Status: Very, very slow Active


Hi. My name iz Emily, and Im 15 yeres old.

I hav a mental condishun. Thats wat my docter says.

He sed that my mind and body dont always coo-operate with each other. Whatever that means.

I hav the mental capasity of 10 yere old. And the physical capasity of a 3 yere old.

Im moving to a new scool for haf of the day. Im geting a new teecher who iz a boy.

Hiz name iz Adam.

Im nervus.

Rated R for some language and later chapters. No warnings on anything.
  1. Old School
    Edit 7/26
  2. New School
  3. Mom!
  4. Good Morning
  5. Store Bought
    Edit 7/26
  6. New Supplies
    Repost - Please read Author's Note
  7. All Dressed Up
  8. Fun Friday
  9. October Equals Someone New
    REPOST-MERGED w/Next Chapter. Please read agin.
  10. Sick
    Please read author's note.