Sequel: Into My Arms

Turn Right

Is It Even Possible?

Rachael’s POV

Christmas passed and so did new years. I sang at the Christmas tree lighting, at the Christmas parade here in California and in Time Square on new years and I shared the stage with Nick, Joe, Kevin and Stevie Wonder at the Grammys! I met the Stevie Wonder! It was unbelievable. My new replacement manager is Erica. Anna said she loved the school in Europe and I was over excited about her taking directing classes…and even though she’d be back in just a few weeks, the thought of her not coming back scared me. Erica was a great manager but she was no Anna. I couldn’t tell her things I would tell Anna…and she was really strict sometimes. There would be no way in hell you could win a fight with her…same way with Anna but with Anna it was different. With Erica it was like trying to win a court case against a really good lawyer…with Anna, it was just like a debate…that you had no say in. Anna always made sure I was happy with what I was doing…but lately…I haven’t been so happy. She has been discussing with other companies, talking about a different music route to take…and I haven’t liked it much…shes been getting me a lot of offers to guest star in other tv shows though…she almost got me an audition for my own show…but the studio didn’t like her too much so they wouldn’t let her even get my name out there.

The newest tv show I’ll be guest staring in is Gossip Girl and I’m really excited…I’m always excited when I guest star on tv shows…but I haven’t been happy about it lately because Erica has been watching what I eat. She thinks I should be skinnier than what I already am. I’m a size four in dresses and jeans and yet she wants me to be skinnier. She has cut off all my connection with Demi, Selena, Miley…more importantly…Nick. I barely have any time at all to just text him…and now I’m not even finishing up the last bit of tutoring with him which I am not happy about one bit. I’m lucky, I even got to get my license with Nick there waiting for me. Anna just better get her butt back here A.S.A.P.

“Rachael! We have a photo shoot we have to be at for your new album that we have to start recording today!” Erica called up to me.

“Coming!” I called back. “Mom, I’m going out now!” I yelled.

“Okay! I have to go to Seattle for a few nights for filming, I’ll be back maybe in a few hours, I’ll text you” she said as she kissed my cheek and was out the door.

I almost had tears run down my cheek. What happened to my mother? But Erica pulled me out the door.

We got in the car and the driver hit the road. I listened to my voice mail I had. “Hey Rea it’s me, it’s 1:30 in the morning and we just finished a concert but I figured you’d be busy later on today so I just wanted to say Happy Valentines Day, love you,” Nick’s voice whisper flew through my ear.

I was just about to call him back…but I was dragged out of the car and into the building. I was put into a dressing room right away and I got my first outfit on as my makeup was being touched up. I walked out and was led to the big room and the photo shoot began. I switched into multiple outfits and took a lot of pictures with different posses. After a few last pictures, I wondered into the hallway and leaned onto the wall as I felt light headed. I felt mi phone vibrate n when I saw he screen, I saw nick had called multiple was already 2:00 in the Afternoon I still haven't gotten the chance to call my boyfriend on valentines day.

The photo shoot went smoothly, I changed outfits multiple times and my pictures were taken. Usually I try to have fun with it and the people working around me but today, I just had no energy at all. After that, we left for the recording studio.

We got there and I was starving but was pushed into the room right away. I finally got a break and ran to the bathroom and threw up. I definitely had to let Erica know. Once I cleaned up and popped a lot of gum in my mouth, I walked back out and there, standing in the hallway was mister Nick Jonas, himself. I was smiling brightly...until I saw the look on his face. He looked up at me and I walked over to him.

"Hey there," I said. "What are you doing here?"

"It's the only way I was able to get in touch with you," he said and I didn't like his tone very much. "Erica told me you haven't been feeling well today...are you alright?" he asked and even though I could tell it was a serious question, I still knew he was upset.

"I'm fine," I replied but he saw through it. "Why wouldn’t I be alright?” I asked.

“I don’t know, you tell me"

"I don't have time for your games Nicholas, Erica is going to kill me if I'm not back soon..."

"I don't care" he snapped. "I don't even care if she kills me too...we need to talk," he said with all seriousness and I knew whatever it was really bothering him.

I waited patiently for him to begin. He did. "You’ve been acting so different lately…I know we rarely see each other because we’re both so busy but this is just ridiculous,” he said.

“Nick you know I’ve been stressed! I’m sorry if I cant spend every minute with you,” I snapped.

“That’s not even what I’m asking for Rachael! I understand if you’re busy, we’re both busy, but whatever happened to texting? And all of my un-answered phone calls, I’ve called you, ya know? Multiple times”

“Yes Nick I know but…”

“No Rach you don’t know. Ever since Anna went to Europe, things have been different, you’ve been different…when do you ever take orders? I've seen Erica talk to you before..."

"She’s my manager while Anna is in Europe!..."

"So what? When have you ever listened without your consent? It's different with Anna, you and I both know that, and I thought you were just being nice and understandable the first couple weeks but it's just gotten worse..."

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said as I crossed my arms across my stomach.

"Okay I'll explain...Erica gives you these orders and you obey them the way Elvis obeys me! You don't give your say anymore and you don't speak your mind anymore...where did that all go? Those are just two of the many things I loved about were never afraid to speak your mind, give ideas to what you wanted to do...not what anyone else wanted you to do...and why have you lost so much weight? Don't think I haven't noticed cause I've noticed"

"It's for my episode in gossip girl," I admitted quietly. He stared at me with eyes that told me it wasn't me who he saw...

“Look, I really don’t need this right now…I have to get back in there, you’re more than welcome to stay of course but I don’t need you being like this right now,” I said and pushed passed him.

Just a few minutes ago I was over excited just at the thought of seeing him…now? Not so much. I was expecting him to leave…but he didn’t…he followed…opened the door for me…I ignored him. He watched as I recorded two more songs. He saw Erica argue with the man and tell me what I was doing wrong. He had enough…and walked out.

As Erica continued to debate what I was going to do next with the recording guy, I turned my back so it was facing all them and I started crying. What’s happening to me? I need a break. I was done too…I walked out of the room. I continued walking down the hallway to get out of the building and I called Nick.

“Yea,” he responded with a bad tone.

“I said I had to get back in there and finish up, I never said we were done talking,” I said in a demanding tone.

“Well I was,” was all he said.

“Nick…” I started but he interrupted.

“Rachael you don’t even know how you’ve changed…” he was about to go on a big rant
again…I knew it…so I cut him off.

“Nick I cant do this now! I don’t need this! Just stop okay!” I yelled. “Just shut up for a minute!” I added.

I was about to say more but my eyes saw the face of a man. I heard my heart beat in my ears. “I’m going to have to call you back,” I concluded and hung up without hearing his response.

The man I was looking at, looked up from the ground as he leaned on his expensive car…and I knew who he was…he was my father. “Dad,” I whispered.


She hung up on me! I cant believe she did that! She tells me to shut up then she hangs up. I really needed to talk to her and I know we haven’t had the time lately but still! Shes been acting really different lately…and I wanted to know why. I was home right now, sitting in my car, not sure of what to do. I know I haven’t heard the end of that conversation though. I don’t understand any of this. This isn’t the Rachael I know…the one I grew up to know…the one I fell in love with. Maybe I’ve changed too…I just haven’t realized it…maybe it would be time for a good break. I know Rachael doesn’t like opening up sometimes and telling people her problems or her feelings…but I think it’s time she came out and said them…and when she does, I want to be the one there for her.

I don’t know how long it was until I noticed it was getting kind of dark out. I got out of my car and saw Rachael pull up in front of the house. I though about multiple ways to make a break for it there was no point in running though because I was going to hear it one way or another…plus, she would most likely catch up and pin me down…and I don’t really want a picture of that happening in any magazines.

“Like I said…we weren’t done,” was all she said as she got in front of me and crossed her arms.

“I’m sorry but I remember you hanging up on me…and I have nothing else to say,” was all I said…standing my ground.

I took a minute to analyze her. She was as skinny as anything. It wasn’t disturbing…yet…but it still wasn’t her. Her light brown hair wasn’t shining the way it does when the sun hits it and her bright blue eyes I loved…weren’t bright…they were dull…and tired…and in pain.

“Well I don’t either…I don’t even know what to say Nick, people change, it’s part of life and part of growing up…”

“Yes I know people change and people grow up, but your change is neither of those, its made you different on the inside and out

“Maybe I’ve just realized who I really am…and if you don’t like it maybe we have a problem here then,” she said coldly…it was in that ‘maybe we should break up then’ tone that girls have…but I wasn’t having it.

“Rachael I love you and I care about you so much, I’d do anything for you, that’s why I’m telling you, this isn't you Rachael…" I said gently and her expression softened.

“Think about it…have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately? You’re not the same Rachael, you once were,” I finished and saw her expression changed again…I said something I shouldn’t have.

“Yea, actually I have looked at myself in the mirror lately but I don’t look at myself 24/7, I’m sorry I cant be like Miley,” she snapped and I know she didn’t mean it by her expression.

Miley isn’t that bad…but the fact that she compared herself to Miley and brought her up, kind of stung. She knows I don’t compare her to Miley…

“I never wanted you to be like Miley! If you were like Miley maybe I would’ve stayed with her instead…or maybe I would’ve broken up with you a long time ago!” I snapped.

“Ugh!” she complained as she threw her hands into the air and turned around. “You’re impossible you know that?!” she snapped as she started walking away.

“What? No good night kiss?!" I asked sarcastically.

She stopped in her tracks and laughed without humor. “Kiss this,” she said, spinning around as her hand collided with my cheek and it stung as I took a step to the side to keep my balance.

“Good night Nicholas,” she said as she went for her car and drove off, leaving me there, rubbing my cheek in shock.

De ja vu…it’s the same exact thing that happened on our first Valentines Day together. That’s why she laughed first, before smacking me.

I screamed up to the sky in frustration. Is it even possible to be around her on Valentines Day?
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