Another Fantasy Story


I’ve to think, over and over again, have to consider all the traps and try to know her thoughts. She killed my sister, my little sis. I miss her, Callandria was beautiful. She had long curly hair, brown eyes, almost black. She was only 14. I don’t accept her death. But should I accept it? No! I shouldn’t.

My parents died a long time ago, or that’s what they tell me. I’m not sure what to believe.

Since I was 6, I began to ask my aunt questions about my parents, about the world, all the things that were a mystery to me. But she never answered any of my questions clearly. At first, I didn’t understand what she was hiding for me, or why . But now I know. The outside world isn’t pretty, or helpful as you think. It’s cruel and unfair. My aunt took care of me and Callandria when our parents died, we lived in a small village. She’s a farmer. It is very unusual for a woman to be a farmer in 1681, but she’s a strong, independent woman. I left her about three days ago. I want to find the woman who killed my sister. She will suffer when I’ll find her, she’ll wish to be death when I’ll torture her. Yes, I’m sure it’s a woman. I saw her bounded over my little sis’ body. I froze when I saw it. When she saw me staring, she took off. She just jumped out of the window and left my Callandria on the floor, bleeding to death. I didn’t know what to do. I was too late to safe her, I will never forgive myself.

To lose someone you love is hard, but to see someone you love die, is unbearable.

I walked through the Joki Forest, in the sunlight between the yellow flowers. Callandria loved yellow flowers, she always said: “Yellow is the color of the sun. Yellow is new, fresh, and makes you happy.” I always believed her, even if I was 3 years older than her, she was the smart one. I envied her, my little sis.

My aunt didn’t want to let me go, she said that I was like a son to her, she didn’t want to lose another child. I felt miserable, leaving her alone in the shadows of the future. But I have to take revenge for my sister.

The path in the forest wasn’t hard to find, quickly I arrived in Kiroki, the village of the storytellers. A long time ago, every village had his own ‘sort of people’, in Kiroki were a lot of storytellers. It isn’t the same anymore, only Kiroki has kept the tradition of their people. I only needed to see Greg, he’s a famous storyteller. I know that the woman that killed Callandria, wasn’t human, or wasn’t entirely human. I’m not sure what she is, but I’m going to find out, whatever it takes...
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Hi everyone!
It's a short chapter, and really nothing is happening in it. I'll understand if you think it's boring, But I'm a bit scared to post the rest of my story on the net, 'cause I don't you wou'll like it. Pls Let me know what you think of this, and maybe I'll post a new chapter soon ;-)
Thanks for reading it!
