Live Lava Addaleigh


I knew Mitchell was watching me over the movie. He had to; he was worried I would have another nightmare. If I did, he was right there. I didn't have to run away from my house again to his.

The dream rolled onwards.

I was playing on the slide at the park when all of a sudden Haylei and Mitchell both came down the slide. Rae followed Mitchell. I glared at her. She was being all lovey-dovey to him, making me jealous. I rolled my eyes.

"What's wrong?" asked Haylei.

"Rae. I'm so tired of her following us. Can't she get a life of her own and just leave my best friend alone? Really, it's like he is with her because she stalks him," I growled, walking towards the swings with Haylei on my tail.

We sat on the swings and watched the drama on the slide. Mitchell got up and walked away from Rae, who seemed to be crying. He was walking towards us. Our eyes locked on and Mitchell was hauling ass to get to me. When he finally got to me, he got down to my level staring straight into my eyes, our faces moving closer and closer...

I woke up. Mitchell was moving too much. That's why I felt like I was swinging; he was continually moving. I growled at him and he chuckled.

"What? Can't take a little movement?" he grinned.

I rolled my eyes and yawned, watching the television screen. I hated this movie, but I watched it for him. It was one of his all time favorites. Mitchell yawned and continued to move to find a comfy spot. I was still really warm and all this movement was making me too hot. I pushed the blankets back and rested my arms outside of the blanket. He followed my actions and grabbed my hand and held it. I was blushing like mad.

The end of the movie was near and I just wanted to lay in his bed and talk or listen to some music that he had. His iTunes had a bigger playlist than I though would ever see.

I looked up at him from where my head was positioned on his shoulder. He looked at me and I swore we were going to kiss. I wanted to know if it was me, but then again, I didn't. He yawned at me and broke the moment. I giggled at him.

"Cover your mouth," I said, tiredly.

He playfully pushed me off of his side. "Make me, Mom!" he chuckled.

"FINE, NAUGHTY BOYS GO TO BED!" I yelled at him. I got up and moved towards his bed, putting one hand on my hip and the other was being used to point at his bed. He got up, grabbing the pillows. He threw one at me, knocking me out of balance. He hurried and turned the television off as I threw the pillow back at him. He smiled and threw the one he used as a shield. I was basically leaning up against the wall now, my only support. We were laughing hysterically.

I pushed up off the wall and put his pillow on the bed. He threw the one he was holding back on the bed, as well. We walked closer together and then just stood in front of each other. I stood there holding my hands on my back, smiling at him.

"Naughty boy going to go to sleep now?" I grinned.

He shook his head. His brown hair was flying every direction. When he got done, his bangs were on the wrong side of his head. I pushed them back over and smiled.

"Please? For Adda?" I asked.

He sighed, situated his pillows, and laid down. I went to where we had been laying moments ago and picked up his blankets. I made a pile closer to his bed and then walked back, starting to cover him up. I finished with the big quilt and dove under the covers with him. He reached over me and turned the lamp off. We snuggled close and then he started talking.

"I know you want to know who it is, Addaleigh," he smirked.

"I do, but I don't," I sighed. "If I know, then I'll probably get mad at your choice. If I don't know, that won't happen."

His arms snaked around me, sending electric shocks everywhere. I shivered and he pulled me closer. His smell was amazing. It was sweet and manly, all at the same time. Kind of like vanilla with a twist. It was extremely intoxicating and made me sleepy again.

"Well no worries, I won't tell you until you are desperately begging at my feet," he chuckled and I glared at him.

"As if, you wish that would happen."

"I do, but I don't. I respect our friendship."

I rolled my eyes and then yawned. "And you wish that was true, too."

"Oh maaan, you got me! I'm lying left and right," he said sarcastically.

"Now you're just pushing it, Mitchell," I laughed.

"I am, aren't I? Well I don't care."

A smile played at his lips and then we both busted out laughing.

I was wrapped around his finger and he was finally getting wrapped around mine. Just like in my dreams.
♠ ♠ ♠
wow. i wrote the first couple of paragraphs last night and the rest in the last hour. another update should be coming soon.


ps; comments please!