heard.

"Not even close. See ya," I let out a tiny wave without looking back. 'Definitely in his dreams,' I thought to myself. I can't break my vow now. Not yet. I don't even know him that well to begin with so I'll see how it goes with just being friends and be the judge myself. I went back to the bench that I was sitting on and checked my watch. It read five-thirty p.m. I walked over to where my brother and his friends were sitting.

"Hey, Max. We're gonna be late for dinner. Let's go."

"Oh, okay," he said. "See ya later guys. Gotta go." That's an example of another one of his good features, obedient. We walked in silence for a while, each of us drifting in our own thoughts. After a while, Max spoke up.

"Hey, who was that guy you were talking with on the bench?" He asked. Okay, that question caught me off guard. I'm surprised he even noticed.

"You mean Will?" I asked.

"So, his name is Will?" He asked, turning his head to look at me.

"Yeah...but what does he got to do with you?" He ignored my question and asked, "Did he tell you his last name?" I shook my head.

"Nope. Just Will."

"Well...you better stay away from him. He's bad news," he warned. I was shocked. For a moment there, I thought he was my older brother.

"Oh, so, NOW you're the responsible one."

'Hey, what can I say? Mr. Responsible is my middle name."

"You wish," I said and laughed. He stuck his tongue out and went inside our house. 'Is Will, really bad news? Does my brother know something I don't?' I thought silently. 'Whatever, he's not worth your time,' I added silently. Only my heart was telling me a different story.
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Hey, i tried to do a little more describing. Tell me what do you think about it. No bad comments or rude comments. Advice and suggestions are appreciated. Thank you! =)