
Chapter 2

“I am really sorry about this but for your own safety you should stay away from me.” I said.

I knew I shouldn't’t make friends because of division. But I forgot about about it. He is so nice and that is why I should stay away from him. I did not want him to become like my parents. Captured by division. I just couldn't’t do it. I just met him and I already have feelings for him. This is bad.

“That is exactly what I was going to say to you.” Edward whispered surprised.

“Why?” He asked.

“I can’t tell you. You would think I was crazy. Not kidding. Wait! Why were you going to tell me that exact same thing?”

“Same thing you said.”

“Just try me. I trust you yours is not as bad as mine. You would never talk to me again.”

“I don’t know? If you promise to not think I am crazy or tell any one meet me after school.”

“Okay, I will tell you my secret after school to. Now that reminds me we should head to trig.”

“Sure thing.”

During Class before lunch
I was in English and I had this vision.
“Edward, I don’t think you should do this. How can you trust her?” A blond girl that I suppose was Rosalie whispered.

“Yeah, Edward you don’t even know her how can you tell her? What if she is from the Volturi trying to find out what happened to Bella?” Emmett whispered but with such anger in his words you would think daggers were shooting out of his mouth.

“Don’t worry. Elizabeth is safe. She won’t tell a soul.” Alice spoke.

Wait how does she know? Is she a watcher? I don’t think so. I guess we’ll have to find out.

“But Edward she is not telling you what she is, yet. She is not ready but you will find out soon enough. Don’t worry. Tell her today or you will never see her again. And I think you’you've fell for her.”
End of Vision

That was very weird. But.. ‘RING’

“Alright class. Homework is page. 21 in the textbook except for you Elizabeth.”
Yes I pushed all my Teachers not to give me homework. I didn't’t need this right now. I have a long week ahead of me remember. So no homework today!! Yippee! Now of to my house. I was already there. That was strange. I go to the front door. I opened the door and Riley left a note.

Dear Liz,
Sorry but I can’t go to lunch with you this week. My job allows me my lunch break from 11-12 am. I know it sucks but Hun that's the only job I could find. But remember, We always have dinner. See you later.
P.s. You have a new power. You are also a Speeder. We will talk later. Be home by 9:30. LOVE YOU.

“Well, I guess of to the cafeteria. Woo- Woo! Food that would give you food poison.”

In a blink of an eye I was in front of the school. At least no one was there watching. I am very grateful of that. After walking a while I finally found my way to the cafeteria. I sat by myself. Then I saw Edward and Alice walking to me. Uh-Oh.

“Hi!” Alice said with a smile that started from her left ear and ended at her right.

“I’m Alice.”

“Hi, I’m..” I was cut off by Alice.

“Elizabeth. Edward has talked a lot about you.” I started blushing.

Edward was talking about me. Wow. “Really, What has he been saying about me?”

“He’s been saying” but she was cut off by Edward putting his hand over her mouth.

“That not important. What is important is if you are coming or not?”


“Are you telling me your secret?”

“Eventually, if I see you are trust worthy.”

“fouw uoi” Alice tried to say.

“What?” Me and Edward said in union.

Alice got out of Edward’s grip and said

“Told You.”

“Told you what?” I asked but already knowing.



“Okay, so see you after school.”

“See You.”

After School
“Hey Edward.” I said.

“Hey Liz. I hope you are ready to call me crazy.” He said sarcastically.

“Ha ha ha.”

I am still thinking I should tell him about me.

All I hope is that he isn't’t from division. Really, really, really hope.

“Okay. Were are we going?” 

“The forest over there.”

The forest. I am kinda afraid he is a rapist. No, stop putting those thoughts in your head. While I was rambling to myself we were heading to the forest. Okay it is now or never! We reached the middle of the forest.

“Okay, now you must swear not to tell anybody that doesn't’t already know.”

“Fine!” I said a little annoyed.

“Okay, ready! I am a..... Vampire!”

“Really? Prove it!”


I blinked and he was gone. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw him behind me. I blinked again and he was by a dead tree. He picked the tree up and through it to another tree breaking them both in half. That, I had to admit, was awesome!

“Okay, I am taking a big risked showing you this but you told me your secret so I’ll tell you mine. Um... I am a special being. I mean born special. My mom and dad are special to. My mom was captured a tested on before she had me. I have the ability of telekinesis,” I said in a rush.

I showed him by moving the tree half he broke and mentally moved it next to him.

“I can also push thoughts into your head that was either never yours or never existed. Remember Mrs. Newman today. Well, you know why she was crying?”

“Yes, her brother died. I have one more thing to say before you finish.”


“I can read minds. Every ones mind......” I cut him off

“Everyone’s mind? Including mines?” Oh darn that is embarrassing.

“No. That is I can read everyone’s mind but yours. You are very lucky, you have personal space unlike others.”

“Wait. If you can read minds, can other people in your ‘special’ family read minds or do other things extra ordinary?”

“You’re fast. Um... Yes. Alice can see in the future depending on the persons choice. Jasper can control someone’s emotions.”

“At least I am not the only one who has the power of seeing the future.” I whispered knowing that he could hear.

“You can?” He asked puzzled.

“Yep! I have other powers, too! But we have names for the powers people are born with.
Mover: People able to move inanimate objects with their mind(A.K.A. Telekinesis).
Pusher: Able to put thoughts in your mind which never happened.
Shifter: Able to bend the light to create allusions for a period of time.
Watcher: Able to see glimpses of the past, present, and future.
Bleeder: Able to make the targets blood vessels bleed with a super sonic scream.
Sniff: Able to track someone if they sniffed a piece of something with their sent.
Stitcher: Able to stitch someone’s anatomy back together.
Shadow: Able to hide a person from a Sniff if the person is a close distance.
Wiper: Able to erase any memory of a person.
Speeder: Able to run at speeds no human can run and able to get to their destinations in a matter of seconds. They are always accompanied with a strength of 1500 times their weight after their first two months. I am a Mover, Pusher, Shifter, Watcher, Sniff, and Speeder. I think I might get all those powers because I am the first Hybrid. I just got the Speeder power. I mean right at lunch.” I said as fast as I could.

“So let me get this straight. You are a hybrid. Why are you a hybrid?” He asked a little confused which made him look cute.

“I am a hybrid because of the test they did on my mom. Before you continue with your questions I have a confession. You know when you and your girlfriend broke up? Well, I saw it on my way here. I sorry but if I could actually control it I wouldn't’t have seen it. I mean it. Now I must tell you something important. There is this place called Division that are after me so they can do tests on me. That is the reason I could be your friend. I didn't’t think that you were an actual mythical creature. And I am just happy I am not the only one ‘Special’ because now I can at least be friends with somebody.”

“It is okay, but do you mind going with me to my house so you can show my family. Mot to make you feel like a circus freak or anything. Just so we can actually see we are not the only different beings in this world.”
♠ ♠ ♠
OK another chapter by the first Aurthur! still more to go! keep up with the comments!
Read a Edward Cullen love story called The Ran Man