The Songs of Leslie Orange

Not much is known about the underground superstar; nineteen-year old Leslie Orange. No one is sure where she came from, or even where she's going. The only thing that anyone is certain is that she has a story to tell, and a song to sing. She doesn't need much; just her heart, words, and acoustic guitar.
  1. Don't You Worry about My Broken Heart
    "Don't You Worry about My Broken Heart", written by Aleksandr (SmartAleks18.)
  2. Mikel the Tired Boy
    "Mikel the Tired Boy", written by Aleksandr (SmartAleks18).
  3. Smack!
    "Smack!", written by Aleksandr (SmartAleks18).
  4. Greyhound, Greyhound
    "Greyhound, Greyhound" written by Aleksandr (SmartAleks18).
  5. Behind the Scratched Plastic
    "Behind the Scratched Plastic", written by Aleksandr (SmartAleks18).
  6. Just One World
    "Just One World", written by Marisa (Marisa).
  7. Waiting
    "Waiting", by Sian (Angelus.).
  8. Hotel California
    "Hotel California", by Aleksandr (SmartAleks18).
  9. Press to Record
    "Press to Record", written by Aleksandr (SmartAleks18).
  10. Accessed Denied
    "Access Denied", written by Aleksandr (SmartAleks19).
  11. Adobe City
    "Adobe City", written by Aleksandr (SmartAleks19).