Against Father Time

Chapter three

I promise I’ll explain everything later. Call me, okay? 555-0102
Or if you feel like dropping by, I’m over at Hemingway ave. near Lexus.


I can’t believe this guy would trust someone he barely knew. Oh well, he was hot, and that’s good enough for me. HAH, maybe I’ll even kidnap him and make him my slave for all eternity.

I shrug then head to my next class.

Despite all my boring subjects, time seemed to go by quicker than usual. Either my dad wasn’t messing with time, although I highly doubt it, or because my mind was occupied by one thing, and one thing only. Joe.

Something in the very back of my head was this thought of having known Joe before today. It’s like I’ve known him for some time, I just couldn’t remember. And I’m sure I’d remember someone like him. My thoughts were interrupted by someone tapping my shoulder. I look to my right to see a freshly manicured nail tapping my shoulder. Ugh. I hate Amber Emry. She could get away with anything and everything. Probably because she has wads of cash because her mom is none other than the tooth fairy. The tooth fairy practically just waves her freakishly pink wand and cash appears.

“What?” I growl.

“Ugh. Don’t you ever smile? No wonder you don’t have a boyfriend.” She smirked “Anyway, since you’re tight with the new guy, even though you’re obviously not his type, can you give him this?” she gave me a silver lined envelope that said “you’re invited”.

“Sure. Whatever.” I turned my back to her. She tapped me again. SHEESH, why won’t she leave me alone?

“What now?” I said, not bothering to turn back.
“Do you think he’ll be in the full moon ball?”

The full moon ball’s a party for the “mythological people”. My parents host one every year, it’s sort f like a reunion.

“Huh? Why would he be there?” I ask dumbly.

“Gosh, you are SO dumb. His last name’s Frost… As in Jack Frost. Duh. ” she replied.

I was too dumbfounded to reply. Of course! That’s why I remember him. But wait, why didn’t he just tell me? I really have to have a word with that boy. Oi.


I’ve been waiting for Joe for exactly 37.5 minutes. I’ve been going through what I wanted to ask or say for when he get’s here. An hour passes by and still no Joe. An hour turns into two hours. Okay, this was getting annoying. I wait a few more minutes until I decide to go home. I am so pissed off.

Driving my cherry red prius always makes me feel better. I stop by Starbucks to blow off some steam and who do I see there? Joe, of course. I was in the middle of deciding whether I should just find another Starbucks or buy my drink then get out of there quickly- when I see Amber sidling up beside him.

Of course! How dumb was I to think that a guy like Joe would actually want to talk to me? I hate to admit it, but Amber was right. I start up my prius and head home, hell I’ll make my own coffee.
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