Live Lava Addaleigh


The park went well. Kyle and Haylei had been getting along a lot better than before we left my house. He kept trying to show off to her, while Mitchell and I sat in the grass, watching them closely. Mitchell kept his arm protectively around my back, making sure everyone knew to back off. It was a slight bit chilly outside that afternoon, so I was snuggled into his side, trying to stay warm off of his radiant heat.

Mitchell, pressing his lips to my ear, whispered, “Addaleigh, I love you. More than this universe will know. Please don’t be worried about me.”

He knew I was thinking about him and worrying while I was at it. He knew my facial expressions- each and every one of them- and how each depicted a different mood or what I was thinking.

“I’m worried because you haven’t said much to me since last night before we went back to my house,” I whispered back.

“I told you, love, not to worry. I’ve just been thinking. Things are on my mind right now. I know that I am over Rae, it’s just a matter of how much she broke me and how afraid I am to lose you.”

The words Rae and broke stung my body. I wanted to break her so much. After the hell she put me through and after breaking Mitchell’s heart more and more each day, she definitely deserved it. But I wasn’t mean. I couldn’t hurt a fly. And Mitchell knew I was better than that.

“Alright, I’ll take your word for it,” I looked at him and then picked some grass.


We dropped Kyle and Haylei off at Kyle’s house because he volunteered to take her home. Before we pulled away I told him the repercussions if he hurt her in any way, but I knew him better than that. He would never hurt anyone. All Kyle did was laugh at me and tell us goodnight.

Mitchell drove back to my house. The entire time, the silence was unbearable, but nice in a freakish way. He held my hand, but his face looked hurt. When he parked, he looked at me straight in the eyes. He grabbed my other hand with his and stroked my hand with his thumb. The shocks trickled under my skin where he pressed his thumb against my hand.

“Adda, I love you… so much, more than this world and universe combined. I know that we can make this work. I just have to shut the door to Rae,” he spoke clearly and quietly. “I don’t want to hurt you, but that’s what has been on my mind. I’ve been thinking about actually going to talk to her.”

I looked at him and then down at the console between he and I. Tears welled up in my eyes.

“Don’t cry, Adda,” he said, trying his hardest to keep me from crying. “I just have to. I promise I won’t hurt you. I won’t take her back, I won’t cheat on you with her, and I most definitely won’t kiss her.”

Tears escaped my eyes and created paths against my cheeks. Mitchell reached up and brushed his thumb lightly across my cheekbone. I knew that he would never hurt me, but there was the chance that he may remember about all the fun he had with Rae and how much he missed her, break up with me, and go back to her with a full fledged long-distance relationship.

I didn’t look at Mitchell. I just let the tears fall from my eyes onto the console. He tried his hardest to keep them from even getting off of my cheeks. He gave up and pulled me into his chest. His scent overwhelmed me as I sobbed into his shirt. I was guessing my makeup was everywhere and I didn’t feel like apologizing to him. He ran his hands over my hair.

The next thing I knew Mitchell was unbuckling me and pulling me out of the car and into his arms. I heard the door shut and us moving across my lawn. I cuddled into his chest.

“M-m-mitchy?” I asked quietly before he got to the front door.

“Yes, Adda?” he replied.

“Where are we going?”

He paused to open the door. “Inside to put you to bed.”

“Y-you’re not going to stay with me tonight?”

“No. I need to go home and think of what to do about this… Rae thing,” he responded.

My heart stopped and fell into my stomach, or so it seemed. “O-oh.”

“I’m sorry Adda,” he apologized.

I felt him sit me down on my bed. “Don’t be. You’re doing this to close a door in your life,” I whispered.

I rubbed my eyes a bit, feeling the remnants of tears on my face. I heard him sigh and sit down beside me on the bed. He put his hand on my leg and I opened my eyes.

“Addaleigh, I’m trying to be good to you. Do you think that just leaving this door hanging wide open with Rae will make things better?” he asked.

“Well I’m just afraid that something will happen between you two and you’ll want to go back,” I said, feeling the tears well up on my eyes.

“Don’t worry. I’m sure nothing will happen.”

I could hear the pain in his voice. “I promise I won’t let anything happen. Just go to bed for now. If you need me, you can just call.”

He stood up and hovered over me, placing a kiss on my lips.

“Goodnight, Addaleigh,” he said, walking away from me and my bed. “I will talk to you tomorrow, okay?”

I nodded, but my room was too dark for him to tell. He took the keys to my car out of his pocket and put them on my dresser as he walked out of the room. I watched in disbelief that he had actually had the nerve to leave. My BOYFRIEND basically just broke my heart into thousands of pieces and he had the NERVE to leave me.

“Ugh,” I sighed as I pulled my body up off of my bed to get some pajamas out of my dresser.

I looked at the clock. It said eleven fifteen, give or take a few minutes. I sighed and slipped into the pajamas. After I did so, I remembered that Mitchell hadn’t bothered to get my purse out of my car. I sighed and got the keys off the dresser and slipped on a pair of my flip flops. I wandered out to the front room, where my mom was sitting alone on the couch, reading a book. I smiled at her and she looked at me funny.

“Where are you going in that get-up?” she asked, a chuckle escaping her mouth.

“Just to get my purse out of my car,” I replied.

She nodded and then looked back at her book. I walked out the front door and down the driveway to my car. I looked down the street to see Mitchell walking with his hands in his pockets, head down. I blinked and then got into the driver’s seat. I tried to ignore the fact that he was walking alone and cold.

I grabbed a hold of the steering wheel and let out a sigh. I put the key in the ignition and turned drove towards Mitchell. When I got close enough to him, I slowed down and rolled my window down.

“Want a ride?” I half yelled half asked him.

He looked at me and then what I was wearing and then got in.

“I’m sorry for disappointing you and hurting you, Adda,” he said as he buckled himself in.

“I guess I’m going to have to deal with it sooner or later. I just have to learn to let go of our past with her,” I replied.

He nodded. “Well I didn’t know you were going to come get me.”

“I didn’t either. I was just coming to get my purse and it’s ending in me taking you home.”

I pulled into his driveway. “I’m sorry for crying like that.”

“No, you deserved to,” he said, grabbing my hand in and placing it in his. “You have every right to be mad at me for wanting to close things off with Rae.”

“I’m not mad, Mitchell,” I sighed. “I’m scared that you’ll take her back.”

“How could I do that? I’m with my best friend and the one person I love,” he smiled at me.

My heart froze. We had been saying we loved each other forever.

“Do you mean in love when you say you love me?” I asked.

He nodded. “Of course I do. I have been for a while.”

“Even with Rae?”

“Even with Rae,” he assured me.

“Why didn’t we tell each other sooner?”

“Obviously I was with Rae for a while and you had your small flings here and there.”

“O-oh yeah. I guess they were okay,” I said, pushing my bangs out of my face with my free hand.

He looked at me, and then to his house. “I should probably go.”

“U-uh a-alright,” I stuttered.

He kissed me again and let my hand go. “Goodnight Addaleigh.”

I watched his moves carefully. “Goodnight Mitchell.”

We grinned at each other and then he got out, walking slowly to his house. He attempted to not look back and I tried to not look as he went inside. I tried harder to stare at my purse on the floor than look at him. I looked up as he walked into his house and waved at me. I waved back and then drove back home.
♠ ♠ ♠
I thought you guys waited long enough for this story.
I had a lot of trouble.
I wasn't sure what to do after Kyle and Haylei left so I stopped for a couple days.

Then I didn't have any inspiration like I usually do, so I had a friend help me.

She gave the advice to use Rae a little more instead of completely kill her off.

May update soon!
sorry for the writers block!
