Insanity Called Life

All Hell Breaks Loose

As though it couldn’t have any sooner the show finally starts. I sit on the bleachers watching the mixed ensemble classes start their first song. All to go along with the theme of the concert, which consisted of rock through the ages. “Wow do you think she could have made them do anything more ridiculous.” Ted voices, gesturing to the dance the assembly of our fellow students were doing in front of us, bringing me out of my thoughts.

“Yes, but I’m extremely glad she didn’t though. I would have died of embarrassment for them.” I laugh covering my face overdramatically.

“I’m sure you would!” Ted soon joins in laughing with me. Our talking soon fades out into a comfortable silence. That’s what I loved about Ted not everything had to be uncomfortable.

Was she trying to make them look as if they were making an exercise video instead of dancing. Laughing slightly at my own thoughts, I earn a few weird stares. I just respond by sticking out my tongue. I mean if Anastasia can do it so can I! I love that cartoon movie! Smiling to myself at that thought to not receive anymore looks.

“Now I would like to welcome up the Show Choir.” Mrs. Bandel says pointing at the entire group of us on the bleachers, earning applause from the audience instead of just a few here and there. Standing up, Ted by my side, I begin my walk down the steps.

“Good luck!” Mara states sarcastically and laughs as we pass.

“Yeah, if there was a such thing we wouldn’t need it.” I exclaim laughing at my own comment as I make my way to the center of the floor. Yes and that how we were. Show Choir and the regular classes had some kind of stupid rivalry started before my parents were even thought of. Something about how Show Choir is favored over any other class. And I have to say its true, but only because we work harder.

Letting my eyes wander around the gym. I glance at many of the different faces inside it. Many I had seen before, whereas others I had never seen. Trying not to allow myself get nervous; I concentrate on slowing my pounding heart. As many times I had performed as a member of the Show Choir, I still get as nervous as my first time.

Soon, my concentration is soon set on the doors of the gym as they swing open. In walks a group of guys keeping my attention. I stare intensely at the tattoos colorfully littering their arms. Fiercely searching my brain for clues signifying the reason I knew those men. Then out of nowhere, it hit me like a car.

There is no possible way! I think trying to control myself. Oh my God! I must be dreaming! There is no way this could happen in real life. My head continues to scream. Trying to focus on the main mission at hand, I continue to firmly brace myself to where I’m standing slowly but surely losing my battle of self-control.

“Do you mind? We are trying to conduct something here.” Mrs. Bandel growls causing my eyes to widen immensely.

“Does she know who she’s yelling at?” I whisper excitedly, turning to Ted.

“No! I don’t even know who she’s yelling at.” Ted states giving me one of his infamous looks.

“I do!” I squeal stomping my foot causing my self to succeed in falling for the first time tonight.

“Ashleigh, are you okay?” Mrs. Bandel asks bring all attention to me as Ted and Sarah grab my arms pulling me up from my spot on the floor.

“Yes! I’m fine.” I reply looking down at my feet, thanking god that falling in front of people no longer embarrasses me. Oh my shiva, can I not make a bigger fucking idiot of myself I began to curse my klutziness on the inside, only groaning in misery on the outside keeping my gaze on the floor.

“Come on, Lizzy, we have to get in our groups.” Ted and Sarah pull on my arms, forcing my gaze to be removed from my feet. While being practically dragged to my spot, I let my gaze move around once again. I allow my gaze to linger on the group of guys. “I really wish I hadn’t fallen.” I whine taking my spot not only in the front, but in front of them.

Trying as unconsciously as possible I try to get Mara’s attention. Sighing softly to myself realizing it’s a hopeless cause, I turn and catch a glimpse of green eyes skimming over me. I try to pay attention to Mrs. Bandel tugging slightly on my shirt as a nervous habit.

“Lizzy, put on a smile.” Megan nudges me as I forcefully place a smile on my face. Closing my eyes as the music begins, taking in a deep breath, I begin to sing. Slowly then moving slightly in my place along with the music. I open my eyes looking around as the group begins to dance.

Before too long it seemed like there was no one in the world, except me was in the room. Finally entering my comfort zone. The group begins to walk forward and back, moving my feet I continue to just ignore the people around me. Walking forward once more, I slip and fall.
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Hey another update! Sorry about the delay, but I was writing and planning on my other story, Hatred surrounds Us, if you haven't read it please check it out. I also realized you guys have no clue what a couple of the characters look like so I here are their pictures!
Thanks to a Venom, You.Found.Me, and perfectionist326 for commenting.
Comments = Faster Updates!!!
Love, Peace, & Hair Gease I'm Out!