
Chapter 1

My name is Elizabeth and I am not what you think I am. I am something magical yet beast-like. It all happened in 1993. I was just born. My parents were... Special. My mom was a Pusher and my dad was a Mover. I became this weird hybrid. Part pusher part mover. But the powers didn't’t stop there. I also became part shifter and then part watcher. Then, when I was 12 I was bestowed the gift of a Sniff. The reason I think I was given these extra powers was because of the testing they did on my mom before she conceived me. But being a hybrid people from the division want me for testing like my mom. My dad had a friend who was the daughter of the greatest watcher on earth. She helped my mom escape from the division. If you don’t know what a watcher or any of these powers I am talking about then let me tell you.

Mover: People able to move inanment objects with their mind(A.K.A. Telekinesis).
Pusher: Able to put thoughts in your mind which never happened.
Shifter: Able to bend the light to create allusions for a period of time.
Watcher: Able to see glimpses of the past, present, and future.
Bleeder: Able to make the targets blood vessels bleed with a super sonic scream.
Sniff: Able to track someone if they sniffed a piece of something with their sent.
Stitcher: Able to stitch someone’s anatomy back together.
Shadow: Able to hide a person from a Sniff if the person is a close distance.
Wiper: Able to erase any memory of a person.
Speeder: Able to run at speeds no human can run and able to get to their destinations in a matter of seconds. They are always accompanied with a strength of 1500 times their weight after their first two months and can heal in a matter of seconds(like wolverine).

They have my parents as we speak. Now I am in the care of the girl I told you about. Her name is Riley. Remember the daughter of the greatest watcher on earth? Well, then she was 10. Now she is 30 and my mentor. She helped me go through the stage of my parents getting caught. She is like my second mom. She is helping me stay low so division can’t find us. She is also helping me become as great as a watcher as her mom. We are now moving to Forks, Washington from Tokyo, Japan. I don’t think they would dare look in Forks. So we are safe for the time being. Right now we are in California’s border.

“Couple more hours. Okay, Hun.” Riley soothed. She turned the on the radio and put Earth, Wind, and Fire’s Shining Star.
“Okay, Riley.”
Then something happened.
Glimpse of Future
It was dark. I could hear people talking.
“Edward, please listen. I am sorry but I never did really love you. I just wanted to feel loved. I really am sorry. Can we still be friends?” The voice sounded like a female voice. “Really Bella. Really? I don’t know why you did it to me. You had all the other guys drooling over you. You better leave before I do something I will regret.” The voice I am guessing was Edward’s. Then I heard crying and the piter-patter of feet running away. End of the glimpse of the future

“Riley, I just had a vision. But it had nothing to do with us.” I told Riley in alarm.
“I know Hun. I had the same one.” “But how? Can that happen?” “I don’t know how but I just happened so I’m guessing that Edward boy is going to be in our future. But for now lets stop thinking about it and just sleep. When we get there I’ll wake you up.” “Okay, Ri.” That night I had the weirdest dream.
The Dream
“Mommy, mommy, where are you?” I said as I walked into this chamber filled with sick people and injections beside them filled with a greenish fluid. But there were other people injecting the sick the shot. After the injection the monitor that was before beeping consistently in a rhythm took one long beep before they unplugged the person from the machine and took them away from the world. But their was one that instead of beeping one long beep and being taken and hid from the world started beeping in that rhythmic beeping again. All the people who I suppose were doctors all stared at the woman like she was a Greek goddess was in deep rest then awoke in a time of great need. She indeed looked like a wonderful goddess and a lot like my mom. Wait she was my mother. She gripped the man who injected her and snatched the other injection and injected the man. He came spiraling to the ground. My mother unplugged her self.
“Stop her. She survived the injection. Close down all the doorways. Now!” But their was a glass ball dragging its way to the last door and entered it before it closed all the way. My mom made it. “Lizzy, Lizzy, Lizzy.”

End of Dream
“Lizzy Wake up. We’re here!” Riley whispered. “I’m up. I’m up.” I replied. I woke to see this house little house painted purple and the door Orange. “Riley, I know this is random but were was I born?” I asked for no reason. “You were born in Orlando, Florida. When your parents went on a trip to Disney. You were born on their way to Animal Kingdom.” Oh. I had to admit that was awesome. “OK, lets start unpacking.” After a hour of unpacking we were finally eating dinner. “So what are we gonna do? Am I going to school? Or do I pretend to be a High School drop out?” I questioned her. “You are going to school and I am going to work. We need money and you need an education. We will be staying here long enough for you to finish school. Well, Hope fully.” “So what is our last name going to be?” “Rose. You will be Elizabeth Rose. I will be Riley Rose. OK?” “OK. So what do we do now?” “Sleep. Tomorrow I will sign you up for school. Then the day after tomorrow you will go to Forks High. So go to sleep. We have a long week a head of us.” “Night, Riley” “Night, Liz.” Then we went to our rooms and dosed off to dreams filled with how we want life to be. That was the only time of the day we could be at our own world and the realty that we are in doesn't’t exist till the morning.

The Next Day
“Riley, Wake up. We have to get going. COME ON RILEY. LETS GO.” I screamed into Riley’s ear. “I’m up, I’m up. Okay.” “Finally! Sleepy head. We have to get going. Japanese money won’t last us long. So lets get a Job already. And enroll me in school already. Oh, and do you have the fake birth certificate or do I have to make one?” “Shit, I forgot do you mind making one? Oh and we need an adoption paper so they don’t take you away again.” “No I don’t mind but I hope they last for the time we are here.” “They will. They only check them if you get hurt at school. Oh that reminds me we need to have a Stitch on speed dial.” “Why?” I was confused. “If you get hurt we can’t go to the hospital or the division might find us.” “Riley, I have a better idea I can just push her into thinking she already has the papers. And if any one asks I will push them into thinking it was a lie.” “Fine. We’ll go with your idea because it will save us some time and maybe you could start school today?” “Fine I will start school today.” “Okay lets go.”

At the School
As I entered the school there were kids who were staring at us. But I ignored them as I entered the office. The office was empty except for a few people and the lady behind the wooden desk. The office smelled of like a damp forest. The town we were in was always raining so that could be the case. The lady behind the desk was petite and in her late 30’s. Her hair was platinum blond. She wore thin glasses and was wearing a yellow shirt and a green coat that you were supposed to button one button in the middle. “Good morning. How may I help you?” The office lady said with out looking up from the top of her desk. Everyone else that was in the room left for class. Now we were the only people her besides her. “Hi, I am here to enroll my daughter here.” Riley said politely. “What grade?” “Junior.” “I need her birth certificate and if she was adopted I need the papers for that to.” Now she was looking up at me. Time for action. She was looking in my eyes and now I was pushing her. “Remember, you have the papers. And I am so sorry about your brother.” “Oh, yes. But I don’t have a brother.” “Yes you do. I am sorry he was murdered. Well we will all remember him.” She started weeping. It worked. “I...miss.....him....sssooo.... much! Why did he die.”
“I think you should go home. It is not right for you to work during this ruff time. Oh but before you go may you please give me my schedule and call someone to help me around the school?” “Oh yes. Here you go wait just one moment.” She grabbed the phone punched in some numbers and started talking. “Mr. Kornberg will you please send Edward to the office. It is nothing bad. I just need him to help me with a new student. Okay, Thank you. Edward....will...be....here....in a moment. Okay, sweetie,” “Okay Thank You so much. And I am so very sorry to here about your brother. He was actually a very goo d friend of my dad.” “Thank..” But she was cut off by the door opening. “Yes, Mrs. Newman,” “Oh Edward will you take Mrs. I am sorry I never caught your name.” “Elizabeth Rose.” “Mrs. Rose around the school. She is a new student.” “Of course.” His voice rang a bell. No, it couldn't’t be the Edward from my vision. But I wasn't’t that surprised. If you were like me you wouldn't’t be surprised. I looked at Riley. She gave me a be careful look. I nodded. What was with this guy. I have to find out. What if he was from division. I haven’t looked at him yet but I bet he is a weird-o. I finally look up and see a boy with pale, pale, pale skin. Brown messy hair and red eyes. Wait, Red eyes. What? I knew he would be a freak. I knew it. But besides that he was utterly handsome. But to me he had some flaws. First, I think he has anger management if not he thinks he is all that because he is a handsome man and thinks he is a player. “OK, Lets get going. Riley, talk to you at lunch?” “Of course Liz.” “Okay bye.” “Bye” I started walking towards the door when Edward tugged on my arm. I pulled back because his body was bloody cold. “Wrong way.” “Sorry.” He looked annoyed. What crawled up his ass? Gosh, I think I might push him off a cliff. That was funny. I didn't’t mean it to be funny be it was because I was a push and me pushing him off a cliff. I never noticed everyone staring at me. “Why are you laughing?” Edward asked with that stupid annoyed expression. “None of your business, noisy.” I said a little annoyed. Did I mention I had a short temper. Well, I do. He is on my bad list and that is not a good place to start with me. Because if you do you will probably end up dead by bleeders. I am not kidding around. It happened before. “Lead the way, Edward.” He went the direction he came in through. I followed at my own pace just to piss him off. If you have never done that to a guy then you haven’t lived. It is so fun. They get all pissed off and you laugh because they look like their constipated. But they can’t do anything about it because they become an jackass if they do. “Well, can you hurry up?” “No, I like taking my time.” “Fine you’re the one getting lost.” Since I was behind him I started repeating what he said with my hand and then he looked back and I hid my hand. He had that look that said Stop-it-or-else. I wasn't’t afraid of him because I have seen scarier things in my life. Trust me, he is like a bunny compared to the things that I have seen.
“Okay, okay. I’ll stop if you stop being a jackass.” Oops! That was not supposed to come out. “What!?!? A jackass? So I am the Jackass, Mrs. Bitch!” “What?!?! I was not the one with an annoyed look on my face and making rude comments to a new girl when I just needed help. So I wouldn't’t be talking, Mr. Ass.”

“I’m sorry.” Wait, did he just say sorry? Let me see.

“What? Did you just say sorry?”

“Yes, my girlfriend dumped me saying she never loved me. She ‘wanted to feel loved’” He did that quotation mark thing with his hand.

“I’m sorry. Would you like to talk about it?”

“No, but Thank you for the offer”

“No problem.”

“But may I asked why you call your mom Riley?”

“Um.. She is not really my mom.” “Oh, what happened to your parents?”

“Um...” Think Liz think. How you tell him the truth without the Powers and division thing. “They were taken away from me. Riley is like my second mom.” “Oh, well I am very sorry.” “Thank You.” “OK so this door to your left is the science lab, to your right is the Library, then up ahead is the Gym and then the cafeteria. So what class do you have now?” “Um. Let me see. Trig. You?” “Trig.” I didn't’t notice until now that his eyes turned golden-sh. “Um I was just wondering if you have Sib's?” Again curiosity got the better of me. “Yes.” “May I names, personality and descriptions?” “Alice, has pixie cut hairstyle, is very odd and straight forward. Rosalie, has blond long hair, is well if she doesn't’t like you she’ll tell you. Emmett, very muscular and bear like, is looks mean but very nice and competitive. Emmett is dating Rosalie. Jasper, looks like he is in pain, curly hair and is not very social. Well, none of us are social but you seem different then the other people here. Your not afraid to stand up for yourself. Other girls would just well listen to me because they think I would just date them and in their dreams marry them.” “Aw. Thank You.” I put my hand on my face and pretended their was a tear. “Ha ha. Very funny.” He said sarcastically. “I know. Wait. Why are your Sib's dating?” “We aren't’t really related. We were all adopted.” “Oh, cool. I think.” I said. I started smiling. I started looking like I was all that. Then one of us said this: “I am really sorry about this but for your own safety you should stay away from me.”
(I will not tell you who said it till the next chapter.)
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this is what she sent me i still have more to go! keep up with the comments
Read a Edward Cullen love story called The Ran Man