Insanity Called Life

There is No Way

“It took you long enough!” Mara states as you walk through the doors of A building.

“Sorry, I was trying to finish Angels & Demons and lost track of time. I didn’t find out what time it was until about twenty minutes ago.” Laughing as I place the brownies on one of the numerous tables filled with desserts.

“You know we read too much!” Mara states obviously.

“You know I can’t resist a good plot. And reading is one of the reasons we are so intelligent.” I turn to look out of one of the doors. “What kind of mood is the Queen Bee in?” grimacing slightly as I think about Mrs. Bandel, the music teacher.

“Is she ever in a good mood the night of a choral concert?” Mara laughs rolling her eyes.

“So the same old, same old.” I groan walking as slow as possible into the gym. “I don’t want to be here.”

“Neither do I, but do we have any choice in the matter. And why are you wearing heels. Are you seriously trying to kill yourself?” Mara proclaims gesturing to my choice in shoes.

“No, I thought they were cute. I haven’t fallen today!” I laugh as I about trip over my own two feet. “Spoke too soon. But they’re actually comfortable. You should see the ones that I’m wearing with the dress I have to change into. Those are awesome.” bragging about my newest pair of shoes in my collection. “Like you have any room to talk. Look at what you’re wearing.” gesturing to her choice in attire.

Shrugging her shoulders before looking herself over once. “Lizzy! We have to practice, hurry up!” Sarah yells at me.

“I’ll talk to you in a bit.” I tell Mara before walking off to Sarah.

“What’s up, girl! Where have you been?” Sarah laughs as I join the group of Show Choir girls.

“Losing track of time. I’m only five minutes late.” I smile trying to excuse my tardiness.

“Well you are lucky she hasn’t noticed it yet.” Megan laughs pointing towards Mrs. Bandel working with a group of guys. Well more like yelling at a group of guys.

“Yeah, very lucky! How do you think we are going to do?” I ask changing the subject sitting on the bleachers.

“Okay, the same old. It’s as if we could be bad! We are the Show Choir!” Megan exclaims making the group erupt in laughter.

“Yes, we are fantabulous! And the world should know it! You know I wish one of these concerts could be interesting. But that’s likes wishing on a falling star, nothing will ever happen here.” I sigh letting myself fall into the crack between the bleachers.

“Just think about it this way once we are done here we only have four more performances this year. Then no more, summer is here!” Megan cheers throwing her fist into the air in celebration.

“I know. I wish it come sooner. Then finally senior year!” I squeal softly.

“Girls, come over here!” Mrs. Bandel motions us over to join the group of guys. “No goofing off tonight. I mean it too. You have a reputation to keep.” Droning off into her usual speech of how important and spectacular we are as a group of musicians.

“You know she says that too much.” Ted states turning toward me.

“I know, but its because we are wonderful!” I exclaim stressing the word wonderful. “I’d love to have something interesting happen here!”

“Like that would ever happen!” Ted voices rolling his eyes turning back to the front. Sighing to myself I close my eyes. Too bad this is so boring I want something to happen!
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It's really awesome that with one chapter I've already gotten seventeen readers and seven subscribers!! Thanks to a venom for commenting!
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Skittles and hugs for all
Character Pics
Mara Volcan
