Wolf of the Night

Chapter 1

Winter. My favorite season. Until now. My stomach growls at me for having not fed in three days. If it had a voice it would be saying “Feed me now Luna!” Its not my fault that I am to tired to hunt anymore. For three whole days, I’ve searched the mountains and valley for elk or deer or even a tiny mouse. Something to ease this pain in my stomach. It feels colder than usual, probably because I don’t have any warm meat in me to keep me warm. I spot a nice spot to rest, under a low hanging spruce tree. As I do the tradional circle two times then lay down with my bushy tail covering my nose to keep my nose from getting cold. I make a mental note that next time I want to go for a run in the cold winter woods of Montana, that I should bring a buddy along so there would be another who could go off hunting while I rested. The only other shape shifter that I can stand to be around is Edward, and that’s because we are soul mates and meant to be together. The only reason he isn’t here with me right now, by my side, is because he is having a meeting with the Elders: Valena, Farqual, and Daruis. He should be here with me again by tomorrow, I wonder what the Elders had to talk to him about that was so important. Oh well, its probably nothing to worry about. I start to drift off to sleep as snow begins to fall and cover my black wolf coat and the ground with a blanket of soft white snow. The last thing I saw before I drifted off to sleep was the blazing sun fall behind the trees.


When I awoke, it was dark out, and since I was covered with a blanket of snow I was a lot warmer. I lay, unmoving, looking out into the clearing of the snow coverd field, into the woods on the other side. I knew it was time to head back home, but I was so tired and warm, that I didn’t want to move. Very slowly I lifted up my powerful head and looked around to make sure everything was safe. I stood up and stretched, my joints had stiffened from laying in the cold all night. As I turned to leave from my shelter I caught the scent of something to ease the pain in my gut.

Deer. I scanned the horizon and saw on the other side of the field, on the edge of the tree line, a herd of White-tailed deer; about 5 of them. I crept out from underneath the tree and stalked across the field to another low hanging tree. It looked like they planned on crossing the field, so…. I waited. Thanks to my patience, I was rewarded with proof to my theory.
The herd started to cross the field, and what was even better was that they wre heading in my direction. Oh, such luck, things were finally working out for me, now I was going to get a good meal before my trip back home. I croutched as low as I could in the shadows of the tree. As they closed in on my hiding spot, my muscles tensed, and my mouth began to water. As they came ever so closer, I scanned the herd to find the weakest one, it truly must be my lucky day.
There in the very back of the herd there was a doe with a injured leg, it was limping badly. A perfect victim. They began to pass the tree, and as the stragler passed the tree I jumped out from my hiding spot and pounced on the doe. I latched my powerful jaws on to her thoart and crushed her windpipe with one bite. She called out to the rest of the herd for help as I held her down, but it was to late. The herd had already fled for thir own safety.
After a few moments, she ceased to struggle and lay motionless in the snow. I released my grip on her thoart and her head dropped with a soft thud. I began my dinner by ripping the gut open, and then ate the vital organs and the warm meat to defrost my muscles and to cease the pain in my gut. After I finished eating my fill, I went back to my recent hiding spot and layed there to rest after such a big meal. After a moments rest I set out on my journey back home. The sun was just starting to rise above the trees to reveal a snow covered world. I stopped at a creek to refresh myself before moving on. I crossed the creek to continue my journey. I began to have a strange feeling that I swas being watched and I continued at a jog, searching for any sound, with my sensitive ears that the stalker may make.
There, I heard the sound of a twig snapping. I stopped and turned…nothing. This was strange, who could be following me….maybe it was Edward. Yes, he would do something like this, just to mess with me, it would be hard for me to see him since he had a snow-white fur coat and his beautiful blue eyes, and compared to my midnight black fur and amber eyes and I stuck out like a sore thumb in this snow. There it was again, the faint sound of a persuer. This time I didn’t turn I just sped up. I suddenly stopped to surprise him.
I turned and scanned the trees, then whinned. I watched and waited, nothing, so I sat on my huanches and whinned once more. There he was, laying in the snow, perfectly still. The only reason why I saw him was because he twitched when I whinned. He never could resist running to my side to see what the matter was when I whinned. He knew I had seen him, he sighed deeply and stood up to walk over to me. I stood and wagged my tail, he wagged his and trotted to my side. We touched noses which was our way of kissing in wolf form. I turned back to the path heading home and Edward followed. We trotted all the way home side by side. We took a few breaks along the way, even catching a few rabbits along the way to keep the pain of hunger away.
The trip home was a lot more enjoyable then when I journeyed away from home. Mainly because Edward was with me and because I didn’t go hungry. When we finally go home we changed back into our human forms. It had been 3 days since I’d seen Edward in his human form, I’ve missed seeing him in this form. With his chocolate brown hair and medium spikey locks. Even though his dragon tattoo on his right cheek made him look tough he was truly a sweetheart. The way his blue eyes sparkled when he saw me brought a slight blush to my cheeks. He turned and looked at me and held my stare until I final looked away, with my cheeks blazing with embarssment. Edward smiled and warpped his arms around me and kissed me. Ever since that day we met I’ve tried to figure out what it is that attracted Edward to me. I wasn’t beautiful, I have straight waist length brown hair and my hazel brown eyes. I’m not skinny but I'm not fat either, I ‘m just right. I try not to think about his reasons to much cause that’s just to much thinking for my simple mind to handle.
Edward finally released me and stood by my side as we walked to our room, with his arm still around my waist. We each took a bath and changed into our pjs. There really wasn’t much to Edward’s pjs all he wore was his boxers to bed. I, or course, wore a baggy shirt and baggy pants. We climbed into bed and shut the lights off. I was so tired from traveling that I quickly began to fall asleep. As I began to loose conciousness I felt Edward warp his arms around my waist and pull me close to him so that I could feel the warmth of his half naked body. I smiled and drifted off to sleep.
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Did you like? I hope so, well this story is based on me and my boyfriend except I changed the way he looked so my friends wouldnt know when they read my story :)