How Ridiculous Were We?


There was a soft knock on the bathroom door and me and Nick immediately broke apart.

"Bridge, can we talk? I'm sorry"Came through the door.

I jumped up off the floor and Nick looked surprised at my reaction and he got up too.

I opened the door to come face to face with John. He looked so sad and it instantly made me sad.

"Can we please talk?"He asked softly and then I saw his eyes wander behind me at Nick who was just standing there.

"Yeah, sure"I said softly and John extended his hand out to me and I took it.

I looked at Nick giving him the we'll-talk-later look and followed John.

We walked to the back, the bunk area, where no one was.

"Look Bridget, for starters, I'm sorry beyond belief. I shouldn't have even brought up the fact of us sleeping together. I'm really sorry. That was a dick move."

"John, I never said I didn't want to be friends. I want to be friends forever"I said quietly.

"I'm really sorry Bridge. Its just it seems like you don't need me as much as you always have anymore."

"Ill always need you no matter what. Your the only one I can cry to on the phone for hours"

"I'm sorry. I just snapped. I guess I just always want you to want me"

"Stop saying you're sorry, I guess all this was as much my fault as yours. John I really don't want us to fall apart."

"Me either Bridge, I love you"He said as he pulled me into a hug. We just stood there for a while hugging ever so tightly. I love his hugs. All I thought about while we were hugging was how badly I was going to make sure me and John never got in a fight again. A few times a certain redhead popped into my head. But not in a good way. As much as I really liked Nick, I realized John was more important. He was always there for me. No matter what.

What would happen with me and Nick anyway. Actually a better question is what is going on between me and Nick? I mean I made it clear to him that we couldn't date, but after that, we still made out.

"Promise to be my bestest friend forever?"I asked John as I looked up at him and he looked down at me with a warm smile.

"Forever and always" He said as he kissed my for head and I smiled up at him

~~~~The Next day~~~~~

"Bee can we talk?"

"Sure Nick, ill be right back"I said to John as I let go of his hand and walked away with Nick.

We walked to the side of the stage and Nick instantly started talking"Are we not going to hangout anymore?"

"Why would you ask that?"

"Well since yesterday in the bathroom, we haven't talked nothing. You just basically walk by me. Bridget just tell me what you're thinking. I mean if you want to be with John, just tell me so I don't have to worry and think you hate me"

"Nick, we arnt dating"I said quietly.

"I know"He said with a sigh "But that doesn't mean I don't like you. You know, to tell you the truth, I wish we had never kissed. Now I'm literally going insane. I cant stop thinking about you. At first I wasn't even sure I liked you, but after we kissed I realized I do, way more then I can handle. And like I told you the first time we really talked. I date girls for a long time. I'm not a short relationship type of guy. And what we are, which is basically nothing, is making me crazy. Then I thought about how you said you basically don't date for more then three days, and I thought, why waste my time on you? And then it hit me, its because you're the only girl I can actually talk to. You make me feel comfortable and I love the vibe you give. I don't even know what I'm saying or where I'm going with this"

"Nick, you're complicating things"I whined

"I'm complicating things? How?"He asked amazed

"Stop talking about 'us' I'm attempting to put all this behind me and make the most out of this tour with my best friend"

"Wow. I finally see what you meant about finding it hard to like someone after a day. Its happening now isn't it?"He asked his tone strong "You don't like me. Way to play with my heart and head" He said with a thats ridiculous laugh.

"No, I'm completely not over you. I like you as much as yesterday, its just I'm giving all my attention to John. I'm not ruining a friendship that means the world to me. Its John who is always there when I need him."

"You have got to be fucking kidding"He said shaking his head

"What now Nick?"I whined

"You want him"He said simply still shaking his head

"I do not!"

"Yes you do Bee!"

"No I don't!"

"Prove it!"

Taking him by complete shock, I kissed him. Hard on the lips. It took him about half a second to kiss me back. He put his hands on my hips pulling me closer into him.

Then I put my hands on his chest and pushed him away. "Way to out in the open. I really don't want any rumors" I said as Nick sighed and then I looked around to make sure no one was anywhere around us.

"Yeah I guess. So what, do we have like a secret relationship?"

"No, we arnt dating."

"What are we then? Friends with benefits?"

"Yeah, sure, I guess."I mumbled. I hate friends with benefits. But what was a better way to describe me and Nick?


"Hey Eric"I smiled as he walked up to me and Nick.

"Wanna go and watch the bands with me?"He asked generously with a smile

"Of course"I smiled back and linked my arm through his.

"Ill catch up with you later Nick"I giggled as Eric tickled my side.

"Yeah"He mumbled. He looked mad.

God what have I gotten myself into? I liked the way Nick was before we were, well, before we became friends with benefits...Actually, come to think of, he was the same way. He would mumble and get a drastic change in his mood when ever I was with Eric. I was a little scared though. I didn't like Nick half as much as he seemed to like me...
God, I can never just like a guy, like really really like a guy. There is something wrong with me.

But the saddest thing of all is I don't think Nick is going to be the guy that changes my little bad relationship status. I'm not lets say, head over heels for him.


"God John, can you suck anymore?"I laughed as he was playing beerpong and terribly losing. Well not terribly, but he wasn't winning. Technically it wasn't his fault. It was all Max.

"Thanks for the support Bridge"He mumbled with a drunken smile that caused me to laugh.

"Bridge, come have some shots with me"Pat slurred. I just laughed. Tonight was just a fun night. It was a bus party. Well party's. As in all the buses were parked and ongoing party's were happening on all of them.

"Pat, I hate drinking. So no"I laughed.

"Garrett!"Pat shouted across the room to Garrett and then ran over to him and I just laughed.

"Hey John"I said as I calmed down

"Huh?"He asked as he turned to me

"I'm gonna get some fresh air" I smiled

"Want me to come with?"He slurred.

"Nah, thats okay. Ill be right back"I didn't really want the company of a drunk man.

"Alright"He said and then went back to his game.

I walked off the bus with much difficulty. I had to shove A LOT of people out of my way.

As soon as I stepped of the bus, I breathed in the fresh air, loving it over the alcohol aroma.

"Its much better out here"I heard and I slightly jumped. I then looked to my left and saw Nick leaning against the bus casually.

"What are you doing out here?"I asked as I walked a few feet so I was standing in front of him.

"Just hanging out."He shrugged"Not in the partying mood I guess" He said as I looked around to see a few people off the buses partying outside.

"Me either. the smell of alcohol actually gets to me. Thats why I'm out here. Mmm fresh air"

"Wow, you left Johns side?" Nick asked jokingly.

"Shut up"I said and playfully hit him in the shoulder.

Me and Nick just smiled at each other and then I yawned and he chuckled."Tired?"

"Arnt I always?" I smiled.

"Yeah, me too. Tour tour tour"He said as he jokingly shook his head.

"Nicky, lets go lay down somewhere"I said as I yawned again.

"Well, we have two options"He began" First option, the ground, second option, my van"

"Ill go with the Rocket van"I snickered and and smiled as he pushed himself off the bus and grabbed my hand as he walked and pulled me along with him.

"Gosh Nick, slow down"I laughed as I tried to keep step with him as he pulled me along.

He just laughed and slowed down "Better?"

"Mhmm"I said as I started swinging our laced hands back and forth.

After the long walk to Nicks van, which was probably around 10 minutes due to the fact we fooled around the whole way there. I very sadly attempted to trip him and just ended up falling myself, but Nick caught me before I completely hit the ground

"You're so cute"He laughed as he steadied me and made sure my feet were planted on the ground firmly.

"Yeah, whatever"I mumbled.

"Awe you're even cuter when you're embarrassed"He laughed

"Nick stop"I whined

"Alright I'm sorry"He said as he planted a soft kiss on my cheek and it made me smile.

"I hope you know we are having one of our famous talks tonight"I said as this time I dragged him to the van that was a few feet away

"Those are always fun, especially when you get to cuddle" He chuckled and I smacked him in the chest with the hand he wasn't holding and it made him laugh even harder.
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I loveeee to know what people think
of the storyyyyy