Live Lava Addaleigh


Mitchell and I wandered from Macy's into Pac Sun. He went to his side and I went to look on the womens' side. I wandered around looking at all the hoodies and t-shirts, as well as the skinny jeans. I needed a new pair, but I didn't want to buy anything. Definitely not with Mitchell. He might want me to buy the whole store for him.

I was standing in front of a big display. I thought Mitchell was looking through some shirts on the guys' side but I was completely wrong. When I turned away from the big display of jeans, I ran right into him. My arms somehow found their way around his stomach and my head found its place on his chest. He looked down at me and somehow wrapped his arms around me. He never did this just because he was with Rae.

Now that he was single, he was all over me. I looked around and pulled out of his grip. He reached for my hand and held it. I looked back and smiled.

"Gonna follow me around all the girly stores?" I giggled.

He shot a look at me and then smiled. "Wherever my Addaleigh goes is where I go."

I was HIS Addaleigh?

I looked around and flushed bright red, brighter than when he kissed my cheek earlier that day. We walked towards the front of the store, hand-in-hand, and walked towards another store. It didn't matter which, as long as we made our way to the ice cream at the end.

It hit. He loved me. Mitchell Davis LOVED Addaleigh Parker. I looked at him and then down at the floor. I didn't mind holding his hand. I didn't mind the hugs, or the kisses for that fact. I minded that he loved me and wouldn't say anything.

I remembered. I told him not to. I looked back up to the surroundings. I just stared off into the distance. My mind wandered into my life with Mitchell. All those years growing up together, spending the nights in his room with him snuggled against his warm body to keep me comfort, and even going through hell and back with Rae for me. I shook my head from the thoughts.

Mitchell looked over at me. "What's wrong, Adda?" he spoke with soft words.

"Nothing, just thinking. You know me, the thinker," I said so unlike me.

He chuckled at me and then went back to walking with me. He spotted something so random -- a gumball machine. He dragged me behind him as he ran towards it, pushing kids out of the way. He let go of my hand and stuck it in his pocket, digging around for two quarters. He pulled them out and stuck one in the machine twisting the knob. I was just laughing at him. He was always so cute when he did this stuff. When he retrieved the gumball, he handed it to me. My favorite flavor -- watermelon. He repeated his steps from before to get his gumball. When it was all said and done, he grabbed my hand back in his and didn't let me go for the rest of the walk around the mall.


An hour later, our feet were killing us, Mitchell was holding two bags -- one from a game store and another with a couple v-necks -- and I was holding a bag with three graphic tees and a new purse. We stopped holding hands a long time ago. I was kind of devastated because I loved every moment of it.

I walked a little ways in front of Mitchell to try and beat him to the ice cream place in the food court. It wasn't working out because he was catching up to me and catching onto what I was trying to get at. He passed me and was basically at a dead run towards the counter. I smiled and let him win. As long as it made him happy.

When I got to the counter, he was waiting for me to order. I walked up and placed my order for the usual -- cookie dough with Oreo crumbled on top. I took Mitchell's bags and went to sit down at a table while he waited for our ice cream. The whole time, we looked at each other. He kept making funny faces and making me laugh.

When the lady handed my ice cream over, he grabbed it and was at a dead run towards me with it.

Oh Mitchell, if only you could see how much I really love you, I thought.

He sat down beside me and slid me my ice cream. We smiled at each other and continued to eat our ice cream. It was silent. We always ate in silence, I realized. He was such a quiet guy, but I loved him for who he was.

I stopped eating my ice cream for a minute and stuck my spoon in it. I looked up at him.

"Having a good day, I presume," I said.

"Sure am. Best day of my life. With my best friend Adda. How much more could I ask for?" He smiled at me.

I wanted to kiss him...

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i'm on an updating spree.
i may or may not write another chapter.

i'm thinkinggggggg.