How Ridiculous Were We?


"I'm sorry? Didn't you hear I wanted to be alone?"

"Yes, you are stubborn, and a tad rude. But thats okay"

"God, I'm sick of people telling me what I am"I said with a sigh and just sat down in the sand.

"What do you mean? I mean I'm sorry if I offended you? I guess that was mean of me to say considering I just met you earlier today"

"No, its not really you"I said simply and he sat down next to me.

"Go on"He encouraged

"You don't want to hear my problems, I mean we did just meet"I said with a little smile in his direction. He gave me a little smile back. "Its getting dark"I examined. I could still see Nicks face pretty clearly though.

"So, tell me about people telling you what you are" He said and I guess he really wanted to hear

"I guess I'm abnormal or something along those lines"I mumbled and he laughed.

I looked at him like why-are-you-laughing

"I'm sorry, but how are you not normal?"He said as he stopped laughing

"Just the things that bother me I guess"I said looking away from him and down at the white sand.

"What bothers you?"

"Lier's, When I have to repeat myself, the color purple, green apples, Knee high socks, Obvious flirting,or flirting in general-"And then he cut me off


"Out of everything that bothers me you question that one?"I asked with a little laugh

"I'm sorry, but I'm pretty sure I have seen like half these guys flirt with you today"

"Yeah, I know, Ive seen it too"I said rolling my eyes.

"How does that bother you?" He asked amazed

"I don't know, like I hate it when they think what they say is cute, but I just want to roll my eyes, but you know I cant because then ill feel like a jackass. I mean its not like the person is being mean"

"You're talking about Halvo arnt you?"Nick asked with a little laugh

"Hey! I didn't say his name"I said and playfully hit Nick in the shoulder.

"Yeah, but I'm pretty sure I heard the whole you look cute in the light of the fire or something like that"Nick said smiling at me and I couldn't help but laugh

"Eric's nice though"I responded

"Yeah, which is why you should give him a shot"

"Give him a shot? He probably doesn't like me. I mean guys flirt."

"No, Eric's my friend, he thinks you're cute"Nick said and this time he playfully hit me in the shoulder,

"So, a guy thinks I'm cute. I'm not going to date him cuz he thinks I'm cute. Seriously?"

"Well thats a sign he likes you"

"Well I don't care if he likes me quite frankly"I said matter-of-factly

"Thats harsh"

"No, I'm not good in relationships. Like I don't really date that often. And when I do, it lasts like 3 days tops"

"Why is that?"

"I have absolutely no idea. I think there's something wrong with me. I mean like the first day I just want to be with the guy 24/7 then the next day its like why am I dating him?"

"Its not that hard to stay with a person"Nick said with a light laugh

"Yeah well if you don't like them then there is no point."

"Maybe you'll grow to like Halvo"

"You're really trying to set me up with him"

"He seems to take an interest in you"

"Its been a day!"

"Yeah whatever"He said looking away from me.

"I cant believe I was actually even talking to you about my love life"

"I make people comfortable. Its part of my charm"He said jokingly.

"Yeah, some charm"I said playfully rolling my eyes and looking away from him."So tell me something about yourself, I don't want to feel like a complete loser telling you only about my ridiculous life"

"As in dating life?"

"Sure. I think we passed our awkward stage when you helped me with the gum and flipflop"I said with a chuckle.

"Yes, nothings going to top that, great way to meet huh?"

"Oh, just perfect"I said laughing.

"Okay, so well,I guess I'm the complete opposite of you in the dating subject"

"Go on"I said as I turned so I was completely facing him

"Well when I date a girl, its for a long period, like 2 years was my longest, about a month was my shortest, and I absolutely love when girls flirt with me. Its cute"

"Such a guy"I said shaking my head

"Hey, and thats perfectly fine"He said with a smile.

"Okay, its getting extremely dark now"I said as I didn't realize before how much it had gotten darker.

"Yeah, we should get back. Only if you want though. I mean I like the darkness"

"You could go back"I said with a giggle"I'm going to stay and lay and watch the beautiful stars as I listen to the water."

"thats sounds kindoff fun"he chuckled.

"So I take it you're staying?"

"Why not?"He asked laughing.

After that, that was the last words we exchanged with one another. We both just layed back in the sand and stared up at the sky lost in thought.

It was nice and peaceful.

"What are you thinking about?"Nick asked after that forever of silence.

"How do you know I'm thinking about something? I could just have a clear mind gazing at the stars"I said smiling to myself.

"Well, usually when its quiet, people are thinking about something, something really random, like I was thinking about Strawberry ice cream" And that caused me to laugh.

"Why is that funny?"He asked as he turned his head so he was facing me and I turned so I was facing him and I basically only saw the outline of his face due to the darkness, but I could tell he was smiling.

"Who thinks about Strawberry ice cream when they're star gazing?"I asked giggling

"Well who doesn't think about anything when they're star gazing?"

"I never said I wasn't thinking about anything, I just like to keep my thoughts personal. I mean they are MY thoughts. If I want you to know what I'm thinking, ill speak out loud instead of thinking it to myself"

"I have a lot to figure out about you" He said smiling at me.

"There's nothing to figure out"I said as I turned away from him and looked back up.

"You are different"

"Hey!"I said as I sat up and then he sat up right after me.

"I don't mean it in a bad way"He reassured me

"Thats what you say to me now, but as soon as your alone with your friends, you'll go ' that chick is so weird'"I said laughing right after the little impersonation I attempted to make of his voice.

"I do not sound like that!"He said with a laugh"and no really, your fun to talk to, you're a surprise"


"I can never expect what you're going to say next. its refreshing. Your unpredictable. Yeah thats a good way to put it"

"Ive never been told that"I said thinking about what he said. I thought I was a normal 19 year old teenage girl that did everything everyone expected.

"I think we're starting a beautiful friendship Bridget"

"Oh okay"I said with a laugh and rolled my eyes.

"So as a friend, I think you should give Halvo a shot"

"Fuck you Nick"I said and stood up. He stood up too"Lets get back to the party"I said brushing away the subject of Eric. I didn't want to date him. I liked him, as a friend. The sad thing is if he really liked me, I wouldn't have the heart to completely shoot him down.

"Yeah sure"He said and we started walking down the beach and started playing the would you rather game. Nick was like John. Someone that I could talk to for hours and not get bored. Maybe we really would become good friends.
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Comment and ill update.
the next chapter is personally
my favorite so far i guess..
So comment and ill post it:)