Against Father Time

Chapter four

“Honey, wake up! The ball starts in four hours and you still have to get ready!” my mom says.

I grunt. I’m tired and not in the mood. Plus, it was warm in my bed, why would I want to get out of that?

“Get up lazy but” she actually starts pocking my but, do you know how annoying that is? “Get up or I’ll get your brothers to carry you and dunk you in the pool” she mused.

My mother is so caring, isn’t she? She should get a prize.

“Alright! I’ll get up mother. If any of those dorks enter my room, their heads will be decorating the walkway.” I mumble as she scuttles out of a room.

I walk into my bathroom to find a wardrobe already laid out for me. Thank you mother. Blood red strapless Vera Wang gown with lace trims and black sash, black chandelier earrings, and a choice of either black stilettos with gold accents or the Cesare Paciotti strappy black stilettos.

Downstairs, a party was raging. My parents greet guest after guest, a fake smile plastered on their all too perfect faces.

As always, I’m late for the party. Even if it’s in my own house. I rock.


Oh god, I know that voice. That high pitched voice was none other than Mother Nature. She was wearing this fantastic olive green Oscar dela renta corset and a floor length skirt to match, and these gorgeous woven BCBG stilettos. I hate the woman but she’s got a sense of style, you have to admit.

“Mother nature!” I say, putting on a fake smile “how nice to see you!”

“Same to you my dear” she smiled “you’ve grown up so much.” And with that, she gulped down the last of her drink –which was obviously hard gin, and left me.

I go around greeting people when I accidentally bump into HIM. My cheeks instantly flush and turned to the color of very ripe cherries. I hate myself, I’m so obvious.

“Mel” he smiled “Hi.”

“Hi” I managed to choke out

“Look, we need to talk” he said as he held my hands. I wanted it to stay like this but I was still pretty mad at him. So I did what any self respecting girl would do. I slapped him. Like those highly exaggerated slaps from tele novellas.

Just kidding.

I ran away before I did anything I would regret later on.


Thank God for creating the great outdoors. I sit in my tree house pondering. Thinking about nothing in particular. Yes I have a tree house and yes I climbed a tree while wearing a very expensive dress. I hear someone climbing up the stairs to my hideaway

“Tree house is occupied!” I announce.

A head pokes into the tree house entrance. Humph. Why does he keep finding me? How does he keep finding me?

“I know” he sighed “looking for you is HARD. Mother Nature had to force the trees to tell her where you were for crying out loud.”

I sat there dumbfounded. You can do that???

“oh” was all I said. The next thing I know, he sidles up next to me and plants his but on one of the cushions.

“I still remember this place” he closed his eyes and faced me “remember? We built it.”

I shook my head. I couldn’t remember anything that had to do with Joe Frost. As in nothing. NADA. FINITO.

“Yeah, I’m not surprised.” He said “listen, I have to explain. Just hear me out okay?” he was still looking at me with those pleading eyes… Those cute pleading puppy dog eyes. Damn it, why does it feel like I’m drowning whenever I look into his eyes?

When I stayed silent he sighed and took my hand in his “please hear me out melly bear” this time he wasn’t looking at me.

Okay, how in the world did that name ring a bell? I mean, I can recall someone calling me that when I was younger, I just don’t know who.

“The reason I didn’t show up in the parking lot was because my dad picked me up after school. He talked to me. He wants me to run the family business up in the Alps. And when my dad wants to talk, you can’t refuse. Well unless you want to turn into an icicle. I don’t think you know my father and-”

“Oh I know very well who he is” I interrupted “why didn’t you tell me this sooner? Like at the lunch table?”

“I can’t discuss these things in public. You should know that.” He said. He was still holding my hand, which had this odd cold and hot sensation.

“But I saw you in Starbucks with Amber” I continued.

“Yeah I was there, I wanted to get a quick drink but she was bombarding me with questions. Believe me it was very uncomfortable” He said.

“Yeah sure it was” I mumble. He ignored my comment and continued.

“You really don’t remember me do you?” he let go of my hand and stared at the floor.

It was my turn to look at him. “Look, I don’t mean this. I don’t mean forgetting all the things you and I did before. But you have to understand that this is my fault. I really don’t remember you” I said.

“I think I know why” he said with downcast eyes. “You and I were best friends since birth. Our dads were as close as we were. And when my dad told your dad about our move, your dad thought that it would be really bad for you if you knew that I left. So he made you forget, so you didn’t have to go through with the pain.” He moved closer to me when he saw me shiver. “The only reason I remember all this is because I begged your dad not to make me forget. The memories were too valuable to me melly bear.”

At this point he started to tear up. Never have I seen a guy as gorgeous as him tear up. EVER. I hugged him and he hugged me back. We stayed like that for a while before Mother Nature blew us a message.

“Kiddos time for diner. Come on over here now”

We sighed and made our way down the tree house. Walking hand in hand, we made our way to the banquet hall. All throughout diner, Amber shot daggers at me with her eyes. This was fun, seeing the tables turned – I, an average, had the full attention of the most gorgeous guy ever.

I was staring at Joe, not really anything he was saying. I think he said something about the twilight cast.

“Wait, Edward and Bella are real?” I asked.

“Yeah totally! I had lunch with them two days before I left” he said, looking me down. I was about to believe him when he cracked up.

“You should have seen your face!” he laughed. He had this very contagious laugh that soon had me laughing as well.

“You jerk!” I managed to choke out.

After diner, we spend every single waking moment catching up with each other’s life. He tried his best to tell me about our past, all the torture I’ve done to him and other such things. We were having such a great time when Amber came up to us. She stared running her fingers through Joe’s hair. He was still wondering what the hell she was doing to him when she said

“Joey, I’m leaving in a few. Why don’t we go outside for a while?” she betted her freakishly long lashes at him. Her lips are over glossed, seriously.

“Um, Amber… Melly and I are talking so if you don’t mind” he said, shooing her away.

Aw, the slut princess’ pride was hurt! This night was awesome.

I waved goodbye to her and I got the finger in return. That girl has issues.
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see? I told you the chapters would get longer! :P

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