Insanity Called Life

The Beginning

“Ash honey if you don’t leave now you’re going to be late for the concert!” Sighing softly to myself I pull my hair from my eyes. There was nothing I loathed more than our school’s choral concerts, but being a member of the elite singers otherwise known as the Show Choir I had no choice. I had to go! I adjust my newly bought Vengeance U tee checking myself in the mirror once more before leaving the room. At least this choral concert I was allowed to wear whatever I please. I grab my purse and gym bag at the bottom of the stairs.

“Bye Mom!” I yell before leaving the house. Once in my car I lean my head back on to the seat. Reaching over into the glove box, I pull out a pack of Marlboro Red before starting the engine of my car Once out of the driveway, I light a cigarette taking the sweet toxic fumes into my lungs. Pushing the button on the steering wheel, the radio begins to blast The Diary by Hollywood Undead. Making a turn, I get even closer the that dreaded place most call the high school. The music is soon mixed with the tune of , laughing to myself putting out my cigarette pulling my phone from my jean pocket. “Hey Mara!”

“Where are you? You are late!” the voice of my friend, Mara, yells.

“I’m at the stop sign, I’ll be there in two minutes flat. Okay!” laughing as I return my cell back to my pocket as I turn into the school parking lot. I grab the gym bag and the pan of brownies, I had placed in the car earlier, before climbing out and closing the door with my hip. Clipping the keys to my belt loop, I walk to the gym. Expecting the normal choral concert; never expecting what was to happen.
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Sorry so short, but just the beginning! I have many things planned for this story. I really can't wait for you to read them!
Character Pic
Ashleigh Mason

Vengeance U tee