Another Fantasy Story

Hef's stories

“No, I’m sorry but you’re on your own now, but if you need help afterwards just call my name, and I’ll be there, latterly.” Okay? He thought he could hear me from any distance and than *Poof* stand in front of me? Yeah well, everyone his own fantasy. This town is really weird.
Just like he said, I knocked on Hef’s door. Nobody answered or opened the door, so I tried again.
“Sir, Hef? Will you please open the door? I need your help.”
A rough man voice finally answered me.
“Oh, so people come to see me, only if they need help. Do you really think that I’m going to help everyone who knocked on my door?”
Jezz was right, old and grumpy.
“I’m sorry sir, it’s just. I want to hear a story of you and…” He cut me of.
“You want to hear a story? Just go to Greg, he would love to tell you stories, about fairies and dwarfs. Now go away, leave the old man alone!” Damn it, why wouldn’t he just listen?
“I’m not going away, sir.” I was not giving up, not yet.
“Well, I hope you enjoy your disappointment ‘cause I’m not opening that door!”
I felt the wood under my fingers when I touched the door, it wasn’t strong at all. Maybe I just had to kick the door in. I went with my thoughts. When I got in, I saw two little sofa’s and a hearth-fire. In one of the sofa’s, sat an old grey man. He looked surprised, his pipe laid on the ground just like his book.
“I said I wasn’t going anywhere. I lost my sister to whatever I don’t know, I want to know who did this to her! I really need some explanation and you’re the only one who can help me with that. I don’t have money to pay you, I don’t have a home anymore and I want revenge!”
He still looked surprised at me.
“So will you help me? Sir?” Maybe I was wrong about kicking his door and yelling at him, but if I wanted to revenge my sister, that’s what I’ve got to do.
“Uhm, what did you say? I’m sorry, did you lost your sister?”
“Yes I did,” I sat down in one of the sofa’s, even he didn’t ask me if I wanted to sit down, and took a deep breath. “About six days ago, I found my sister bleeding on the floor. There was this woman bounded over her, she had a pale white skin, sharp teeth and she was the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen. She looked like a human, but I don’t think she was.” While I talked, Hef stood up and ran to one of his bookshelves.
“I think I know a legend about that, but I’m not sure you want to know it.” He said carefully.
“Of course I want to know! I left my aunt to search for that creature.”
“Okay,” he sighed, “I think that the woman you described was a vampire. Vampires are very rare creatures, they feed themselves with human blood, they are prettier than any human you would ever see.” He paused. “Normally I don’t believe in the legends, but this one, well, I only saw once a vampire. It wasn’t a woman, it was a man. He killed my wife.” Hef looked down to hide his tears.
“I’m… I am so sorry. I didn’t knew that. You don’t have to do this, I will fix your door and go away. I don’t want you in pain, like me. I…” How many times did I hurt someone in the last week? I’m a horrible person!
He took my arm.
“No, my son. Don’t go after them, they’re much stronger than humans. They’re incredibly strong, fast and the only way you can kill them is to rip the head of the shoulders and burn the head.”
“I can do that! Everything for Callandria.”
“You are very brave but you don’t know that, you’re just a kid. How old are you? 17?” Was he serious? Of course I could handle a woman!
“16 to be exactly, but that’s not the point. Will you tell me the legend? I’m going to search her anyway, with or without your advice.”
“It’s not a very long story. Vampires are very rare creatures, like I already said. About 300 years ago, the stories began. There was told that the vampires started a war, with ‘humans with special abilities’. Those humans, called Nimphos, had found a medication for vampires. It was a potion to make vampires mortal again. The vampires were against it, of course, the Nimphos could use the potions to execute the vampires. They thought that Vampires were too dangerous to be on earth, that they had to be killed, one by one. But the Nimphos weren’t murderers, so they invented a potion to make the Vampires human again.
At the end of the war, in 1487, they decided to keep peace. The Nimphos wouldn’t use the potions and the Vampires would keep themselves calm. The Vampires don’t feed often, only if they really have to.”
“Where can I find them?”
“Everywhere and nowhere, they are like shadows. They disappear before you even notice they were here. Normally they have a knife, sometimes they hide a letter in it.”
“How do you mean, they hide letters in it?” It sounded really absurd.
“They all have special knives, in the shell of the knife is usually a handle. When you twist the handle, an empty space appears. In that empty space, they put a letter where they shall go.”
“Thanks a lot Hef, I really owe you!”
“You owe me nothing! You can spend the night on the sofa here. It’s to dangerous to travel tonight. Tomorrow you can fix my door, because I’m not capable of that anymore.” He smiled at me. He was actually a nice guy, or should I say, grandpa. I did feel a bit guilty because I let him think about his wife’s death again.
“Thanks a lot sir!”
“Well, enough stories for today, I’m going to sleep now. Good night young man, I really hope you might change your mind about your revenge.” He grabbed his pipe and book of the floor and went upstairs. I found a blanket in one of the closets, and a pillow. It didn’t took long to fall asleep. I dreamed about a battle between Vampires and Nimphos…
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Thanks for reading!